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18 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

It's an issue alongside everything else, not as a single action.

Its done as part of a tit for tat with Rangers to maintain, and escalate, the Catholic v Protestant undercurrent in the rivalry. 

It was in response to a Celtic fan claiming Celtic aren't part of the issue and are just innocent bystanders as Rangers fire out bigotry/sectarianism. 

Both clubs encourage it within their supports.

Yeah that's what i said, you see having an Irish flag as an issue. The flag literally represents peace between Catholics and protestants hence the green and orange. The flag of the Irish nation isn't sectarian and it does not promote anti-protestantism. If the Irish flag causes sectarian problems or some sort of rivalry it's probably because your country has an issue with anti-Irish racism. Maybe you can should have a look at that before claiming what the Irish flag or Irish identity represents. 

Someone waving an Irish flag doesn't give Scottish people the right to abuse them for their nationality or religion. 


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8 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:

Do Catholic schools exclude or segregate children of other denominations? Or can children of any faith be educated at a Catholic school?

Family friends of ours (non-catholic) sent their weans to a nearby catholic school because it got a good name.

One day one of the weans came home in tears having been told by a teacher that she was going to hell because she wasn't a catholic.

Imagine saying that to kid. She was about ten. 😀 Fucking maniac.

So, you can be educated there, but take some thick skin.

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Just now, Jinky67 said:

Do Catholic schools exclude or segregate children of other denominations? Or can children of any faith be educated at a Catholic school?

They can. My sibling was educated at a Catholic school despite our family being atheist. They were put on a waiting list though and only admitted after Catholics were given priority and there was space remaining.

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26 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

It's an issue alongside everything else, not as a single action.

Its done as part of a tit for tat with Rangers to maintain, and escalate, the Catholic v Protestant undercurrent in the rivalry. 

It was in response to a Celtic fan claiming Celtic aren't part of the issue and are just innocent bystanders as Rangers fire out bigotry/sectarianism. 

Both clubs encourage it within their supports.

Think that says more about your perception of Ireland than anything else tbh. Does Asian people celebrating Asian culture or waving a Pakistani flag help support anti-Asian racism? 

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23 hours ago, AJF said:

I’m not saying he doesn’t know what he is doing, I’m saying making a gesture of a flute isn’t itself bigoted in my opinion.

This is absolutely risible stuff. Really poor.

A classic example of the mindset you need to have to be a Rangers supporter in the 21st century though. You just need to switch your brain off to the reality of the club you've chosen to support.

I pity you in a way. You're probably got deep connections to Rangers. Probably family members, mates, memories etc. It's difficult to just switch that off. But when you're actually typing out and clicking post on the mince you've hit out with in the last few pages, you need to stop ad wonder whether this football club is doing bad things to you.

Rangers are an absolute cancer and you'd maybe do well to reflect on what your support for them is doing to your thought process.

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13 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

This is absolutely risible stuff. Really poor.

A classic example of the mindset you need to have to be a Rangers supporter in the 21st century though. You just need to switch your brain off to the reality of the club you've chosen to support.

I pity you in a way. You're probably got deep connections to Rangers. Probably family members, mates, memories etc. It's difficult to just switch that off. But when you're actually typing out and clicking post on the mince you've hit out with in the last few pages, you need to stop ad wonder whether this football club is doing bad things to you.

Rangers are an absolute cancer and you'd maybe do well to reflect on what your support for them is doing to your thought process.

Aye, I’ve been over it before but for clarity, I am not defending Gascoigne’s actions and I don’t think he should’ve done it. My main point was I fail to see how his gesture can be determined to be bigoted (not that I am saying it was fine).

I fully appreciate it relates to a sensitive religious issue and panders to those who will have bigoted views? But his gesture does not show any intolerance to Catholics or any other faith which is why I don’t believe it could be deemed bigoted/sectarian.

I could be wrong and it may be pedantic, and if so, fair enough.

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3 minutes ago, AJF said:

Aye, I’ve been over it before but for clarity, I am not defending Gascoigne’s actions and I don’t think he should’ve done it. My main point was I fail to see how his gesture can be determined to be bigoted (not that I am saying it was fine).

I fully appreciate it relates to a sensitive religious issue and panders to those who will have bigoted views? But his gesture does not show any intolerance to Catholics or any other faith which is why I don’t believe it could be deemed bigoted/sectarian.

I could be wrong and it may be pedantic, and if so, fair enough.

The point is that you're bending over backwards to defend something completely socially backwards and indefensible just because you're a Rangers supporter.

If you supported any other team, you'd look at people doing what you're doing and pity them.

Find a new team. Rangers are a pathetic thing to be into in this day and age.

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26 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

That kinda goes back to my point with Scottish society having issues with Irishness 

Except the OO - even in Scotland - is an organisation with deep Irish roots.  When you rail against the OO - as you have a history of doing - you are railing against Irishness.

I won't get a proper reply since, of course, joined-up thinking and Celtic fans never mix.

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Just now, VincentGuerin said:

The point is that you're bending over backwards to defend something completely socially backwards and indefensible just because you're a Rangers supporter.

If you supported any other team, you'd look at people doing what you're doing and pity them.

Find a new team. Rangers are a pathetic thing to be into in this day and age.

I’m not defending it all though. I’ve said from the start it was wrong.

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2 minutes ago, AJF said:

I seen that. Seems like the Record are trying to stoke the flames with this boardroom issue with King to an extent they are willing to fabricate a story.


Shows that you've got to take most of what they say with a pinch of salt. 

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14 minutes ago, bennett said:


Shows that you've got to take most of what they say with a pinch of salt. 

It's not surprising them printing garbage. Often newspapers get away with it by saying "sources tell us..." etc. but to actually print a false article under Albertz's name as if he authored it is pretty poor.

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46 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

That kinda goes back to my point with Scottish society having issues with Irishness 

If the club can’t celebrate its Irish roots because this upsets some people, then I would argue the problem isn’t so much the club but the people who see Ireland as an attack on them

Edit: on



44 minutes ago, Antony said:

Yeah that's what i said, you see having an Irish flag as an issue. The flag literally represents peace between Catholics and protestants hence the green and orange. The flag of the Irish nation isn't sectarian and it does not promote anti-protestantism. If the Irish flag causes sectarian problems or some sort of rivalry it's probably because your country has an issue with anti-Irish racism. Maybe you can should have a look at that before claiming what the Irish flag or Irish identity represents. 

Someone waving an Irish flag doesn't give Scottish people the right to abuse them for their nationality or religion. 



41 minutes ago, Buckets said:

Think that says more about your perception of Ireland than anything else tbh. Does Asian people celebrating Asian culture or waving a Pakistani flag help support anti-Asian racism? 

Celtic fans eh. Read a point, completely ignore it, then make up their own version to make it sound like they're being personally attacked.

I couldn't give a single f**k if someone walked into my house covered in an Irish flag. Celtic make a point of having a kit, or team wear, with those colours on it simply to help continue the Irish v British/Catholic v Protestant/Celtic v Rangers mentality within their supports. 

Both clubs and fanbases actively encourage and revel in creating a Catholic v Protestant mentality. That is an undeniable fact yet here we are, with 3 Celtic fans claiming that their club putting out an anti-Protestant message in a major kit launch, lyrics within an anti-Protestant song their fans sing, isn't them promoting an anti-Protestant message.

Celtic promote themselves as a Catholic/Irish club because its part of the rivalry with Rangers. Rangers promote themselves as Protestant/British because its part of the rivalry with Celtic. Both clubs turn a blind eye to songs their fans sing that promote bigotry/sectarianism as its part of the rivalry. Both clubs sell club wear designed to annoy the other side because its part of the rivalry. Both clubs put out public slogans designed to encourage anti-Catholic/anti-Protestant sentiments as its part of the rivalry.

Both clubs get away with it, and the fans get away with it, because theres thousands of mewling wee pathetic boot lickers like you three, on both sides, who'd rather circle the wagons around a bunch of bigots and protect them than understand that you're as big a part of the issue as they are by blocking others from taking action.

I guess I'll end up with some bizarre wee history lesson from 150 years ago, or I'll be told I'm the bigot, or some other weirdo deflective bullshit, tbh. Its like a fucking cult.

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1 hour ago, The_Kincardine said:

Bluster away all you want..  You said, specifically, "One of the very first things the OO started to do way back in the 19th century was to campaign pro actively against any legislation allowing Catholic worship."

You haven't a jot of evidence for this happening in Scotland.

There is if you care to go find it. The OO in Scotland’s first tentative steps into politics was to join an under the table informal alliance with anti-popery tories at Westminster to combat the Catholic Emancipation. This prompted the Whigs to become suspicious about the alliance and played a small part in why a select committee where instructed to investigate OO activities across GB.

I wish I could say your staunch defence of the OO was admirable but actually it just makes you appear like….well you know what however I should have known better to engage in this sort of debate with someone who’s opening gambit is “The OO in Scotland isn’t anti-Catholic”



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6 minutes ago, AJF said:

It's not surprising them printing garbage. Often newspapers get away with it by saying "sources tell us..." etc. but to actually print a false article under Albertz's name as if he authored it is pretty poor.

You'd have think they'd have learnt after their H&H story spectacularly backfired on them.

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