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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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10 hours ago, Antlion said:

The apathy with which the people of the UK - Scotland especially, which rejected this - are accepting the unfolding disaster of Brexit is bizarre. Even a couple of years ago this level of incompetent madness would have been unbelievable. Not it seems to be being enacted without even token opposition.

For all the british talk about "stiff upper lip and all that", we're basically in island of regressive shitebags. One of our greatest military triumphs in WW2 was basically running away ffs. In Scotland of course, things are slightly different, where shitting the bed has almost become an art form. Indeed at sporting level we refer to it as "glorious failure", when in fact it's simply "failure". The Tories could implement laws to use pensioners for fuel and the daft fuckers would still reject independence, then blame the EsssEnnnPeee for not protecting them from the party they voted for :lol:

Brexit is happening, and will be a monumental clusterfuck and we will, as a nation, meekly accept our fate. It's the Scottish way.



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For all the british talk about "stiff upper lip and all that", we're basically in island of regressive shitebags. One of our greatest military triumphs in WW2 was basically running away ffs. In Scotland of course, things are slightly different, where shitting the bed has almost become an art form. Indeed at sporting level we refer to it as "glorious failure", when in fact it's simply "failure". The Tories could implement laws to use pensioners for fuel and the daft fuckers would still reject independence, then blame the EsssEnnnPeee for not protecting them from the party they voted for [emoji38]
Brexit is happening, and will be a monumental clusterfuck and we will, as a nation, meekly accept our fate. It's the Scottish way.
Pensioners for Fuel [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]. Had me in stitches reading that.
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12 hours ago, Antlion said:

The apathy with which the people of the UK - Scotland especially, which rejected this - are accepting the unfolding disaster of Brexit is bizarre. Even a couple of years ago this level of incompetent madness would have been unbelievable. Not it seems to be being enacted without even token opposition.

The political awareness, engagement and activity in Scotland that saw the NO vote in Independence Referendum going from having a huge margin to a very narrow  one over the space of a few months seems to have disappeared.


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20 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

The political awareness, engagement and activity in Scotland that saw the NO vote in Independence Referendum going from having a huge margin to a very narrow  one over the space of a few months seems to have disappeared.


That will be "voter fatigue" as it's apparently so tiring and hard work having different elections with different systems and having to vote sometimes twice in a year! 


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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

The political awareness, engagement and activity in Scotland that saw the NO vote in Independence Referendum going from having a huge margin to a very narrow  one over the space of a few months seems to have disappeared.


I think it was always a little bit overstated. Scottish society undoubtedly became more politically engaged in the run up to 2014, but not to any stratospheric degree, and not always very deeply (and this goes for hardcore nationalists and hardcore regionalists). 

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1 hour ago, Antlion said:

I think it was always a little bit overstated. Scottish society undoubtedly became more politically engaged in the run up to 2014, but not to any stratospheric degree, and not always very deeply (and this goes for hardcore nationalists and hardcore regionalists). 

I’m not sure how these things can be gauged, and I know it’s all subjective, but the gap between YES and NO reduced from about 40% at the start of the campaign to about 6% by the vote.

Stratospheric?  Maybe not, but very significant.


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Labour’s poll lead jumped anywhere from 11-15 points in an 8 week campaign last year. I don’t think one side’s increase in support is as important a factor as the general turnout, which was incredible in 2014, in assessing political engagement.

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1 hour ago, NotThePars said:

Labour’s poll lead jumped anywhere from 11-15 points in an 8 week campaign last year. I don’t think one side’s increase in support is as important a factor as the general turnout, which was incredible in 2014, in assessing political engagement.

Nobody gives a fk about liebour mate pack it in

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Gordon Brewer and the detestable Torrance are busy on the BBC telling us that we the Scottish public don’t care a whit about devolution and the effects of Brexit on it. It’s not a constitutional crisis, Torrance said: the Scots just aren’t worrying their pretty little heads at all about this issue.

I guess if they keep this narrative up they’re hoping that we will just happily accept the Scotland Act being overturned without a squeak.

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Wait - according to the Tory, the desire of the Scottish government to uphold the existing Scotland Act is just “greevy-ance”. 

Thank f**k for the Green boy attempting to scupper Brewer’s circle-jerk with the Tory and Labour Britnats (both spitting feather and clutching pearls at the hideous thought of the Scottish tail daring to try and wag the English bulldog). 

Edited by Antlion
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