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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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9 hours ago, Cerberus said:

The Irish border with no Checkpoints is one of my favorite Brexit moments so far.

Middle England racists collectively lost their shit over controlling their borders only for the Government to not bother 'cause it's too much hassle.

My favourite part of that is the Brexiters who've never set foot in NI giving it 'well we don't want a hard border, if the EU put one up that's their fault and they can pay for it!!!111!'

Yes, because it's entirely reasonable to leave a supranational union  on the basis of taking back control of your borders, then expect the other party to completely cede control of their own borders when you refuse regulatory alignment with them.

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16 hours ago, Antlion said:

Apparently the UK Brexit Select Committee are seeking an extension to the Article 50 two-year period from the EU. :lol:

Hopefully the EU laugh off any attempt on the part of the UK to break the rules to suit itself (and extend its own incompetence). 

There was always going to be añ extension the rules allow for six months and that was always going to be necessary.  This is relevant for indyref2 which will be march 2019, in line with the SNPs September 2018 to march 2019 period in their letter to the UK government.  Nothing has changed the timeline remains the same.

Edited by Peppino Impastato
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3 hours ago, Peppino Impastato said:

There was always going to be añ extension the rules allow for six months and that was always going to be necessary.  This is relevant for indyref2 which will be march 2019, in line with the SNPs September 2018 to march 2019 period in their letter to the UK government.  Nothing has changed the timeline remains the same.

There's no 6 month stipulation in Article 50, just that any extension over the 2 years has to be agreed by the European Council unanimously.


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2 hours ago, Cerberus said:


One of your top Tories calling people remoaners.




The EU select committee is a cross party committee of 20 with 10 Tories and a Leave voting DUP member.  Looks like the hard core Brexiteers can’t even accept the majority findings of this body.



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Scottish independence would ruin our Brexit deal, says Theresa May
But how?  I thought we were a drain on the English economy?

Say what you will about the tories but somehow making a bad brexit the fault of the SNP is breathtaking political strategy and given the electorate who voted for brexit plays entirely into their hands.
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2 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:

Scottish independence would ruin our Brexit deal, says Theresa May


But how?  I thought we were a drain on the English economy?

She likes to say "we are one people".

Reminds me of that German (actually Austrian) who liked to say "we are one folk".

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Just saw online that Scottish Tories are threatening to vote down a final deal over continuing EU access to fisheries. The job security of Ruth Davidson's MPs appears to be more important to her than her former pro-Remain stance.




Edited by LongTimeLurker
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4 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Say what you will about the tories but somehow making a bad brexit the fault of the SNP is breathtaking political strategy and given the electorate who voted for brexit plays entirely into their hands.

Am I being whooshed here?  That article from the Independent is a year old. 

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36 minutes ago, zidane's child said:

The UK and EU agree terms of transition


Doubt the DUP will be too happy about the default "backstop" position on the Irish border, ie. NI remains in the Customs Union while the rest of the UK leaves, unless another solution is found.

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4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Doubt the DUP will be too happy about the default "backstop" position on the Irish border, ie. NI remains in the Customs Union while the rest of the UK leaves, unless another solution is found.

So despite terms being agreed, will talks be ongoing? If that's the case, I don't know what they have agreed! 

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If any part of the UK is to have ongoing access to the Customs Union then that option must be made available to all if they want to take advantage of it.  It's inconceivable that the threat of a terrorist resurgence is sufficient to create a different arrangement.  If this is a retained option then Scotland must have it too. If it's not really an option then well played on booting the can down the road again. 

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