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Motherwell FC - A Thread For All Seasons

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3 minutes ago, thisGRAEME said:

Magloire and Lamie for me.

Gallagher won't be our player next year, Lamie will be, Magloire might be. Quite aside from the three points, the biggest positive from Easter Road was the mentality and attitude we had defensively. Let's do that again.

Add to that I'd like to see what else Gallagher's agent has in his bag of tricks, I'm guessing... billboards? Who can tell.

I suspect if you look back at his gaming streams there will be subliminal messages about ‘coming and getting me’.

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8 minutes ago, thisGRAEME said:

Magloire and Lamie for me.

Gallagher won't be our player next year, Lamie will be, Magloire might be. Quite aside from the three points, the biggest positive from Easter Road was the mentality and attitude we had defensively. Let's do that again.

Add to that I'd like to see what else Gallagher's agent has in his bag of tricks, I'm guessing... billboards? Who can tell.

No one had unequivocally proven (to me at least) whether Gallacher had an extension which has been triggered. Some on SO would have u believe the club simply bowed to pressure and removed said (potentially lucrative) clause 🤔

Either it exists or it does not. If it does then we would want Gallacher playing in the hope we can get some money for him in the summer. Plus if he is not playing then it would adversely affect his chances of playing in the Euros. So what I hear you say ! Well if he has not done any of the things rumoured or not in the fashion rumoured why would we want to take our Captain and ruin his career effectively. Certainly playing for Scotland in the near future. 

I said b4 Hibs game we need 3 wins to be sure of avoiding bottom 2 places. So 2 wins now.  Still stand by that. Plus the higher we finish the more money for the club.

Leaving all that aside as much as Magloire came on to a game v St M + Hibs no way is any Manager leaving our Captain and arguably best player / defender on the bench for a inexperienced player. 

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2 hours ago, superward said:

Gallagher has to come back in if fit to start. He's still our best central defender by a good margin even when he isn't hitting the heights of last season.  

Massive disrespect for Eddie Nolan here IMO.

Edited by capt_oats
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2 hours ago, superward said:

Gallagher has to come back in if fit to start. He's still our best central defender by a good margin even when he isn't hitting the heights of last season.  

Magloire played a bit better last game but he's young, still learning and on loan. Sorry Tyler but you are benched son.

I'm with this 100%. Whilst Dec hasn't been great by the standards he set last season, there's still a decent amount between his poor and the rest of our defence's good.

When you're in our position, you play your best players, end of. We've already been stung by waiting on Chapman to mess up before bringing Archer in this season.

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6 minutes ago, crazylegsjoe_mfc said:

We've already been stung by waiting on Chapman to mess up before bringing Archer in this season.

Not that I'm arguing the Pieman's case but in a weird quirk we actually took more points with him in goals than we did Archer.

7 points in 4 and a bit games compared with 2 points in 5 games with Archer. 

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3 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

Not that I'm arguing the Pieman's case but in a weird quirk we actually took more points with him in goals than we did Archer.

7 points in 4 and a bit games compared with 2 points in 5 games with Archer. 

Obviously you can't fault Pieman during his two clean sheets against Ross County and Livingston, but I'm sure by the time we brought Archer into the starting lineup a couple of games later, we were all in agreement that it should've already happened. I'd rather we didn't revisit that situation with Gallagher/Magloire.

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13 hours ago, capt_oats said:

Nah, I think the question is Gallagher or Magloire solely on the basis that Lamie's naturally left sided whereas the two of them are right sided.

I mean instinctively it'd be Gallagher but there's no getting away from the fact that he's been dugmeat all season and him doing his best Shane Duffy for County's goal in Dingwall is still pretty fresh in the memory.

C' Mon Captain You're better than that. Dugmeat????

Yes, not as good as last season but still miles ahead of anyone else we've had to play in central defence.

Also, in addition to his Captain duties he has had to  regularly ' nurse' Lamie and Bevis through their --- if I'm being kind---erratic periods whilst often not having a reliable left back or for a period a competent right back.


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2 hours ago, welldaft said:

Some on SO would have u believe the club simply bowed to pressure and removed said (potentially lucrative) clause 🤔

Gallagher's contract now runs out after the Euros.

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5 minutes ago, Busta Nut said:

Gallagher's contract now runs out after the Euros.

Which would seem to be a decent compromise if we are potentially going to get appearance money for him.

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1 hour ago, Busta Nut said:

Gallagher's contract now runs out after the Euros.

57 minutes ago, Swello said:

Which would seem to be a decent compromise if we are potentially going to get appearance money for him.

That would make more sense. Still you would have thought we would have potentially received more for a transfer if he had 1 year left. I would assume therefore we would keep 100% of the Euros appearance money ? 

Another reason why he will play on Saturday and till the end of the season. So he gets in the Scotland Squad. 

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I heard Craigan saying Magloree 

From his announcement article on the official website.

‘’Magloire – pronounced mah-glo-re – came through Rovers’ youth ranks, debuting in the English Championship in March 2019.’’
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I'm feeling pretty "meh" towards fitba in general the now. 

A pretty honking season during a pandemic where we can't go is clearly the cause but it's weird how quickly I seem able to become partially disinterested in something that has taken up a massive part of my life.

That and over the last 10 years the very top tier of fitba has become a complete circus. Massive wages, teams hoggin the best players in their 25 man squad meaning guys who were/could be superstars are playing bit parts to other superstars. The Champions legue. VAR. It's all shite.

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I'm feeling pretty "meh" towards fitba in general the now. 
A pretty honking season during a pandemic where we can't go is clearly the cause but it's weird how quickly I seem able to become partially disinterested in something that has taken up a massive part of my life.
That and over the last 10 years the very top tier of fitba has become a complete circus. Massive wages, teams hoggin the best players in their 25 man squad meaning guys who were/could be superstars are playing bit parts to other superstars. The Champions legue. VAR. It's all shite.
I'm in the same boat tbh. I'm looking forward to getting back to Fir Park but am rapidly losing any interest in fitba beyond that. 90% of English Premier League games are garbage. The Bundesliga can be decent but I refuse to subscribe to Premier Sports so don't watch La Liga and Serie A. The Champions League is rotten - teams go through the motions in the group stages then the knockout stages are made up of the same teams every year, give or take.

When things get back to normal I'm going to try and get to a lot more junior games. Wishaw Juniors play 5 minutes up the road from me and you can get a beer at the game which is always a good thing.
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I used to love the EPL and although my interest in it was on a steady decline before COVID, but I think it's now been killed stone dead. I don't think anyone can really get that excited watching bang average players who cost £30 million-odd try to cancel each other out in a Brighton vs Crystal Palace match. When you add in the games being behind closed doors and VAR, that just totally kills the enjoyment out of watching it for me.

It took me longer to lose interest in the Champion's League, I used to enjoy just watching the goals show if I didn't have that big an interest in the games that were on, but this year I've just fallen away from watching that at all too.

Our games have been fine, based on the fact that I watch us more for results than entertainment. The St. Mirren game was dreadful last week for a neutral, but I was still so on edge about the result I couldn't take my eyes off it. Don't get me wrong, I'm under absolutely no illusions that there were any neutrals watching it 😆

I think it was @Busta Nut who said to me a few months ago that if you were watching football now, for the first time, you wouldn't continue watching.

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Can only agree with the above.

I’ve not been to Fir Park for some time now - young kids, money/ time restraints etc. However, I can’t wait to get there again, bringing my toddler aged son with me for the first time, kitted out in his ‘Well top, proud as punch. Cannot fucking wait. Properly excited by the thought of that, with memories of my old man bringing me as a kid. The fact he’s not around to come with us is the only downer. 

Otherwise, I’m scunnered with football. VAR really has sucked the life out of games and I fear it will ruin the European Championships this summer, assuming fans get back in ok. The whole elation when your team scores, only to have to wait, even for a minute, to check if they have actually scored or are going to be pulled up for a foul at the other end of the park 2 minutes previous, is just awful and totally ruins the game.

Think about it, the whole reason you go to football is to hear the ball hit the back of the other teams net and lose your shit, like a kid again, for a minute or two. VAR has fucked that down south and elsewhere and will do the same here if it is introduced. 

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Aye, I'm very much in the same boat. I lost interest in the Barclays years ago, the EFL games are genuinely unwatchable and the CL/Europa games haven't done anything for me in ages. Right now all they are are background noise while I'm doing something else.

It's 100% hit a saturation point for me.

In terms of Motherwell my expectations weren't particularly high at the start of the season simply because of the circumstances - players hadn't kicked a ball for 4 or 5 months, budgets had been scaled back, recruitment was limited, there was no real pre-season and there was the great Covid unknown as well.

The way it's panned out has been even worse than I'd expected though - the number of injuries we've had has been wild and watching the league try to cram fixtures in has made the whole season feel like a rushed, 'get Scottish fitba' done' affair. That's before you factor in the whole pantomime of the forfeited/unforfeited games.

It's not even a case of it just being us. St Mirren had something like 8 league games in February alone, we had 7. That's just a fucking nonsense.

I mean, outwith Rangers, St Johnstone and probably St Mirren is there a fanbase in the league who could actually say that this has been an enjoyable  season for them?

Edited by capt_oats
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