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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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7 hours ago, jupe1407 said:

Indeed. I had some great fun on a couple of pro-Brexit FB pages after Ross Greer's glorious bitch-slapping of Churchill's "greatness". 

I also learned that making a comment about the importance of the T-34 tank in Russia steamrolling the Germans post-Stalingrad was apparently "disrespecting the brave men who lost their lives on the arctic convoys

Every day is a school day. 

What is wrong with you?

We've just had the Christmas break - season of peace and goodwill - and for us, that means lots of war films on the TV.
I watched all of them and I didn't spot any T34 tanks or any Russians now that I think about it.

I think Russian involvement in the Second World War is somewhat overstated.

What am I missing? :unsure:

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They had Harry McGuire of the DUP on the Today show, she's a right piece o work trying to blame the EU and Ireland for the brexit f**k up and trying to draw her unionist mates from over here into the Irish border clusterfuck.  Also no mention that NI voted to remain in the EU.

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4 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Arlene Foster just been on  Radio 4 saying that the intransigence of the EU and the Irish Republic in negotiations over the backstop is unacceptable.



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They had Harry McGuire of the DUP on the Today show, she's a right piece o work trying to blame the EU and Ireland for the brexit f**k up and trying to draw her unionist mates from over here into the Irish border clusterfuck.  Also no mention that NI voted to remain in the EU.
Why the f**k are One Direction getting involved.
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30 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

They had Harry McGuire of the DUP on the Today show, she's a right piece o work trying to blame the EU and Ireland for the brexit f**k up and trying to draw her unionist mates from over here into the Irish border clusterfuck.  Also no mention that NI voted to remain in the EU.

I posted previously that the DUP claimed they spoke for the Unionist community on Brexit.  

Saw a poll the other day showing that the majority of DUP voters do not support Brexit.

Of I can find it again I’ll post it.


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So taking back control of our borders means HMRC are going to waive custom controls at the borders?
Brexit has killed political satire.
No infrastructure etc to carry out checks.So they announced this to make it sound like a good thing that there lack of planning means that "control our borders"means waved right through
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15 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

You see, I have a problem with using the term tedious in connection with the word ‘advisory’, and I’ll tell you why.  Unlike a ‘binding’ referendum, an advisory one allows people to think that they can take a punt, rebel, kick over the traces, whatever, because once the dust settles politicians will do what politicians do, and that will likely not involve taking the outcome totally at face value, unlike its binding counterpart.   

But don’t accept my word for it.  A few weeks back my cousin and his mate came up here from Herts for a weekend of football and drink, and as the latter flowed chat turned to Brexit.  Blow me if they didn’t both admit to voting Leave as an indulgent act of bravado, never thinking for a minute that their crosses would contribute to the biggest act of national economic self-harm in the modern age.  And quelle surprise, they both now regret their actions, fuckwits that they are – and there are almost certainly hundreds of thousands like them.  A keen observer like yourself must surely recall the body language of Johnson and Gove on 17th June 2016 when they both looked like they had shat themselves, and it was very runny.

 I’ll leave it there, other than to  enquire about the line  'And then we will ask the British people whether they want to stay in on this basis, or leave' in your extract from the Conservative manifesto – so when exactly do we get to vote on that proposition?   


Read the manifesto if you want context.  The bottom line is that it was voted on and rejected.

Regardless of the anecdotal evidence you produce, it doesn't change the fact that at the time of voting neither leave nor remain were campaigning on the referendum being advisory.  If everyone was so sure that they didn't want to be leaving the EU then they had the opportunity in the last general election to vote for a national party that were campaigning on giving everyone a second opportunity to vote.  How did this party, that would appeal to hundreds of thousands, do?  7.4% of the electorate backed them, down 1/2% on their last election!

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55 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

No infrastructure etc to carry out checks.So they announced this to make it sound like a good thing that there lack of planning means that "control our borders"means waved right through

Aye, if this was being suggested at any other time the Gammons would be going nuts about it.


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9 minutes ago, strichener said:

Read the manifesto if you want context.  The bottom line is that it was voted on and rejected.

Regardless of the anecdotal evidence you produce, it doesn't change the fact that at the time of voting neither leave nor remain were campaigning on the referendum being advisory.  If everyone was so sure that they didn't want to be leaving the EU then they had the opportunity in the last general election to vote for a national party that were campaigning on giving everyone a second opportunity to vote.  How did this party, that would appeal to hundreds of thousands, do?  7.4% of the electorate backed them, down 1/2% on their last election!

Are you suggesting that if there was a demand to stay in the UK, the majority of people would have voted Lib Dem?

Put the keyboard away, you're drunk. :lol:

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1 minute ago, BawWatchin said:

Are you suggesting that if there was a demand to stay in the UK, the majority of people would have voted Lib Dem?

Put the keyboard away, you're drunk. :lol:

No, I am stating that an alternative was there.  If you continue to vote for parties that have promised to respect the leave vote then don't complain when we leave.

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No, I am stating that an alternative was there.  If you continue to vote for parties that have promised to respect the leave vote then don't complain when we leave.
Like interpreting scripture, defining what exactly is meant by 'Leave' is beyond almost every UK politician and pundit so your suggestion that voters should have migrated to the Liberals is utterly fatuous.

Meanwhile back in the real world, the only clear 'leaving' is being conducted by UK-based companies, head offices, jobs, EU nationals, etc., and absolutely all of it caused by internal divisions in the Tory Party.
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I am currently reading A Small Town in Germany by John le Carre, set against the backdrop of European protests against Britain joining the Common market.

Interesting. Even half a century on, the feeling in this country (well, parts of it) is that they need us more than we need them. Not at all. I think there are many in Europe happy to see Britain go.

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1 minute ago, MixuFixit said:

Failure to attend meetings results in sanctions

Like what? 


And doesn't this fly in the face of supposed climate change challenge to cut down on the carbon footprint? Video conferencing is attending a meeting.


Or is there something that they do 'physically' to her that means she has to turn up in person? Some hardware malfunction that needs to be tinkered with.

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