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Motherwell FC - A Thread For All Seasons

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As much as it was a good thing having such a good number and variety of candidates, I think it maybe put a good few people off. Having so many names and pitches to sort through was a bit of a ball ache. Not sure how they could've gone about it but streamlining the process a bit probably would let more people engage.  

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53 minutes ago, JohnMFC said:

As much as it was a good thing having such a good number and variety of candidates, I think it maybe put a good few people off. Having so many names and pitches to sort through was a bit of a ball ache. Not sure how they could've gone about it but streamlining the process a bit probably would let more people engage.  

Possibly but it's very hard to exclude people or throw up more hurdles.

I think - guess - it's less likely to be an issue next time. Firstly because without the mega enthusiasm of seeing off EB feelings will be less intense but mainly because once the governance is clear and sorted, the paths to be involved will be more visible. 

I mentioned before there were at least a couple of people I thought were aiming at the wrong side, ie for various reasons it'd be collectively more productive if they were working on operational club stuff rather than the Society... though one of them duly got elected so it shows what I know!

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Congratulations to those elected.  If my nominations follow the same form as my betting then apologies @Gaag97 and @Vietnam91 for jinxing your bids ! 

As my first action as a WS member I was proud to be able to take part in it and spent several hours over the last few weeks revisiting pitches and doing my research , so in that respect the turnout is a little disappointing.  

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I was 3/4 on those I voted for, but like others disappointed that @Vietnam91 didn’t get a place on the board.

Sounds like there’ll be efforts made to ensure we don’t disregard the various skills offered by unsuccessful candidates which is important.  

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Firstly, big thank you to all the Society members who used their votes to re-elect me, it's very much appreciated and I'll make sure I do all I can to enhance the cause of fan-ownership.

As I said before the election, the most important thing for me is making sure there’s a place for everyone who put their name forward. There was a lot of talent in there and we need to utilise that.


@Vietnam91, cheers for the heads up. Very strange. As you said, seems like an agenda.

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Deary me, you know that website is in a bad place when Steelboy is the voice of reason, someone saying they've cancelled their Society membership because, @DerekWatson went on a tour of Belfast and had a photo with Jeremy Corbyn (who nearly 13 million people voted for in 2017) and someone comparing it to Cammy MacPherson, f**king hell man 🤦‍♂️, it makes twitter seem like a paradise of rationality and logic. That'll be me singing out from there for a long while. 

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Just now, camer0n_mcd said:

That'll be me singing out from there for a long while. 

Not to position myself as the defender of SO, but in all fairness it's an account that was created in September 2012, and has never posted until this afternoon. 

It's certainly not a reflection of the people who post there, many of whom post on here as well.

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This is the era of telling on folk to their employers if they say something you don't like online. It's weird that the longer we have social media in our lives, the more triggered people are when someone says something they don't agree with, when you'd think we'd get used to everyone and anyone having their opinions out there and be able to deal with it by now. Maybe our kids will make it better.

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5 minutes ago, David1979 said:

Not to position myself as the defender of SO, but in all fairness it's an account that was created in September 2012, and has never posted until this afternoon. 

It's certainly not a reflection of the people who post there, many of whom post on here as well.

That Peter Miller account bears a striking resemblance to that time frame and posting behaviour.

Quite the long game to wait 12 years to try and skewer someone

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4 minutes ago, rowsdower said:

Maybe our kids will make it better.

Maybe it's just me, but I find that the kids are generally smarter than to get involved. Most in my family aren't messing about on Twitter or Facebook. 

That's just for the angry people in their 30's & 40's now I think!

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10 minutes ago, David1979 said:

Not to position myself as the defender of SO, but in all fairness it's an account that was created in September 2012, and has never posted until this afternoon. 

It's certainly not a reflection of the people who post there, many of whom post on here as well.

To counter that there is another account on there saying similar (just a bit more abusive) that has over 800 posts. Most threads on Steelmen seem to be the exact same a bit of sanity before a few pages in folk are slinging insults at each other and the purpose of the original topic has been forgotten about. Not for me anymore.

Edited by camer0n_mcd
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9 minutes ago, David1979 said:

Not to position myself as the defender of SO, but in all fairness it's an account that was created in September 2012, and has never posted until this afternoon. 

It's certainly not a reflection of the people who post there, many of whom post on here as well.

Trying to remember your password from 12 years ago so you can post some selective touristy Instagram photos out of context in order to "own" a volunteer devoting their time to try and better your football club is certainly one way to use your Tuesday.

Baffling stuff.

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Just now, camer0n_mcd said:

To counter that there is another account on there saying similar (just a bit more abusive) that has over 800 posts. Most threads on Steelmen seem to be the exact same a bit of sanity before a few pages in folk are slinging insults and the purpose of the original topic has been forgotten about. Not for me anymore.

That's fair enough. I just tend to find that our support, and even moreso our online support is so small that between this thread and the entire SO forum, you're maybe talking about, what? 40 regular users? 

There's a lot of crossover between both. 

And yeah, there's a lot of moaning-faced types over there, but what can you do? If they're being outright abusive they get dealt with, but being a negative sod who wants every manager sacked and thinks our team is guff isn't breaking any rules.

Even if they are annoying as hell.

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