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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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4 minutes ago, Detournement said:

They are holding off because they don't want to set a precedent where a referendum result isn't implemented.

There is no real route to getting Remain on a ballot anyway.

SNP making it a condition of supporting Labour in a minority Government for one. It would be interesting what would happen if there's an even greater majority for Remain in Scotland and even more so in NI, and Wales flips, but the UK is still for Brexit.

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8 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

1951 style Festival of Britain.



The Gammons will lap that up. They love the 1950s, even the Polio.

I still can't get over the fact they have decided to have it in January.

There is no way this will actually happen.

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22 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

1951 style Festival of Britain.



The Gammons will lap that up. They love the 1950s, even the Polio.

I have read that about three times and each time I forget I'm not reading a Daily Mash article.

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31 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

1951 style Festival of Britain.



The Gammons will lap that up. They love the 1950s, even the Polio.

It may appeal to the faithful but will have a whiff of desperation to most others.


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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

Because as things stand the Scottish economy is inextricably linked to the U.K. one as Scotland is still part of the U.K.  A hard Brexit will have a significant impact on Scottish businesses and jobs and there will be a knock on impact on public sector spending.

As usual, it will be the most vulnerable who will be hardest hit.  For them it will not be some ideological wankfest it will be an even tougher existence following years of Tory austerity.

I cannot see how the SNP can be harmed politically or electorally from this and IMO it will put them in a more likely position to hold the balance of power following a GE.



I don't think Labour or the Tories would ever try and cut a deal with the SNP. They're simply blinded by hatred of the SNP. It would also be admitting that their Northern branches are pointless since all they stand for is to oppose everything and anything the SNP do or propose.

44 minutes ago, RiG said:

In the style of The Express, Buzzfeed, clickbait pish here is Peston SLAPPING DOWN BoJo...


Boris Johnson is absolute scum. He's a blundering, racist piece of shit with not an iota of humanity. He's driven by greed and probably doesn't even comprehend the concept of truth let alone ever come close to telling it. He's a deeply untrustworthy arsehole who would say and sell anything out for a sniff of money.

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34 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

1951 style Festival of Britain.



The Gammons will lap that up. They love the 1950s, even the Polio.


"Never mind about the absolute state of things, look at this throwback to a memory of Empire and plenty that never actually existed!"

Basically saying 'look over there and not here". A genuinely astonishingly insulting tactic.

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1 minute ago, DA Baracus said:

I don't think Labour or the Tories would ever try and cut a deal with the SNP. They're simply blinded by hatred of the SNP. 

It’s amazing how pragmatic politicians can be when they have the chance to take control.

The SNP would never do a deal with the Tories but they could support a Labour minority government but not through a formal coalition.

Labour supporters/members would slaughter Corbyn if he had a chance to oust May and didn’t take it.

Ideal scenario Labour with 5 or 6 seats less than the Tories with 45+ SNP taking them over the finishing line.


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8 hours ago, Fullerene said:

"Will there be a hard border in Ireland?"

"Not if we can help it."

"Okay then.  Can you help it?"


The Gammons don’t give a shit about the Irish border or the GFA.  They will still be the first to be outraged by any return to violence in NI or when the discussion about a united Ireland emerges.


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31 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

The Gammons don’t give a shit about the Irish border or the GFA.  They will still be the first to be outraged by any return to violence in NI or when the discussion about a united Ireland emerges.


It will be the EU’s fault. Somehow.

Edited by Antlion
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14 hours ago, Cerberus said:

I didn't actually read about it, I just saw the headline and thought "Uh huh".

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13 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:



Reminds me of;

'Im not driving a Mini Metro'

'Im not driving a Mini Metro'

'Im not driving a Mini Metro'

'Im not driving a Mini Metro'


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Only six more months until all the rhetoric and lies from the Leave camp finally collides with reality. Once the dust settles will the UK finally move on from its post-imperial identity crisis or is there going to be a few more decades of this lunacy until people finally grasp that they live in a moderately large European state that needs to trade freely with its immediate European neighbours to remain prosperous rather than a global maritime empire that can still set the rules on world trade through gunboat diplomacy?

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