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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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2 minutes ago, Poo said:

No, you lost the referendum in Scotland, but are trying to force Scotland to go against it's own will, along with the rest of your thuggish right wing britnat knuckle draggers.

Poo by name........

Btw, it was a UK wide referendum........ Ya didnae ken ?

And what's this 'your' bollocks? Ya fuckwit.

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27 minutes ago, Poo said:

No, you lost the referendum in Scotland, but are trying to force Scotland to go against it's own will, along with the rest of your thuggish right wing britnat knuckle draggers.

What's this "Scotland"? Regionalists recognise no Scotland, only the UK of GB and NI. Scotland is just a region of the GB part of the glorious nation.

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37 minutes ago, Antlion said:

You don't want Scotland to have sovereignty.

Maybe, when the time's right, when independence hasn't been hijacked by Nationalists and there is a case for Independence based on merit  for improving the lives of Scottish people and on economic sustainability and not on rabid anti-English/Welsh prejudice and a faux sense of injustice.

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10 minutes ago, WILLIEA said:

I too would be interested in this definition of sovereignty and what it entails!

It seems like it might have something to do with doing away with the independent judiciary and the rule of law. 

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12 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

Maybe, when the time's right, when independence hasn't been hijacked by Nationalists and there is a case for Independence based on merit  for improving the lives of Scottish people and on economic sustainability and not on rabid anti-English/Welsh prejudice and a faux sense of injustice.

You had no problem voting for the UK to be independent of the European Union despite the campaign being hijacked, fought by and beloved of nationalists, devoid of sound economic reasoning and predicated on a sense of rabid anti-foreigner prejudice and a faux sense of injustice.

But you know this.

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I see! Something like the mob rule, dishonesty and disregard for decency that we had during the referendum?

On a more serious note it is seriously deluded to think any nation can be truly sovereign in todays world.

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I could put my whole life story up here warts and all and take full responsibility without turning a hair, I have not and never will seek sympathy for any events in my life, equally I'm not too quick to dish out sympathy as I'm not the sort to kid on I'm sympathetic if I don't really give a shit.

You could, and no will give the slightest whiff of a shite about it.

Also, next time you don't give a f**k about something, try to either ignore it, or simply post a single "I don't give a shit", instead of boring the tits off everyone with a look-at-me-a-athon on your university of life/school of hard knocks education.

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21 minutes ago, The OP said:


It seems like it might have something to do with doing away with the independent judiciary and the rule of law. 

Not at all . An independent judiciary  and the rule of law is fundamental to Democracy, but those judges are not beyond reproach if they get a judgement wrong. That's why we have a Supreme Court.

I don't think it's healthy to put anyone on a pedestal.....Judges, politicians, junior doctors, celebrities., ...whoever. Everyone and everything should be questioned and open to scrutiny.

Leaving the EU was a massive step forward in retaining the UK's Sovereignty as the EU was heading towards wresting that away from nation states.

Within the Sovereign state there are many more battles to fight in order for the people to achieve the best representation. Brexit and Scottish Indy has proven that there are many dissatisfied voices within the UK at the moment.

Personally I would abolish the Monarchy,  replace the house of Lords with an elected 2nd chamber , change the FPTP electoral system in Westminster ( another referendum needed on that one) blah blah, nothing too radical. Just common sense tbh.

Edited by McSpreader
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4 minutes ago, McSpreader said:


Personally I would abolish the Monarchy,  replace the house of Lords with an elected 2nd chamber , change the FPTP electoral system in Westminster ( another referendum needed on that one) blah blah, nothing too radical. Just common sense tbh.

Sounds a bit like France!

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Poo by name........

Btw, it was a UK wide referendum........ Ya didnae ken ?

And what's this 'your' bollocks? Ya fuckwit.

This guy hates personal abuse .
He makes a point of posting about it regularly.
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8 minutes ago, Antlion said:

You had no problem voting for the UK to be independent of the European Union despite the campaign being hijacked, fought by and beloved of nationalists, devoid of sound economic reasoning and predicated on a sense of rabid anti-foreigner prejudice and a faux sense of injustice.

But you know this.

You always do this.......a bit childish, imo! You don't have opinions, just anti-opinions.

I didn't vote for the UK to BE independent but to prevent it from heading further towards complete integration.  Reasonable and sensible.

You can now be good enough to justify your anti-foreigner accusation.....I've challenged plenty of others and not one has yet managed to do so. Show me one post of mine where I'm anti-foreigner.

I love people of all nations, of all colours , creeds, musical tastes and sporting or sexual preferences. I think immigration has been good for the UK and has helped our nation prosper. I also think immigration has been bad for the UK  and low paid workers and has put pressure on communities and finite resources ( housing, school places, health provision) because the scale of immigration was poorly planned.....a bit like Brexit has been poorly planned.

I would like to see us able to better control immigration......continue with it, but control it better. I don't agree that the anarchy of the current system serves the nation well. For example.....the South East is swamped with immigrants,( Ooooh , he said swamped!! get the  burning torches and pitchforks out !) Scotland needs more immigrants. Better planning might see that imbalance redressed and more resources and people redirected North of the Border and with that planning, maybe more jobs and prosperity.

If Holyrood were to engage better with rUK we would all benefit.


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2 hours ago, McSpreader said:

You always do this.......a bit childish, imo! You don't have opinions, just anti-opinions.

I didn't vote for the UK to BE independent but to prevent it from heading further towards complete integration.  Reasonable and sensible.

You can now be good enough to justify your anti-foreigner accusation.....I've challenged plenty of others and not one has yet managed to do so. Show me one post of mine where I'm anti-foreigner.

I love people of all nations, of all colours , creeds, musical tastes and sporting or sexual preferences. I think immigration has been good for the UK and has helped our nation prosper. I also think immigration has been bad for the UK  and low paid workers and has put pressure on communities and finite resources ( housing, school places, health provision) because the scale of immigration was poorly planned.....a bit like Brexit has been poorly planned.

I would like to see us able to better control immigration......continue with it, but control it better. I don't agree that the anarchy of the current system serves the nation well. For example.....the South East is swamped with immigrants,( Ooooh , he said swamped!! get the  burning torches and pitchforks out !) Scotland needs more immigrants. Better planning might see that imbalance redressed and more resources and people redirected North of the Border and with that planning, maybe more jobs and prosperity.

If Holyrood were to engage better with rUK we would all benefit.


You're a hypocrite. You oppose "complete integration" if the UK's sovereignty is at stake, but you demand it for Scotland.

I say you're anti-foreigner because you claim being against total integration for a nation means being anti the nations one doesn't wish to be integrated with. If you believe that, then *you're* obviously anti-foreigner. Here I am just using your own criteria for accusing people of xenophobia. If being against total integration into the UK superstate is being anti-English, then being against total integration into the EU superstate is anti-European. The difference is the latter is a BritNat bogeyman and the former has been going on for centuries.

Edited by Antlion
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1 hour ago, John Lambies Doos said:


What's wrong with the French?


Oh! I don't know. They have a well educated workforce, armed forces with an aircraft carrier that is operational, and has aeroplanes on it.

A better standard of living than the UK and much better infrastructure.

They also have an unswerving belief in freedom, democracy and equality and don't make a big song and dance about poppies and suchlike. Their equivalent  of the poppy is a cornflower and is worn for one day only and only by government officials, not joe public.

Complete b*stards as you can see.

They also consider the UK at the moment to be a comedy basketcase. An assessment with which I completely agree

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