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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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2 minutes ago, Detournement said:

What i mean is they don't want it.

Ironically 2015 showed that the SNP are redundant in WM. They won 90% of the seats they contested and achieved nothing. At the last GE Sturgeon had no message at all about why people should vote SNP.

Sorry I should have realised you’re in troll mode. My apologies. 

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19 minutes ago, Whitburn Vale said:

Remember the indy ref 4yrs ago when we were subjected to all the wee diddy scotland shite,couldnt run ourselves etc

Well look at the diddy couldny run a minage uk government,what a diddy set up we are part off now!!

If they break the Good Friday Agreement then the bombs and bullets will fly.

I have been very heartened to see the european politicians say that is a complete no no !!

Imagine agreeing to an agreement then going back on it,fuckin diddyland stuff.

Rule Britannia dont make me laugh :lol::rolleyes:

Indeed, if you want a slick, professional operation then the SNP and Holyrood is where to look.......

Those great and good euro politicians using the GFA as a bargaining tool, what a moral bunch they are.

I'm quite sure had Indyref in 2014 went your way, you'd be quite happy for a second vote a few years later following a consistent effort to undermine it and present an unworkable solution meaning no deal or cancel indyref where the two polarizing options. There would be no backlash whatsoever.

The thing lost in all the tribalism of modern day politics is the precedent being set. If a government can disregard a democratic referendum result, what else would they be capable of? Would we still even have to pretend we live in a democracy?

As much as I hate the SNP and was a staunch remain voter in 2014, had it gone against me I would respect the majority decision and probably move to England.

Most Scottish people want to be part of the UK, most British people want to get out of the EU. Respect that and help us get the best deal rather than assist a globalist agenda using mob rule.

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18 minutes ago, weegienative said:

** of those who could be arsed to vote.

** more British people want to leave the EU than remain.

Choose whichever amendment you see fit. Argument remains.

Sixty-two percent want to remain, and you can't prove otherwise without holding a second referendum.

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41 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


Not much, just that they're pure shite.

And that's why you should expect them to vote down a vote of no confidence called by the opposition. There's zero chance surely of the Brexiteers who are (literally) banking on the hardest of Brexits backing a left wing Labour government being handed the opportunity to take the money out of their pockets. Then again, anything can happen I suppose.

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3 hours ago, Cerberus said:

What is the point of waiting till Jan/Feb? The EU said that they will not renegotiate the deal.

Announce Hard Brexit...


or call it off.

So that when Brexit day is only weeks away, she can come back and say to Parliament, "Look, there's no time left to organise anything else, it's vote for my deal or we're all completely f*cked."

Edited by Carl Cort's Hamstring
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4 minutes ago, Carl Cort's Hamstring said:

Tory MP Anna Soubry on Newsnight having a go at Labour for not calling for a vote of no confidence in the Tory government.

Everyone has lost their minds.

To be fair, the Labour boy was having his own mini clusterfuck. 

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Some Tory bumpkins on Newsnight now saying that "She should go back to the EU and tell them that the deal isn't good enough and they need to change it."

I wish they were intelligent enough to imagine for a second that we were staying in the EU, and Italy or Spain was behaving like we are. We'd all be telling them to get f*cked, and rightly so. 

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14 minutes ago, Carl Cort's Hamstring said:

Some Tory bumpkins on Newsnight now saying that "She should go back to the EU and tell them that the deal isn't good enough and they need to change it."

The Tories are absolutely wrecked over this.  i listened to an interview on the world service last night with Nicholas Soames - arch remainer and a well regarded politician.  His take was that it was a shite deal but we should take it  because 'going back to the country' would be incendiary and cause more problems than it solves.

His subtext was, "white van man in my constituency won't like it".

Absolutely we have to have another referendum about this.

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9 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

The Tories are absolutely wrecked over this.  i listened to an interview on the world service last night with Nicholas Soames - arch remainer and a well regarded politician.  His take was that it was a shite deal but we should take it  because 'going back to the country' would be incendiary and cause more problems than it solves.

His subtext was, "white van man in my constituency won't like it".

Absolutely we have to have another referendum about this.

I don't care if we go into financial meltdown after Brexit, we're a democracy and the majority should get what they voted for before another referendum, it's actually shocking how many people are willing to throw their rights away to save £20 or £30 a week.

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3 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

I don't care if we go into financial meltdown after Brexit, we're a democracy and the majority should get what they voted for before another referendum, it's actually shocking how many people are willing to throw their rights away to save £20 or £30 a week.

It's only partly to do with chucking away £30 a week.  It's mostly about giving in to racist scum and this is what disappointed me most in Nick Soames' interview.

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9 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

It's only partly to do with chucking away £30 a week.  It's mostly about giving in to racist scum and this is what disappointed me most in Nick Soames' interview.

I was not interested in the EU referendum, I voted remain solely due to the racist undertones of the debate but I don't think it's right to just ignore a democratic vote, it's a dangerous precedent IMO, we'd prpbably still be waiting for independence if we'd voted YES, things like that happen then the people should be up in arms not thinking about themselves.

Edited by ayrmad
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7 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

It's only partly to do with chucking away £30 a week.  It's mostly about giving in to racist scum and this is what disappointed me most in Nick Soames' interview.

Do you know the old definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.

You claim people are racist for not wanting a migration policy dictated by Europe? Look at the political landscape in the likes of Germany, Italy and Spain. You know, the countries who've had the biggest influx of migrants. Does it seem like it's the utopia it's made out to be?

Go to places like Rotherham, Blackburn, Bradford, Luton etc. Does it seem like multiculturalism works?

But never mind eh, who cares about consequences when you can top the virtue signalling league table.

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