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Things You Have Never Done

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Never watched any star wars films

Never swam with dolphins

Never drove a car legally in the UK

Never drove a car here in Canada

Never played as a goalkeeper ( played every other position )

Never seen ET movie

Never wanted England to win anything

Never seen Falkirk win at Pittodrie ( seen them win at every other ground I've been to )

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Never ever have I ever felt so low

When you gonna take me out of this black hole?

Never ever have I ever felt so sad

The way I'm feeling yeah, you got me feeling really bad


Never ever have I had to find

I've had to dig away to find my own peace of mind

I've Never ever had my conscience to fight

The way I'm feeling, yeah, I just don't feel right

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I have never:


Watched Titanic

Watched Game of Thrones

Played Candy Crush

Impregnated a woman

Been caught masturbating

Been a millionaire

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Thought of some more.


Sung karaoke


Been to Disneyland, Disneyworld, EuroDisney or any other theme park with the name 'Disney' in it.


Driven over 120 mph.


Grown a beard.


Been set on fire whilst wearing a nylon sheep's costume on a train.

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It's a thing you should do when young with minimal worries and in the right company. You may have missed the boat my good man.


I keep meaning to get a stash to put away in case I get dumped in an old folks home surrounded by the drooling undead.

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Really should be in the top tips thread this, but if the above is a genuine ambition, simply locate and then bang a large bass drum outwith the bitter and divisive confines of our white gloved warriors

I'd love to crash the cymbals together.

Fancy starting a band? Brass, not orange if that's kl..

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Never been to an international football or rugby game (though I have been to the rugby international 7s).

Never seen Game of Thrones.

Never sat through a Lord of the Rings film beginning to end without falling asleep.

Never bought either tea or coffee for myself. Only drank tea once when about 12 and didn't like it. Never touched either since.

Never been arrested, but I have been pulled-over by the police a couple of times.

Never been punished for speeding.

Never illegally possessed controlled substances.

Never crossed the equator. Closest I've been would be Tripoli in Libya, followed by Tunis then maybe the Virginia suburbs of Washington DC?

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