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Post referendum Tory party


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If we vote to remain, people like Gove, Johnson, IDS, Pitel won't give a toss about whether they serve in government with Cameron. He is now yesterday's man and will step down within the next couple of years - maybe sooner. 

It's all about Boris now or will be regardless of the result. I would imagine they will try and bring Cameron down as quickly as possible.


Credit to Ruth Davidson who knows the Tories are fucked in Scotland when Boris is PM. She is already distancing herself from him with the faux outrage at him in the debate last night and making noises about breaking off from the London Tories in Scotland. 

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If we vote to remain, people like Gove, Johnson, IDS, Pitel won't give a toss about whether they serve in government with Cameron. He is now yesterday's man and will step down within the next couple of years - maybe sooner.

It's all about Boris now or will be regardless of the result. I would imagine they will try and bring Cameron down as quickly as possible.

Credit to Ruth Davidson who knows the Tories are fucked in Scotland when Boris is PM. She is already distancing herself from him with the faux outrage at him in the debate last night and making noises about breaking off from the London Tories in Scotland.

The north British Tories are too wee, too poor and too stupid to be an independent party. When Boris is elected over Ruth's simple wee head, she can rest easy knowing they're #bettertogether.

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The north British Tories are too wee, too poor and too stupid to be an independent party. When Boris is elected over Ruth's simple wee head, she can rest easy knowing they're #bettertogether.


They'd be better off with Ruth than Boris, she is at least a sensible, competent politician who probably reads the stuff she quotes from before quoting it. 

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The north British Tories are too wee, too poor and too stupid to be an independent party. When Boris is elected over Ruth's simple wee head, she can rest easy knowing they're #bettertogether.

She can also rest easy knowing that her seat in the house of lords is secure.

Just like her useless predecessor.

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Surely they split. There's two sides now abusing each other and calling the other side liars. How can they stand under one manifesto and campaign together with any credibility?

Ideally, they split and Labour split with Britain moving toward proportional representation. The two major party system looks dead and continuing to plough on pretending it isn't will see the country continue to stall under poor leadership from both sides. What a fuckin state we're in with the pathetic leadership of both major parties over the past 6 or more years.

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Surely they split. There's two sides now abusing each other and calling the other side liars. How can they stand under one manifesto and campaign together with any credibility?

Ideally, they split and Labour split with Britain moving toward proportional representation. The two major party system looks dead and continuing to plough on pretending it isn't will see the country continue to stall under poor leadership from both sides. What a fuckin state we're in with the pathetic leadership of both major parties over the past 6 or more years.


Surely that's a fantasy.

Even if the Tories were to split they would still rule the country.

Why would they ever contemplate PR where they would get their arse skelped.

Also if your thoughts were to come true, Scotland would still be a wee bit of the UK no matter what political system is in place.

Better tae be independent and decide our future ourselves and no rely on others to do it for us.

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Labour are so disunited that the Tories will see the opportunity of remaining in power for another 2 GE's at least if they can keep their shit together. A unifying character to replace Cameron regardless of tomorrow's result and it's back to (big) business as usual I reckon.

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Surely that's a fantasy.

Even if the Tories were to split they would still rule the country.

Why would they ever contemplate PR where they would get their arse skelped.

Also if your thoughts were to come true, Scotland would still be a wee bit of the UK no matter what political system is in place.

Better tae be independent and decide our future ourselves and no rely on others to do it for us.

It probably is fantasy, but if you were to start from scratch now, no way would you from two major political parties with this mix of opinion in them. How long do we carry on with this absolute clusterfuck? If smaller parties were formed from the major ones in a PR system and they knew to form governments they had to work together with others, surely that would be preferable to this. There would be no reason for the Scottish Labour and Tory parties not to break away from the London parties, then work with others to help form governments, but without needing to bow to London.
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It probably is fantasy, but if you were to start from scratch now, no way would you from two major political parties with this mix of opinion in them. How long do we carry on with this absolute clusterfuck? If smaller parties were formed from the major ones in a PR system and they knew to form governments they had to work together with others, surely that would be preferable to this. There would be no reason for the Scottish Labour and Tory parties not to break away from the London parties, then work with others to help form governments, but without needing to bow to London.

What we need is for a Guy Fawkes tae succeed then perhaps we can have a different and democratic political system.

But I've been voting since 1961 and every election has been a clusterfuck (from my PoV) as far as Scotland is concerned.

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Labour are so disunited that the Tories will see the opportunity of remaining in power for another 2 GE's at least if they can keep their shit together. A unifying character to replace Cameron regardless of tomorrow's result and it's back to (big) business as usual I reckon.

I reckon you're correct. The greed and self-interest that unites the Tories is greater than anything that divides them. Nonetheless a blood battle would be lovely.

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I reckon you're correct. The greed and self-interest that unites the Tories is greater than anything that divides them. Nonetheless a blood battle would be lovely.


I concur, therefore I think I'll vote #Leave (but still no sure).

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I reckon you're correct. The greed and self-interest that unites the Tories is greater than anything that divides them. Nonetheless a blood battle would be lovely.


It's inevitable whoever wins. There will civil war in the Tory party until the conference in October at least. Cameron takes opposition very personally and bears grudges. It would not be a surprise if the Cabinet Ministers who backed Leave are sacked in a reshuffle if Remains wins. Expect Grayling, Whittingdale and Villiers to go. Gove may survive but I would not bet on it.

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It's inevitable whoever wins. There will civil war in the Tory party until the conference in October at least. Cameron takes opposition very personally and bears grudges. It would not be a surprise if the Cabinet Ministers who backed Leave are sacked in a reshuffle if Remains wins. Expect Grayling, Whittingdale and Villiers to go. Gove may survive but I would not bet on it.

To be fair, Grayling should go just for being the dullest man alive. And letting Villiers stop being Secretary of State for The Failed Statelet probably isn't much of a punishment!

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No. That was a fake Twitter account that was set up last week by an Italian journalist. It's amazing how many people fall for obvious shite.

Fair enough. I didn't look too far into it at the time, just saw it flash up on my Facebook feed.
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No. That was a fake Twitter account that was set up last week by an Italian journalist. It's amazing how many people fall for obvious shite.


Wishful thinking. You'll believe anything when you want it to be true :-)

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