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"Allergy Season"

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People that think hayfever is just having itchy eyes :lol:



Aye, allergies affect everyone in exactly the same manner, right enough.


The first time I remember reacting to it I was on a golf course and it was horrid.  My throat had such a horrible itch/pain and the only way I could sooth it was by making a noise akin to a goose being strangled.  I haven't been getting it as bad these days and hayfever tablets will generally do the business but over the last couple of weeks it's been pretty bad again.  I was at a wedding on Saturday and took a sneezing fit as they were trying to get photos, it always seems to time itself nicely.

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Aye, allergies affect everyone in exactly the same manner, right enough.

Well, clearly not. Just think it's funny when the likes of Romeo think that the fact that loads of people complaining about hayfever because they've got itchy eyes etc means that there aren't people who genuinely suffer really badly from hayfever.

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Well, clearly not. Just think it's funny when the likes of Romeo think that the fact that loads of people complaining about hayfever because they've got itchy eyes etc means that there aren't people who genuinely suffer really badly from hayfever.


Apologies, I've been whooshed there.

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Well, clearly not. Just think it's funny when the likes of Romeo think that the fact that loads of people complaining about hayfever because they've got itchy eyes etc means that there aren't people who genuinely suffer really badly from hayfever.


Don't let it get to you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I fucking hate the summer, there is nothing good about it, nothing at all. I've spent the last two weeks either blowing my nose or coughing. My throat feels like it's been sliced to bits by that Han c**t from Enter The Dragon. It makes no difference how many antihistamines I take or how much I use nasal sprays nothing works. Then you get the people who say "Isn't it great having this nice weather?" NO, IT ISN'T GREAT, IT'S FUCKING AWFUL!!!

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People that think hayfever is just having itchy eyes :lol:

First time I properly got hayfever was when I was 18 and I honestly felt like death would be preferable. Very close to passing out at work and had to go straight to the doctors as I thought something was seriously wrong. Turned out it was just hayfever, was bed ridden for a couple of days til the pills kicked in. Also, store bought hayfever pills are literally the worst things in the world, made me feel worse.

I'd be amazed if hayfever tablets out the shops have ever helped anyone's hayfever, they're a pile of shite. I get hayfever pretty bad but thankfully hasn't came this year thus far. Need to get tablets, Beconase and eye drops from my GP. I think you can get Beconase out the shops and I'd recommend it for runny nose.


Hayfever makes me really drowsy, it's a pain in the arse.

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I'd be amazed if hayfever tablets out the shops have ever helped anyone's hayfever, they're a pile of shite. I get hayfever pretty bad but thankfully hasn't came this year thus far. Need to get tablets, Beconase and eye drops from my GP. I think you can get Beconase out the shops and I'd recommend it for runny nose.


Hayfever makes me really drowsy, it's a pain in the arse.


Ask for Loratidine from the pharmacy.  No drowsiness, cheap and they do actually provide some relief. 

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I have hayfeaver, please kill me now.


Most of the tablets available make me drowsy or give me migraines so they are useless.


Sneezing and itchy eyes are a pain but when your throat gets shredded and you end up with a throat infection that spreads to your chest, that is when the fun really begins.

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I always get bad hayfever from tree pollen, mainly when the birches are coming into leaf. I work outside so dont need to worry about my appearance, so just basically drink lots of water and let it flow out of me like a bad cold and in a couple of weeks i become immune. I find if i take tablets i get it all summer especially if i forget one day it hits terribly.

Must be horrible if you work in an office to get it.

Only had 5 ticks this year and fortunately the clegs (horseflies) aint started yet, the life of a country bumpkin :)

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Just remember everyone.


Just because you sneeze a couple of times doesn't meant you have hayfever.

is there any thread you dont comment on? ( every one look at romeo, go on look at him) pfft

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My new bezzy mate 19QOS19 will be all over this thread like a rash any minute now.



You know it Bro!

Just remember everyone.

Just because you sneeze a couple of times doesn't meant you have hayfever.

(I'll bite anyway) I would fucking love sneezing to be the biggest problem of hay-fever!

Hate the thing. I've had it for 15 years now and had hoped to have grown out of it by now. Much prefer winter to summer. I've tried absolutely every ailment supposed to help:-

- Spoonful of local honey

- Vaseline/Haywax under my nostrils

- Lloyds own prong machine thingy

- EVERY type of over the counter antihistamine

- Prescribed pills

- Eye drops

- Nasal sprays

- Driving along a country road and sticking my head out with my eyes wide open. Seriously! That's how desperate I've been. I read somewhere that was supposed to help. Lawl, aye right! Just looked like a fecking dog.

Probably tried more things but forgotten them. My only recommendation to sufferers is dark shades. God send. Piriton and dark shades are the only things that have come close to making the summer bearable.

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Those free from hayfever scoff at it, those of us with it know it can be horrendous. Many worse healtg problems of course, but hayfever can be completely debilitating. Soak a cotton pad in cold water, put it on your eye, stick an ice cube on top; only thing that works sometimes.

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