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Groups E and F: The Final Countdown


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To be fair to Townsend - which is a stretch - he at least did play for Ireland. There's a link there.

It's just blatant chip-on-the-shoulder-dom to think that we wouldn't get the same treatment though. We'd get the same "oh isn't it just wonderful they're here" pat on the head stuff that the other nations that aren't England get.

Townsend of course did play. I'm on about the rest, but i'm not having underdog's tags or chips on the shooder, i for one found the likes of Barry Davies' and Brian Moore's mock concern when Seaman opened his flaps to Kluivert just desserts for having a standing rivalry with them. f**k, they still sing about Strachan, despite us being a shameful embarrassment of the team we were. It's not just this tourney; they were visibly and furiously infatuated with them even when gangs associated with the place liked blowing up huge chunks of their cities.

And....ETA Anyone who can't make the correlation between the effort displayed by the South, or indeed the North or West England, and the shite served up as commitment and passion by Scotland, is a fucking idiot. Looking at you, Lichtie. How much do you and your ilk just LOVE hiding behind subjective excuses to suit the fact that it's better for you to support a shite team than one which can win? c***s like you areca bigger problem for future Scotland success than crap, snidey wee fucks as managers.

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Outstanding performance from the Irish. As Lex put it earlier, I'd just be repeating his bollocks, but they get results when up against it. And well deserved too - all the statboi's will agree.


Well in Ireland. Let's be honest they played much better than Iceland did today yet they won't get half the plaudits that the luvies get.

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Great bunch of lads!


Although if they'd got that stonewall penalty, they'd probably have tried to defend it & Divved it up, whereas this way they were forced to pummel the Italians all match long & never give them a chance to get their acts together up front. Lesson there O'Neill.

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One of Wales or Northern Ireland are going to be in the quarter final.

Of a major tournament.

My my.


Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse.

A team who have won one game out of three in the last 16. They have really fucked up expanding this tournament.


That aside hope Ireland beat France and the cheat Henry is in the studio to comment on it.

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Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse.

A team who have won one game out of three in the last 16. They have really fucked up expanding this tournament.



Pretty sure a few teams must've got out of the groups on 3 or 4 points before. 

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