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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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2 hours ago, LinkinFighter said:

The Northern Irish prods are a strange bunch, pining for the identity of country that doesn't give a f**k about them.

Maybe not now but previously Churchill and Britain did.

But without Northern Ireland's loyalty the British people would have been confronted with slavery or death.

Short memories. 

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8 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Someone jokingly touched on this earlier, but Sturgeon should offer May support for the Brexit Bill in return for Scotland being able to remain in the Single Market (with all that entails) and no hard border with England.




Oh, and a billion pounds.

The Tory-SNP coalition... friend and allies.

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10 hours ago, doulikefish said:

Dup whip in no 10 just now,looks like the magic money tree is about to get a shake again lol

Doubt it. What's being proposed by Theresa May is basically the end of the UK. There's no way the DUP can go along with that. Moving forward it will be interesting to see what effect this has on Unionist opinion even in Scotland. What has traditionally been understood by Britain and Britishness has been shown to be expendable when it runs counter to the interests of the Tory party in Middle England. Will also be interesting to see if this whole episode gets Westminster politicians to finally face reality on the UK's status in the modern post-imperial world.

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2 minutes ago, FlyerTon said:

Evens on a General Election  in 2018:


Do you think we'll have another EU referendum along the lines of - Brexit - are you really sure?


We should have another referendum and I think remain would win.

Not a major consideration for many, but I assume a hard Brexit would completely f**k Gibraltar.


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13 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:


Absolutely crystal clear on a 32 county republic


Except how to achieve it, of course, now that they have done a U-turn on the armalite and the ballot box strategy. 

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Do you think we'll have another EU referendum along the lines of - Brexit - are you really sure?

We absolutely should if it turns out to be a hard Brexit, which is looking more and more likely. Nobody voted for that, even Nigel Farage wasn’t keen.

I think May clearly does want single market access or she wouldn’t be trying her best to appease the EU currently, but ultimately she’s valuing her own job and her own party above it.
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As well as the DUP angle and expecting them to bottle it yesterday rather than do the readily predictable of what can be paraphrased as a cry of No Surrender on the border issue, it's like Maggie T with the 1981 Hunger Strike all over again on how the Home Counties chattering classes simply don't understand why Irish republican opinion is the way it is. Do they really have no concept of who Michael Collins was and why given what happened to him in the 1920s no Fine Gael leader could ever contemplate being seen to cave to pressure from Westminster on the border issue?

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15 hours ago, The Holiday Song said:


I’m concerned there’s a fourth option...

No deal brexit

Hard border for Ireland

Loony hardcore Brexiters would love it, as would DUP? What’s to stop this? Good Friday Agreement?

This had crossed my mind, but I really hope (have to hope) that there's enough sense to prevent this becoming a possibility. 

14 hours ago, harry94 said:

That's quite a good summary of things. Another, more dramatic, option would be if the Tory remain vote perhaps courted Labour's very pro EU MPs and kind of almost turned to a national type government to carry overwhelming support for the single market - I think that's probably the best compromise for the narrow victory and is the only practical route to stability. It'll kill many careers but the resulting economic collapse will also take care of that.

Thanks,  I think if Ken Clarke were to lead such an opposition it may have a chance, we are not going to see anything directly from Labour who are too gutless and seem intent on protecting the gains made at the last election.

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What I don't understand about the DUP stance is that Northern Ireland was the 3rd biggest vote for remain in the referendum (behind Scotland and London) so why are the DUP now seen as pro "hard" Brexit.

It doesn't make much sense for them to have a hard border with the republic either in politics or economics.

Obviously the border being the Irish sea they see as a slippery slope to a united Ireland but I'd not be too bothered about losing this particular part of the UK.

My ideal solution would be a united Ireland, an independent Scotland outside the EU but in the free trade area and with mostly freedom of movement.

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Wonder if the DUP will win and the UK as a whole will stay in the SM & CU?  Then it becomes an even bigger farce than it already is - £50B paid out and free movement of people with no control over our borders. You would have to say what was the fekin point!?

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