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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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6 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Alternatively, couldn't we just get Kim Jong Um to nuke us?

There is a good chance the bomb would be highly inefficient and there would be a lot of unused uranium left over that we could then grab hold of.

Problem solved.

O.K., you do the grabbing.

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Very long article and for an American audience so a lot of it is stuff we already know. but what comes over is the utter bewilderment and naivety of the politicians over the complexity of Brexit. Old fashioned British muddling through without a strategy and hoping the Civil Servants would work it out seems to  have been the modus operandi. 

Small excerpt.


May declared, “The authority of E.U. law in Britain will end.” The line sounded technical, but it caused great shock outside the U.K. Withdrawing from the European Court of Justice meant that May intended to take Britain out of more or less every regulatory mechanism devised by the bloc, from drug safety to aviation rules. Senior officials working on Brexit were also astonished: there had not yet been a detailed discussion of the E.C.J. with May and her team. “They didn’t know what it meant,” the civil servant told me. The pound fell sharply, and European governments began calling, trying to decipher May’s intentions. “You think, Oh f**k. This is going to be fun in Brussels.”

That morning, May had also announced that she would trigger Article 50 by the end of March, 2017, which would put in place the two-year deadline for the country’s exit. The Prime Minister’s political staff were adamant that she activate the clause soon, to show the nation that Brexit was happening. But British officials familiar with the E.U.’s processes argued for delay. By starting the clock before the government had fully defined what it wanted Brexit to look like, May risked giving the E.U. an inherent advantage in the negotiations—time would always be against her. Diplomats insisted that some informal bargaining was possible before the technical talks began. “You need to go around Europe,” the senior official explained. “Sit down with Merkel and Macron and say, ‘This is our vision, O.K.? Do you guys buy it?’ You figure out where your landing area is. Then you trigger Article 50.” Sir Ivan Rogers, the U.K.’s permanent representative to the E.U., and Oliver Robbins, the civil servant in charge of Dexeu, were given twenty-four hours’ notice of May’s announcement. Both objected; both were overruled.


Edited by welshbairn
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7 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

Potential money saving solution for the NHS.
Employee undertrained doctors-



Maybe they should just not treat poor people and let them die instead, that's what you do over there eh

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Potential money saving solution for the NHS.
Employee undertrained doctors-

Yet the exact same fuckers complain that the restrictions on working hours of the EWTD leads to Junior Doctors not getting enough experience while on the job.
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31 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

If anyone wants further proof of just how arrogant, delusional and downright disrespectful the Brexit cheerleaders are then catch the interview with Peter Bone MP on the BBC News.

The interviewer was cheering him on rather than challenging outright lies.


We did think, though, that the exchange rate would go down. We took a lot of heat for saying that in advance, but it was the easiest call one could make, probably the easiest call I’ve seen in macro in 25 years in terms of what was going to happen to the exchange rate if the vote went a certain way. It did. We thought inflation was going to rise, we thought the economy would slow. And all of those have transpired. Every prediction, every forecast, every comment in that environment has been amplified. 



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1 hour ago, Cerberus said:

Potential money saving solution for the NHS.
Employee undertrained doctors-



There’s no way doctors need 5 years training; 2 years top maximum. 6 months for nurses.  3 months for teachers.  I reckon I could learn to fly a passenger jet in 6 weeks.

Anythink more than that is excessive.

Chlorinated chicken anyone?



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There’s no way doctors need 5 years training; 2 years top maximum. 6 months for nurses.  3 months for teachers.  I reckon I could learn to fly a passenger jet in 6 weeks.
Anythink more than that is traitorous and unpatriotic and not the Brexit we voted for
Chlorinated chicken anyone?


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Remember this-



I’m not a fan of Boris Johnson. I think I listened to him the way I listen to everything else and at one stage I did feel like he was on the side I was thinking of. “If this money, if money doesn’t go into the NHS I will, physically, I will go mad. “I need to be assured that this money because that is why I voted to come out and it’s not right.












Image result for boris johnson laugh

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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

There’s no way doctors need 5 years training; 2 years top maximum. 6 months for nurses.  3 months for teachers.  I reckon I could learn to fly a passenger jet in 6 weeks.

Anythink more than that is excessive.

Chlorinated chicken anyone?



Who needs experts anyway?

I went to the university of life, me.

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2 hours ago, Cerberus said:

Remember this-













Image result for boris johnson laugh

That reads like a Daily Mash article.

Anyway, how mentally, crazily, dangerously stupid do you need to be have ever believed such shit?!

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Comment from BBC site, it's really laughable

Amazing to think the UK survived for 6 years without selling a single £ to Europe, when our supplies from the ROW were being bombed and torpedoed by the Germans. when we leave the EU what will happen is the the French, Spanish, Germans and all will be rioting in the streets because they cannot sell to us and the EU will collapse.Arrogance will be the cause, The EU leaders will be to blame.

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