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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 hour ago, Baxter Parp said:

You're thick as mince, chum.  You're the one that connected the 80's economic turmoil with the EU. I'm the one saying it was Thatcher's fault.  Having trouble keeping track of your pish rhetoric?

Thick as mince you say.  You state that I was the one that "connected the 80's economic turmoil with the EU."  Here, let me help you out.

On 25/11/2016 at 11:27, DublinMagyar said:

So you are saying Uk s poor performance in the 80s WASN'T Germany's doing. Even though you stated their success was cost us?

Notice that the poster wasn't strichener?

Now where was the first mention of Thatcher?  Oh that right it was in this post:

On 25/11/2016 at 12:15, Baxter Parp said:

You'll need to explain how the EU were responsible for Thatcher's economic and social policies.

At no point prior to you mentioning Thatcher had I stated that the EU were responsible for her policies nor that the UK's performance in the 80's was a result of Thatcher's policies.

You are the only person not keeping track here. :1eye

Probably best that you stick to posting nazi pictures and linking it to Trump.  It would appear to be the limit of your abilities.



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8 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

Yes, politicians should never go abroad or learn anything.

It's fine for real UK politicians, just not Scottish ones. They should be tethered to a post at Holyrood, lest anyone in the real world starts to think of Scotland as a nation and not a jaunty-jolly wee colony of the glorious UK state, represented entirely by the UK government and its heroic statespeople.

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20 minutes ago, RedRob72 said:


Just more posturing and posing, not like she's got much on at home eh?

That's poor Rob


2 minutes ago, Antlion said:

It's fine for real UK politicians, just not Scottish ones. They should be tethered to a post at Holyrood, lest anyone in the real world starts to think of Scotland as a nation and not a jaunty-jolly wee colony of the glorious UK state, represented entirely by the UK government and its heroic statespeople.

You agree with this Rob?

And these effing royals gallivanting about the world at the taxpayers expense.

Did ye object tae that?

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4 minutes ago, RedRob72 said:

What's she learning? That she knows how to preach to the choir and her pan-nationalist pals over the water!

Unlike you she won't be complaining about the lack of HP Sauce and shouting at the locals about being "the people".  Every chance she'll learn something.

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I expected better from you Rob

My apologies, just seems a little opportunistic in my opinion, that's all. Perhaps it's because she's granted a captive audience in Dublin, Nicola will claim that she's looking out for the best interests of Scotland, but the mischievous intent to cause further division is almost certainly there too! Again just my own take on it.
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On 07/09/2016 at 18:35, McSpreader said:

Moronic how? It's probably hard to gauge the scale and impact of mass immigration from Stornoway. You may not be the best person to comment on the subject , even tho' you are entitled to an opinion, as are ,so you rightly say, 65,million other people in Britain. You probably don't realise that a lot of Leave voters aren't against immigration per se, but against the scale, the impact on their communities, the strain on local services and resources, the lack of control over who comes in and the fact they do not benefit  but see big business and the wealthy benefitting from cheap labour. It may be about prejudice for some but for the majority it's about the negative impact on their daily lives.....and the fact they are constantly lectured at by politicians who don't suffer the consequences.

Maybe from Stornoway 20 years of mass , unfettered immigration looks like a wonderful achievement of multi culturalism. For those in amngst it the picture ain't quite so rosy, I fear!! 

I work all over the UK and I see both types of racists. The one's who think they are superior, and the one's who believe they are inferior. The latter are mostly found in the arts and media. They constantly knowtow to political correctness, and are filled with self loathing and engage in Ad hominem when challenged.


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