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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Would anyone who is going to be majorly affected by this consider moving to a country within the EU? Would you change job here? People seem to forget how big a market the UK is. The largest amount of gaming sales in Europe is an example. People want in on that cash whether it's part of the EU or not.

I'm not trying to argue in favour of brexit, but against the armageddon pish coming out, which reminds me of the indyref.


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16 hours ago, git-intae-thum said:

I look forward to getting rid of the European working time directive.

I will no longer have to give my workers 4 weeks paid leave, sick pay or a maximum 48 hour week.

I can finally get my moneys worth out em!! :whistle

It is probably some EU directive that stops us sending children up chimneys nowadays.

Interfering foreigners - be gone with you. :rolleyes:

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May backs down in fight with Brexiteers over EU ‘backstop’ plan

BRUSSELS has shot down the UK’s chaotic “backstop” plan to prevent a hard-border in Ireland.

Why bother to publish proposals that you know are unacceptable to the EU?

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1 hour ago, Tamdunk said:

Would anyone who is going to be majorly affected by this consider moving to a country within the EU? Would you change job here? People seem to forget how big a market the UK is. The largest amount of gaming sales in Europe is an example. People want in on that cash whether it's part of the EU or not.

I'm not trying to argue in favour of brexit, but against the armageddon pish coming out, which reminds me of the indyref.

The things is that the plan for indy Scotland was to remain in the EU or at least join it simultaneously, thus avoiding the utter shambles that we see in the lead up to Brexit.  They're not comparable scenarios.  As an ex-customs officer I've known for years that EU membership or at least customs union/single market membership are essential in order for our economy to function in an efficient manner.

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8 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

The things is that the plan for indy Scotland was to remain in the EU or at least join it simultaneously, thus avoiding the utter shambles that we see in the lead up to Brexit.  They're not comparable scenarios.  As an ex-customs officer I've known for years that EU membership or at least customs union/single market membership are essential in order for our economy to function in an efficient manner.

If it does come down to SM/CU membership then it will just create more problems for the government and I think it will ultimately lead to a second referendum. 

Remainers will still want full membership status and Leavers won't be happy that it's not the clean divorce that they were hoping for.

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Just now, zidane's child said:

If it does come down to SM/CU membership then it will just create more problems for the government and I think it will ultimately lead to a second referendum. 

Remainers will still want full membership status and Leavers won't be happy that it's not the clean divorce that they were hoping for.

That's a problem they've brought on themselves. There's no way pout of it that's acceptable to either and kicking the problem down the road just makes things worse.

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1 hour ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

So when it all goes tits up we can blame them, not ourselves. It's been the only coherent plan we've had since June 2016. 

When push comes to shove there will be enough Tory rebels to force a change of course, probably through a new General Election.  This gives potential for Brexit to be overturned.

Corbyn will be under huge pressure and if he fucks it up and still gets grass root party support I can see a split in the Labour Party.  That will hand political dominance to the Tories on a plate for the foreseeable future.

It is almost unbelievable that after May getting screwed in the last election she called that she could do better in another one due to Corbyn’s/Labour’ ineptitude.


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57 minutes ago, Crùbag said:

What an absolute catastrofluck... And still Corbyn can't do eff-all in the polls.

Could it be that Corbyn is actually frightened of becoming PM?  On the face of it it might sound an absurd statement but he’s an idealist who would actually be expected to deliver and not just theorise and pontificate.

Before becoming leader he was a backbencher for 20+ years and continually defied the party whip (nothing wrong with that in itself).  The thought of dealing with all the issues of running the country whilst dealing with an ideologically divided parliamentary party maybe scares the wits out of him.


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Trump not keen on meeting with "school mistress" May during G7 :lol:

Mad Boris proven correct, if only we had such a strong leader to power our way through Brexit instead of this endless embarrassment.

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May backs down in fight with Brexiteers over EU ‘backstop’ plan
BRUSSELS has shot down the UK’s chaotic “backstop” plan to prevent a hard-border in Ireland.
Why bother to publish proposals that you know are unacceptable to the EU?

How is she backing down?

Sent from my VFD 710 using Pie and Bovril mobile app

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Big growth in support for a United Ireland in NI largely due to Brexit.

Demographics  suggest this will increase in the future.



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