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Offensive Behaviour at Football Act cave in.


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If Greens vote to repeal this and side with the Tories & Labour to vote down SNP Gov it would a massive tactical blunder

I don't think the greens would get very far promoting restrictions on freedom of speech like that to be honest.

In the grand scheme of things it's an irrelevant bit of legislation, possibly used by the other parties to trip the SNP up, knowing the greens would never support it.

Edited by sparky88
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Hopefully the Greens will see this as political opportunism. Both the Tories and SLab spoke about the priorities During the election campaign; do they genuinely believe that this is a priority?

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If you are pandering to the OO I would suggest yes.

I'm not sure the greens, or the lib dems for that matter,are pandering to the orange order- one of those parties alone could carry the vote for the SNP. Similarly I'm sure there are SNP msps like John Mason being kept in line over this issue.
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Both the Tories and Labour have courted the Orange vote though, especially in Glasgow. The Libs probably view this as a chance to create a little mischief as well as the greens, you could argue it's also a warning shot to the SNP not to treat the parly as their own which is how we have treated it for the last few years. Back to consensus politics which isn't a bad thing.

It was a suck it and see law IMO, it's time to go back to the drawing board and try again.

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Hopefully the Greens will see this as political opportunism. Both the Tories and SLab spoke about the priorities During the election campaign; do they genuinely believe that this is a priority?

Its a priority in the same way stopping the Tories passing legislation to bring fox hunting legislation in E&W in line with Scotland was for the SNP.Nothing much to do with the legislation, but to play politics, knowing the Greens stance. Edited by sparky88
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The SNP would be up for reform of the Bill. To scrap it altogether would be a mistake and the Greens should stay well away from any involvement.

Agreed, the SNP proposals should be just one element of reforms to tackle sectarianism.
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Everybody is tagging this to the OO and Rangers .... again ... yawn.

The people to thank gettong this sorted, and it pains me to admit, is celt*c. Look here http://fansagainstcriminalisation.com/ and along with the guys from this movement that went to the parliament and told the SNP to GTF wae their stupid laws. Take my hat off to yees on this one.

To the rest, it affects EVERYONE. Not just OF. Look at the reports around Scotland. The quicker we get rid of these SNP morons from our lives the better.

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