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Five minutes later Shota Arveladze replaced him and the Georgian was jeered, at the time and when on the ball later, by a large section of the crowd for conspiciously crossing himself before he took the field. The striker looked baffled, as well he might have been.

Same fixture 2002.

Heritage and culture etc, etc.......

Georgian Christianity is of course Orthodox

They've been mistrusting Popery far longer than anybody over here
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OK I'll bite.  How is "It was a testimonial" either sarcastic or deflecting?

Think we all know it was a glorified sash bash with a game of fitba thrown in to try and justify it.

Testimonials are a means of raising money, and in this case sectarian bigotry was the money spinner.

Suspect you knew that though.

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13 hours ago, anotherchance said:


Think we all know it was a glorified sash bash with a game of fitba thrown in to try and justify it.

Testimonials are a means of raising money, and in this case sectarian bigotry was the money spinner.

Suspect you knew that though.


Oh he knows.

He will continue to just say 'it was a testimonial' ad infinitum as he can take comfort from the fact it is indeed an indisputable fact.


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1 hour ago, MikeyWellFan said:

Hardly a shocker that a club which markets itself as Protestant and Loyalist would set up a photo opportunity with a flute band.

It just hammers home that the nonsense about distancing themselves from religion or politics is exactly that.


This.  It is an absolute fallacy that both clubs are allowed to get away with on a regular basis.

"Aw no, this isn't sectarian, it's just our culture"

They know fine well what element of their support is attracted to these things.  I bet if you polled the individuals in attendance in Belfast over the weekend on their political or religious leanings you'd get a fairly comprehensive result.

Obviously the club wouldn't know that, they just agreed to a testimonial, it was a mere opportunity to give the team a run out on an International break.  

We ask our fans not to be Sectarian, what more can we do?  We just organised a friendly with an Irish club.  Nothing wrong with that.


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Why no-one is prepared to say "aye but, your culture is dog-shit and should be consigned to history" is beyond me.

What is also mystifying to me is how two clubs can take two of the strongest possible brand identities on earth - Brand Britain (union flags, Liz etc.) and Brand Ireland (tricolors, blarney, four leafed clovers, leprechauns etc) and turn them into hateful, disgusting, loathsome things which most decent folk wouldn't touch with yours.

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