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10 minutes ago, Peter Millar said:

I understand what you are saying but basically it’s down to the Well Society members to make a decision. Vote for the EB proposal or vote for the Well Society proposal. How we got to this point isn’t very palatable but it’s where we are. My thoughts are Society members need to focus on considering both proposals for what they are worth, and making a decision for what’s ahead of us rather than looking back. Whoever wins will bring in a new board and the current incumbents will be gone.

I personally respect that you and anyone else needs to make a decision you feel comfortable with. My vote is private - and that doesn't mean I'll vote yes but some fans will - and that's their right. And absolutely. It's down to members to make that decision.

Edited by Wellin
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19 minutes ago, Peter Millar said:

It probably hasn’t affected us because we haven’t had a focus on it, and therefore not resourced it but there are other clubs in Scotland outwith the Old Firm at the moment very seriously looking at tapping into the opportunities this expanding global market is offering including esports. At least one  is considering partnering with a university to explore this further.

The selling price of a player is dependant on a number of factors and has changed significantly since the 90’s with the increasing significance of agents, incentive clauses in managers contracts, clauses in player contracts, players forcing the issue themselves, and the inevitable hole in the budget that needs filled. Did we not sell Turnbull for £3.75 million?

I don’t think anyone has mentioned branded academies abroad but in many ways they are a commercial outlet for the club. However, there are clubs in Sweden for example that have over 5000 kids playing within their regional academies and community setup that feeds straight through their player and coach pathways for boys and girls. They work in partnership with other organisations, schools, and grassroots clubs to reduce the cost to the club. Again there are other clubs in `Scotland beginning to put this structure together although they are finding it challenging due to the politics in the Scottish game and lack of pitches. This is one of the reasons why engaging with local communities and the Community Trust is so vitally important.

I’m not sure how many followers Erik has but maybe he knows someone who does have 21 mil followers. Maybe he doesn’t.

Yes. I am aware of the deal with Provan and how it’s structured. If it’s not working for the club I would expect the new Executive Board to review this, renegotiate and improve it, or dump Provan if it can’t be sorted. I think that’s what Hibs did. I might be wrong and will apologise if they didn’t but I think they did. Given the cost to Provan of running the shop etc I don’t think his profits will be that great. The point is if the club don’t have to always be with Provan.


For me I'd be concentrating on things that are our core business and we have a track record of delivering successfully before venturing into pastures new. Get the easy wins where we have the track record, experience and ability to deliver on things that are achievable Question has to be could we have done better on these fronts and the universal answer on this is most definitely yes.  By all means explore the new stuff but that should be further down the line than from day one. The thing is AI has been mentioned, what about it? There has been no tangible explanation of what, where and how we'd benefit.

Anyone can put a bit together and stick in words or new economy technologies. Hydroponics, Solar Farm, Robotics, its not hard. The hard bit is joining the dots to the 8th biggest team in Scotland and how they would be implemented in practice. Something we have not had explained in anything worthwhile other than a sentence on here.

I'm unsure of the final figure for Turnbull but no less than £3m. Thing is, we have an academy that every season produces one player on average we sell or get compensation for. While the Turnbull fee breaks the norm guys like him coming through are part of our model, they just don't come through as frequently as a Dean Cornelius or Jake Hastie who leave for a fee after arbitration. So shouldn't be discounted as unique, especially with Lennon sitting in the wings.

I'd definitely look to have a system similar to progressive European cultures where all teams in the area are branded and feed into the club. The issue we have here is a mixture of silo building and protecting what's already been built and a religious over geographic element. Too much who does it affect me rather than how does it better the town/nation/kids. Not unsurmountable but its generational rather than a finger snap.

The buget gap is what this was sold on, our bad season needs it filled. In a few weeks the prize pot for the SPFL goes up by 5.4m thanks to Sky's new deal and 400k extra thanks to a switch from Cinch to William Hill. That equates to £250k extra for a 10th place finish. There is also the Premier Sports deal that everyone including the league is reluctant to advise the reality of. We've had 2 double digit league finishes in 20 years.

The person revealed to me has 10% the followers of Reynolds.

Finally with Provan, 4 CEO's and 4 Chairman have seen fit to keep it in place with full knowledge of the implications, costs and benefits.

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15 minutes ago, Peter Millar said:

Vote for the EB proposal or vote for the Well Society proposal.

'if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.”

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55 minutes ago, Busta Nut said:

The WS board members are treated by some of you with the same contempt that McMahon, Dickie and Weir treated them with. Cos they don't wear the same suit or blazers. Because of their age. Dare I say because of their backgrounds?

I saw a comment on one of the club posts that said "I don't want the club run from the east stand" - and there have been lots of similar snide comments that I've picked up on - so that is definitely a thing. I think that kind of snobbery existing in a club of about 4000 supporters is almost funny.

A well ironed pair of flannels, shiny blazer and relevant skills hasn't stopped the decision making at the club being embarrassingly inept for about 3 years now. Operating losses tend to look worse when you're paying 3 management teams simultaneously and when your collective marketing nous consists of an utter shanner of a video 2 whole years after you first mooted the idea of seeking investment, it's an achievement to look down on anyone.

Pie in the sky stuff about global marketing and all the rest of it can get in the bin until we have a vaguely functional governance structure, maybe with less people running the club from the Main Stand as a prerequisite. 

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27 minutes ago, Peter Millar said:

Vote for the EB proposal or vote for the Well Society proposal

Sorry - this is simply wrong. The question is to vote for the EB proposal or to reject the EB proposal. There will not be a counter proposal as part of the ballot.

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22 minutes ago, Vietnam91 said:

For me I'd be concentrating on things that are our core business and we have a track record of delivering successfully before venturing into pastures new. Get the easy wins where we have the track record, experience and ability to deliver on things that are achievable Question has to be could we have done better on these fronts and the universal answer on this is most definitely yes.  By all means explore the new stuff but that should be further down the line than from day one. The thing is AI has been mentioned, what about it? There has been no tangible explanation of what, where and how we'd benefit.

Anyone can put a bit together and stick in words or new economy technologies. Hydroponics, Solar Farm, Robotics, its not hard. The hard bit is joining the dots to the 8th biggest team in Scotland and how they would be implemented in practice. Something we have not had explained in anything worthwhile other than a sentence on here.

I'm unsure of the final figure for Turnbull but no less than £3m. Thing is, we have an academy that every season produces one player on average we sell or get compensation for. While the Turnbull fee breaks the norm guys like him coming through are part of our model, they just don't come through as frequently as a Dean Cornelius or Jake Hastie who leave for a fee after arbitration. So shouldn't be discounted as unique, especially with Lennon sitting in the wings.

I'd definitely look to have a system similar to progressive European cultures where all teams in the area are branded and feed into the club. The issue we have here is a mixture of silo building and protecting what's already been built and a religious over geographic element. Too much who does it affect me rather than how does it better the town/nation/kids. Not unsurmountable but its generational rather than a finger snap.

The buget gap is what this was sold on, our bad season needs it filled. In a few weeks the prize pot for the SPFL goes up by 5.4m thanks to Sky's new deal and 400k extra thanks to a switch from Cinch to William Hill. That equates to £250k extra for a 10th place finish. There is also the Premier Sports deal that everyone including the league is reluctant to advise the reality of. We've had 2 double digit league finishes in 20 years.

The person revealed to me has 10% the followers of Reynolds.

Finally with Provan, 4 CEO's and 4 Chairman have seen fit to keep it in place with full knowledge of the implications, costs and benefits.

I can see that but the club needs growth badly. The stadium is falling down, the training facilities are rudimentary at best when compared with other clubs, etc. I don’t think we can do that without extending outside our core business and I hope the Well Society proposal reflects this.

The club have been successful recently in developing players but for years we produced an odd player or nothing. If you look at the trend throughout Scottish football (yes people do research this) it tends to point at clubs having a period when they are producing good talent and then it drops off. You can look at clubs like Hibs, Dundee United, Aberdeen as examples of this so it’s difficult for any club to include that in medium or long term financial planning. Hibs have been waiting 5 years for McGinn to move so they can cash in but it’s never happened.

I’m not sure the religious element has much impact when it comes to parents choosing an academy for their son or daughter any more they tend to look at how their son or daughter will be valued within the academy and progression through to the first team. If you have followed the journey Queen’s Park are on just now you’ll see their academy is beginning to provide a holistic approach to the child’s development and not just as a player to reflect this. They’ re also investing heavily in training and other facilities that will provide their academy players with a superb environment to develop in. We need to at least replicate this but we can’t without growth.

Yip. The financial rewards are increasing but so are the costs. You can speak to the financial director at any club in the Premiership and they’ll tell you the same. Utilities have gone up, wages gave gone up, etc. That will eat into much of the increase in prize money, and restrict growth.

Edited by Peter Millar
Missed a word
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7 minutes ago, thisGRAEME said:

I find it absolutely unfathomable that folk are quite happy to hand over the keys to some laddie they don't know from Adam instead of people who are... here? It feels like a very Scottish belief that the things we have are shite whereas someone you don't know is obviously great.

It's a general mindset people have about Americans I think.

As if they think "what could someone from Motherwell possibly know about running a business that an American won't?"

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41 minutes ago, thisGRAEME said:

See while this is all very interesting and important, and not to diverge from that; I'd mentioned previously about an article I'd written ranking the last 20 years of our incredible double figures record.

You can read it, and argue about it if you like;



Top class, Bang on the money re: Scott McDonald

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38 minutes ago, Vietnam91 said:

The thing is AI has been mentioned, what about it? There has been no tangible explanation of what, where and how we'd benefit.

Anyone can put a bit together and stick in words or new economy technologies. Hydroponics, Solar Farm, Robotics, its not hard.

What are the odds on all these lengthy posts from “Erik” actually being generated by ChatGPT, from a Hank Scorpio-like underground lair?

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3 minutes ago, Peter Millar said:

I can see that but the club needs growth badly. The stadium is falling down, the training facilities are rudimentary at best when compared with other clubs, etc. I don’t think we can do that without extending outside our core business and I hope the Well Society proposal reflects this.

The club have been successful recently in developing players but for years we produced an odd player or nothing. If you look at the trend throughout Scottish football 9 yes people do research this) it tends to point at clubs having a period when they are producing good talent and then it drops off. You can look at clubs like Hibs, Dundee United, Aberdeen as examples of this so it’s difficult for any club to include that in medium or long term financial planning. Hibs have been waiting 5 years for McGinn to move so they can cash in but it’s never happened.

I’m not sure the religious element has much impact when it comes to parents choosing an academy for their son or daughter any more they tend to look at how their son or daughter will be valued within the academy and progression through to the first team. If you have followed the journey Queen’s Park are on just now you’ll see their academy is beginning to provide a holistic approach to the child’s development and not just as a player to reflect this. They’ re also investing heavily in training and other facilities that will provide their academy players with a superb environment to develop in. We need to at least replicate this but we can’t without growth.

Yip. The financial rewards are increasing but so are the costs. You can speak to the financial director at any club in the Premiership and they’ll tell you the same. Utilities have gone up, wages gave gone up, etc. That will eat into much of the increase in prize money, and restrict growth.

I'd advocate expanding outside out core business when we exploit everything we can from our core business first. Hunter stand is looking pretty fresh, new roof, new seats, new stairs, Cooper too. POD will always have issues due to its construction. I understand the South is due a bit of TLC.

Player development is cyclical yes I agree, but thats something we know, can address and is importantly on our doorstep.

It's widely known Bailey Rice and Paul Slane's OF da's heavily influenced their moves. Plus all the others we never even signed because the love hearts came out the eyes like in a cartoon.

Don't need to speak to any financial director, I see my own bills and know it every time I'm in a supermarket. However a 250k uplift even with inflation and increasing costs puts a massive dent in our much vaunted gap.


Roof of South Stand, approx. 65m x 33m, 2,145sq.m. 800W PV panel 2.2m x 1.75m 37x15 panels = 555 total. 555 x 800W = 444kW per hour (theoretical - we're in Scotland remember) £100 each (first price on google). Total Cost 55k + inverters, controllers, batteries, install, wiring, grid tie. £100k all in.

That above in one paragraph illustrates more than we've got out of Erik on anything, its sustainable, 20 year guarantee, and reduces our carbon footprint and it took me 5 minutes.


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2 hours ago, Peter Millar said:

The thing about the proposal I like is he’s thinking big. Football is a developing global economy and clubs can really leverage their revenue streams with partnerships across a number of industries. We don’t play in La Liga, and we’re not Barcelona but even at our level, and in our league there are global opportunities. Artificial intelligence is already bringing benefits to clubs who are starting to use it and  better fan engagement systems can widen our reach across the world. Again, we’re not `Tottenham but I’m sure I read somewhere that 71% of  Spurs fans never attend games but they buy merch. I’ve done that myself for my two daughters who adopted Spurs as their second team. I think he just thinks bigger .

The thing is, thinking big isn't hard. It would literally take me about fifteen minutes to provide a vague plan that incorporates AI, social media, documentaries, playing against Celtic or Rangers at Wembley, or signing Latin American players to appeal to a tequila company who might want to sponsor us.

Where the real challenge lies is in demonstrating exactly how you're going to achieve all of the above.

How will you implement AI for the betterment of the club? I asked Erik Barmack that very question on this forum and his response was that "there are off-the-shelf programmes that can be set up for less than £10k and take roughly ten weeks to set up."

When he last posted vaguely about what he was bringing to the table, I asked the following:

1. While you mentioned the strategic importance of flexibility and adapting plans, you did not provide a direct justification for why an initial £300,000 per year investment for three years, followed by the further agreed amount merits a 47% stake in the club. 

2. Your response highlighted the philosophy of adapting business strategies but lacked specific details about your business and investment plan for the club. Stakeholders need a clear understanding of the strategic initiatives you plan to implement. What are the key projects or areas of investment that will drive growth and success for the club? come on man, sell us on your vision!

3. It is essential to outline the actionable steps you intend to take over the investment period. Specific projects, marketing strategies, and operational improvements should be clearly defined. I understand your point about being flexible, but that should never imply that you don't need to provide a competent 'base level' to start from.

4. To evaluate the potential success of your proposed investment, we need to see measurable projected outcomes and milestones. What are the KPIs you will use to track progress? How do you project the return on investment (ROI) over the six-year period? Detailed financial projections and performance benchmarks are necessary to assess the feasibility and impact of your plan.

He hasn't answered any of those questions.

So yes, while he may be "thinking big", you need to question his ability to first distil those ideas into a coherent plan (which we haven't seen yet—a fact that is quite amusing considering the Well Society are being judged on a plan they will be releasing!), and his ability to put those ideas into action.

2 hours ago, Peter Millar said:

My preference is the Well Society remains in control but I’ll be looking for an imaginative proposal from them that takes into account these wider opportunities - and provides support to local communities.

Will you be demanding a plan from Barmack? Or are you prepared to vote for him based entirely on some "big ideas" and a pittance money-wise every year? That's a serious question.

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Will you be demanding a plan from Barmack? Or are you prepared to vote for him based entirely on some "big ideas" and a pittance money-wise every year? That's a serious question.

Luckily, those who exhibit the sort of lazy thinking you rightly castigate above only get one vote. 

Unfortunately, so do we. 

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@Peter Millar see you've been a member on SOL since 2010, however only started posting for the first time 2 days after the scheme went live on the 10th of June 2024. Posts are exclusively on the scheme (not the new strip, transfers or social media content).

One thing that is consistent is pretty much tyre kicking the clubs value or ability to be successful without Erik's influence.

So, is there anything anyone on here can do to make you reject this?

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12 minutes ago, Vietnam91 said:

I'd advocate expanding outside out core business when we exploit everything we can from our core business first. Hunter stand is looking pretty fresh, new roof, new seats, new stairs, Cooper too. POD will always have issues due to its construction. I understand the South is due a bit of TLC.

Player development is cyclical yes I agree, but thats something we know, can address and is importantly on our doorstep.

It's widely known Bailey Rice and Paul Slane's OF da's heavily influenced their moves. Plus all the others we never even signed because the love hearts came out the eyes like in a cartoon.

Don't need to speak to any financial director, I see my own bills and know it every time I'm in a supermarket. However a 250k uplift even with inflation and increasing costs puts a massive dent in our much vaunted gap.


Roof of South Stand, approx. 65m x 33m, 2,145sq.m. 800W PV panel 2.2m x 1.75m 37x15 panels = 555 total. 555 x 800W = 444kW per hour (theoretical - we're in Scotland remember) £100 each (first price on google). Total Cost 55k + inverters, controllers, batteries, install, wiring, grid tie. £100k all in.

That above in one paragraph illustrates more than we've got out of Erik on anything, its sustainable, 20 year guarantee, and reduces our carbon footprint and it took me 5 minutes.


This is something I've thought of on and off over the last wee while but probably more on the 'social conscience ' angle rather than the economic angle. I don't have any voice in the running of the club and over the last wee while I've been more likely here to sit back and let folk that know more than me cast their views while I watch from the background but surely someone has costed out and seriously discussed PV covering all over our stand roofs ?! Had thought it was such an obvious win-win that there were hidden costs my untrained mind hadn't worked out that made it unviable. Due to our rather cramped stadium footprint surely every single inch of usable space has to be maximised , PV and wind turbines to even cover match day electrical usage would be a start.  

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6 minutes ago, Vietnam91 said:

I'd advocate expanding outside out core business when we exploit everything we can from our core business first. Hunter stand is looking pretty fresh, new roof, new seats, new stairs, Cooper too. POD will always have issues due to its construction. I understand the South is due a bit of TLC.

Player development is cyclical yes I agree, but thats something we know, can address and is importantly on our doorstep.

It's widely known Bailey Rice and Paul Slane's OF da's heavily influenced their moves. Plus all the others we never even signed because the love hearts came out the eyes like in a cartoon.

Don't need to speak to any financial director, I see my own bills and know it every time I'm in a supermarket. However a 250k uplift even with inflation and increasing costs puts a massive dent in our much vaunted gap.


Roof of South Stand, approx. 65m x 33m, 2,145sq.m. 800W PV panel 2.2m x 1.75m 37x15 panels = 555 total. 555 x 800W = 444kW per hour (theoretical - we're in Scotland remember) £100 each (first price on google). Total Cost 55k + inverters, controllers, batteries, install, wiring, grid tie. £100k all in.

That above in one paragraph illustrates more than we've got out of Erik on anything, its sustainable, 20 year guarantee, and reduces our carbon footprint and it took me 5 minutes.


But it’s not just TLC. Fir Park needs redeveloped like other clubs have done with their ground. The view in some parts of the East Stand is crap, the leg room in the O’Donnell is miserable to say the least. The kiosks offer a miserly selection of food. I could go on.

I don’t know the situation with Paul Sloane and Bailey Rice but they are definitely exceptions. Most parents now are really discerning about where their child is going, the training regime, support for homework, what is the medical support like, exit strategies such as are there partnerships with other clubs in case their kid doesn’t make it and has to drop down the pyramid.

Have you included labour costs and equipment hire for the roof of the new stand. 100K seems a little light.

A 250k in a 5/6 million turnover is better than nothing but it’s not really touching the sides.

The club needs proper investment to sustain growth. Hopefully the Well Society proposal will reflect this.



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Just now, Peter Millar said:

But it’s not just TLC. Fir Park needs redeveloped like other clubs have done with their ground. The view in some parts of the East Stand is crap, the leg room in the O’Donnell is miserable to say the least. The kiosks offer a miserly selection of food. I could go on.

I don’t know the situation with Paul Sloane and Bailey Rice but they are definitely exceptions. Most parents now are really discerning about where their child is going, the training regime, support for homework, what is the medical support like, exit strategies such as are there partnerships with other clubs in case their kid doesn’t make it and has to drop down the pyramid.

Have you included labour costs and equipment hire for the roof of the new stand. 100K seems a little light.

A 250k in a 5/6 million turnover is better than nothing but it’s not really touching the sides.

The club needs proper investment to sustain growth. Hopefully the Well Society proposal will reflect this.



250k in a 750k funding gap is a third of it.

You do make arguments like Erik, I only say this because I've got 40 hours logged talking to him.

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1 hour ago, thisGRAEME said:

See while this is all very interesting and important, and not to diverge from that; I'd mentioned previously about an article I'd written ranking the last 20 years of our incredible double figures record.

You can read it, and argue about it if you like;



Even as someone who has been aware of the enchanted number 9 jersey for a long time - the 1999 stat surprised me and the further I read through it, the more ridiculous the whole thing became. 

Porter was the calmest finisher we've ever had (maybe Devante was close) and he was part of a brilliant front 3 (and scored an all-timer at Tynecastle post-phil) - but I would still maybe swap him and KVV around as Kev was enjoyable chaos and chaos > calmness.

100% on the top 3 though...

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