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Offensive Behaviour at Football Act cave in.


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rangers fans are **** end of story. Actually end of my replies to you, just another brain dead bigot from a wee made-up country


I'm looking forward to the explanation to that one.

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On the issue of football song/chants then yes. You are absolutely right. Where, "Scottish laws on what is and isn't culturally acceptable SHOULD trump local laws thousands of miles from Scotland" is in the area of sex tourism and I'm perfectly happy for the arm of Police Scotland to bring some folk to book.

OK so it's off topic but a healthy corrective to the notion we can 'do anything abroad' may be useful.

Would it not be the case that the kind of thing you're referring to ( i assume we're talking about paedophilia) is illegal in other countries, but the local authorities aren't doing anything about it?

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No we don't - but then it's almost impossible to agree with what's sectarian and what isn't.


Not even P&B can agree on the simple issue of acceptable and criminal when it comes to our song book.


Typical bigot obfuscation. No-one knows what is and what isn't sectarian, it's too hard to decide, we bigots can't agree so you can't criticise.


Not even P&B a collection of the fans of at least 42 different clubs can agree on something :lol: . That is diabetic piss-weak from you, I know you are capable of better, but I don't expect it from you anymore. When was your first drink of the day Kinky?

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No we don't - but then it's almost impossible to agree with what's sectarian and what isn't.


Not even P&B can agree on the simple issue of acceptable and criminal when it comes to our song book.



Typical bigot obfuscation. No-one knows what is and what isn't sectarian, it's too hard to decide, we bigots can't agree so you can't criticise.


Not even P&B a collection of the fans of at least 42 different clubs can agree on something :lol: . That is diabetic piss-weak from you, I know you are capable of better, but I don't expect it from you anymore. When was your first drink of the day Kinky?

You're, again, thinking this is about what songs we sing, when it clearly isn't the case.  This act is an abortion both in its intent and delivery.


Our songbook is a different matter, though peripherally related.  That there is no consensus on what is criminal and what the diddies dislike is a matter of record. That The Diddies conflate the two is to their eternal shame.


Quick sum.  This Act is dreadful.  That idiots think it's about song-singing is shameful.

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This, though, is not the issue. You are doing the usual diddy thing of thinking this is all about The OF singing naughty songs. It isn't. It's a piece of legislation which treat football fans differently from fans of other sports and which seeks to convict folk on a crime that may never have taken place.

Its basis is both flawed and pernicious.

I'm all for a robust approach to sectarianism but this isn;t the act for it. The only folk who seem to support it either think it's about naughty songs or who think, "f**k them, I'm a good guy".

The point is we should be in absolutely no mistake this is entirely about the fucking Old Firm. The bigotry not just by the OF supporters clubs and the Orange Order but also how the OF market themsleves. Fir Ad Lib, a Partick fan and Lib Dem candidate, to sit there claiming that there is parallels with the Tartan Army singing about England (it is not the same, but is still hateful and obscene whatever the f**k that means) tells you all you need about the band of opportunistic c***s defending Rangers fans on here.

We canny drink at the football because the Old Firm are about as responsible as chimpanzees.

The point here is whether a few mainly non-OF fans being put through the system warrants this law. The one case rought forward was discharged.

Why people like Ad Lib are calling for beefed up BOTP orders to cover the same ground as the OBFA (which would have far more serious civil rights implications) is beyond me after he argued for no criminalisation before.

Edited by HaikuHibee
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I just see a genuine and moderately successful attempt to make a meaningful difference to a black stain on our society kicked to death by political opportunists, the very bigots who we need to police and remove from our game (forcibly if they so wish) and lilly livered liberals who would rather we kept swimming in this filth as long as the mutants spewing it forth aren't persecuted. Bah.

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The point is we should be in absolutely no mistake this is entirely about the fucking Old Firm. The bigotry not just by the OF supporters clubs and the Orange Order but also how the OF market themsleves.

Don't be a fucking moron.


This act is simply dreadful both intent and delivery.


That you think it's all about Rangers and The OO it to your demerit.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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Don't be a fucking moron.

This act is simply dreadful both intent and delivery.

That you think it's all about Rangers and The OO it to your demerit.

Celtic too. But that's why it is there. Even the judge in the infamous Partick 1 case identified the cause of the legislation.

Some Tories are arguing we should allow it and sectarianism does not affect anyone but even Ad Lib never got that carried away and he believes incest should be legalised.

Edited by HaikuHibee
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He's correct there's too much money and easy money in stirring up the OF hatred. The media gravy train was unsettled when Rangers were relegated.

The death of Scottish football actually meant then death of easy journalism.

If you remove the hatred and bigotry then the derby loses its edge and a few thousand fans. The idiots singing the songs don't even know what or why they are signing them other than they are brought up to do so.

Seperate schools, the easy money lazy gravy train media circus and glory hunting fans who poison their kids minds are to blame.

The government, sfa and the police just pay lip service to it rather than take major steps to fix it.

Let's start playing closed door games or abandoning games or issuing massive fines that actually hurt clubs. Minimise OF content in the newspapers during derbies or excluding it altogether other than covering escalation in violence.

Better still just let one of them die the next time and do everyone a favour.

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If you remove the hatred and bigotry then the derby loses its edge and a few thousand fans.

Again, you're putting it all all back to a few football games.


It is beyond reason for the diddies to hold two thoughts in their heads at the same time?


1. This 'Act' is dreadful and should be rescinded.

2. Sometimes salty songs are sung and they often happen when Rangers are playing.


Why the f**k are folk conflating the two?

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I just see a genuine and moderately successful attempt to make a meaningful difference to a black stain on our society kicked to death by political opportunists, the very bigots who we need to police and remove from our game (forcibly if they so wish) and lilly livered liberals who would rather we kept swimming in this filth as long as the mutants spewing it forth aren't persecuted. Bah.

Where is the success?

What sectarianism has this Act reduced?

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The point is we should be in absolutely no mistake this is entirely about the fucking Old Firm. The bigotry not just by the OF supporters clubs and the Orange Order but also how the OF market themsleves. Fir Ad Lib, a Partick fan and Lib Dem candidate, to sit there claiming that there is parallels with the Tartan Army singing about England (it is not the same, but is still hateful and obscene whatever the f**k that means) tells you all you need about the band of opportunistic c***s defending Rangers fans on here.

We canny drink at the football because the Old Firm are about as responsible as chimpanzees.

The point here is whether a few mainly non-OF fans being put through the system warrants this law. The one case rought forward was discharged.

Why people like Ad Lib are calling for beefed up BOTP orders to cover the same ground as the OBFA (which would have far more serious civil rights implications) is beyond me after he argued for no criminalisation before.

There you are just lying again like the bottom-feeding fool you clearly are.

I am not calling for BOTP to be beefed up. I think it should be narrowed. I never said that there should be "no criminalisation" of sectarian behaviour. I have simply said that it should not be criminal, in and of itself, to sing sectarian songs or to "be offensive". Sectarianism should be an aggravating factor of public order and violence and incitement offences. Nothing more nothing less.

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Given the numerous examples of the same shite getting sung by the OF this season

You're again thinking this is about songs sung by us.


The vox populi clearly thinks there needs to be some sort of legislation about appropriate or otherwise songs sung at games.  They may have a point. However, is there some sort of mechanism to stop them infesting a sensible discussion on this act?

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The_Kincardine, on 18 May 2016 - 18:39, said:

You're again thinking this is about songs sung by us.


I was agreeing with Ad Lib's point about the act not helping. I'm against the act. Please take your victimisation act and f**k off.



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The_Kincardine, on 18 May 2016 - 18:44, said:

Against the act or not is immaterial.  You clearly stated it was about songs.  You're obviously part of the lumpen majority.


I didn't say it was about the songs. I used the songs as an example that it isn't helping. I clearly said that actually. Not surprised you can't read through the alcohol blurred eyes though.

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I didn't say it was about the songs. I used the songs as an example that it isn't helping. I clearly said that actually. Not surprised you can't read through the alcohol blurred eyes though.

You're doing the usual thing of saying one thing but pretending you meant another.

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the changes in the definition of a BOP came in over 3 years ago, you might want to have a wee look.

I'm not sure what relevance you think this has. I'm well aware that the Human Rights Act has caused the charge of breach of the peace to be narrowed, especially around protests and specificity. I still believe breach of the peace should not be interpreted as widely as it is at the moment and/or should be replaced with narrower public order offences.

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