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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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39 minutes ago, Paco said:

May really is trying to frame this as a choice between her deal and no deal. Even she knows her deal is rotten - why not look at other ways?

Nobody voted to leave the single market. Nobody voted to end freedom of movement. Just because the ERG claim that’s what happened doesn’t make it true - stay in the single market and end these shenanigans tomorrow.

Urm..., where have you been for the last couple of years  ?   

You can in fact have your cake and eat it.

It just won't taste very good, and all the nice fruity bits will have been removed.






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25 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:


Those same people also will be the first to complain about the length of the queues at Malaga airport.


In any calendar year the majority of British people don't fly at all. 

Accepting freedom of capital for quicker airport queues is a bit short sighted imo.


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10 minutes ago, Detournement said:

That argument is as daft as saying the Indyref didn't ask about leaving the UK or ending Westminster rule.

It really isn't. The Scottish government at least released a white paper setting out the basics of what they intended to do with a yes vote. The EU referendum was incredibly vague about almost anything that was to happen should the vote go as it did.

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2 minutes ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:

In addition to some words the choices were

Remain a member of the European Union
Leave the European Union

Now to me that means you lose the right to freedom of movement, customs union, ecj, etc.

There.  That’s the issue right there.


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3 minutes ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:

In addition to some words the choices were

Remain a member of the European Union
Leave the European Union

Now to me that means you lose the right to freedom of movement, customs union, ecj, etc.

Before the vote guys like Farage, Hamman etc were saying voting no did not mean leaving the single market, customs union etc so I think a lot of people believed even if they did leave it would be some kind of Norway deal we will end up with.

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What's the SNP angle for backing a People's vote? 

If Westminster approve another EU referendum it makes it almost impossible to say no to indyref2?

Agree with holding EU referendum but add amendment later that Scotland remains in EU if we vote to stay again?

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2 minutes ago, Colkitto said:

What's the SNP angle for backing a People's vote? 

If Westminster approve another EU referendum it makes it almost impossible to say no to indyref2?

Agree with holding EU referendum but add amendment later that Scotland remains in EU if we vote to stay again?

Some SNP bods are against it in case it prepares the way for indyref3 if indyref2 is successful.

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Corbyn said to be going to ask for a vote of confidence in May if she doesn't announce a date for a vote on her deal. Doesn't mean very much apparently as it's not a VOC in the Government which could lead to a GE if he won, and the government isn't forced to give time for a debate straightaway.

P.S. DUP say they'll back May, wonder what ERG will do.

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2 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Some SNP bods are against it in case it prepares the way for indyref3 if indyref2 is successful.

Maybe, but all SNP MPs will vote in line with whatever policy is agreed and, listening to Sturgeon, if push comes to shove that will be unconditional support for a second referendum.


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It’s actually gutting to have to say this.
The majority of sensible people in the UK are now outnumbered by the Britain First / UKIP / Rees- Mogg types.
I’ve got very heavy doubts that a 2nd Referendum would be different in result.
Anybody contributing to this particular part of the forum, at least (with a few exceptions) keeps up with the latest twists & turns of this fiasco. The majority of the general public had made their minds up in 2016 & I doubt many will shift.
Is there really a massive movement (or even enough) towards Remain that a STAY option would win a people’s vote?

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Have to admit that it's a bit disheartening that the people of Scotland put their faith in the shower of shite within Westminster in 2014,  hell mend us for not putting up a good enough argument back then, the SNP led YES movement were too busy being niceynicey while the other side when spouting any old shite.

That morning when Cameron and Osborne were running around studios like headless chickens just before the indyref should have forewarned the thickest of the thick about the quality of the most influential Westminster poiticians.

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