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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 minute ago, strichener said:

Over 1m Scots also voted for it.  Not sure that they fit your profile.

Read again.

"Not so much"

I've got friends and family that are variously thick, racist,  beholden to a past that never was, narcissistic or simply misguided.

I'd estimate them to number about 20% of the people I know.

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

In the EU they don't have to chlorinate their chicken meat to make it safe to eat.

The instances of salmonella in EU chicken is approximately twice that of the US.  Chicken is not safer to eat in the EU.  

You appear to be contradicting yourself as your last post stated that it was a welfare and not a safety issue, so which is it?

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5 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:
10 minutes ago, strichener said:
Feel free to read my previous posts on my expectations of our relationship with the EU. 

WHOAH !! That towel you just threw in nearly hit me......

If you are too lazy to read something that has already been posted then fair enough, just say so.

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5 minutes ago, strichener said:

The instances of salmonella in EU chicken is approximately twice that of the US.  Chicken is not safer to eat in the EU.  

You appear to be contradicting yourself as your last post stated that it was a welfare and not a safety issue, so which is it?

You're asking the wrong question. Why do America wash their chicken in chlorine when it means they can't sell it in Europe?

Edited by welshbairn
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I don't think I have made any comment on the very serious matter of chlorinated chicken.  The only thing I have seen on the matter is that the EU food safety people have twice looked at it and twice deemed it safe.
Apparently there is more chlorine I the water that you drink.  Bloody EU and there chlorinated water.
Chlorination isn't the problem, all your ready to eat salads agree chlorinated. The problem with chicken is the utter lack of safety controls further up the chain. Prevention is better than cure.
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51 minutes ago, The Master said:

Good grief. 


"The Sun has also learned that the working group has also been briefed on a goods tracking system in Africa that has used the same technology for the last 18 months.
Designed to ward off bandits and hijackers, the Regional Electronic Cargo Tracking System operates across borders between Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda."


But has anyone tested it in the wasteland of NI?

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6 hours ago, Fullerene said:

I recall being in Angola when David Bowie died.  As a Portuguese speaking country, the main news channel was Brazilian.
It devoted a lot of time to his death.  I thought why would they devote so much time to David Bowie - surely Brazil has something equivalent.

Similarly, I encounter foreigners talking about the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and James Bond films.
You would think this might count as exceptionalism.
Yet the Brexiteers show no interest in any of this.
They are more interested in great battles and world conquest.

In the past, militarily, the UK had one big advantage - a giant moat.
Once some fool invented the airplane, that changed everything.

For the future, there are no colonies to be created and I doubt there will be any great battles and territory to gain.

I guess the Brexiteers haven't realised that the world has moved on.

No shit Sherlock. 

The whole Brexit campaign, or rather the 'Leave' campaign, was based on raw emotion.   Boris's bus, the refugee poster, the Turkish 'invasion' . . .  'Oy, this is a local country, for local people!'.  (No irony there eh? you colonialist fuckers). 

Rational debates about economics and trade deals are pointless with Brexiteers. They seem focussed on borders, benefits and immigration. The heaviest voting Brexit areas are going to be the hardest hit.  Sunderland the hardest hopefully. 

Had the Brexiteers  known what was ahead, would that have  influenced  their vote in 2016?  Highly unlikely.  If there was a second referendum would they change their minds?  Debatable, because emotion is the key factor. 

The 1950's are where it's at for them.  The Empire in all its glory,  when England  was noble and white (if you could see through the smog).  Farage with his beer and fags were just who they were looking for to make their country great again. 

It's the face of Populism. It isn't particularly endearing or attractive, but it's loud and warmly reassuring to the Brexiteers.  More importantly for them, it takes them back to a time when things were. . .well . . . just  'as they should be',   even though most of them were still at school or weren't even born at the time,  but grew up listening to their Dads stories about the war. 

Edited by oldbitterandgrumpy
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6 hours ago, oldbitterandgrumpy said:

No shit Sherlock. 

The whole Brexit campaign, or rather the 'Leave' campaign, was based on raw emotion.   Boris's bus, the refugee poster, the Turkish 'invasion' . . .  'Oy, this is a local country, for local people!'.  (No irony there eh? you colonialist fuckers). 

Rational debates about economics and trade deals are pointless with Brexiteers. They seem focussed on borders, benefits and immigration. The heaviest voting Brexit areas are going to be the hardest hit.  Sunderland the hardest hopefully. 

Had the Brexiteers  known what was ahead, would that have  influenced  their vote in 2016?  Highly unlikely.  If there was a second referendum would they change their minds?  Debatable, because emotion is the key factor. 

The 1950's are where it's at for them.  The Empire in all its glory,  when England  was noble and white (if you could see through the smog).  Farage with his beer and fags were just who they were looking for to make their country great again. 

It's the face of Populism. It isn't particularly endearing or attractive, but it's loud and warmly reassuring to the Brexiteers.  More importantly for them, it takes them back to a time when things were. . .well . . . just  'as they should be',   even though most of them were still at school or weren't even born at the time,  but grew up listening to their Dads stories about the war. 

I totally agree that is emotional - a siege mentality.

"I want my country back."  Actually it had never been taken away.

"I'm sick of them telling us what to do"
Yes the EU tells the UK what to do but it also tells Germany what to do, and France, and Italy and all the others.

27 countries don't seem to have a problem accepting rules that have been agreed to collectively.
It's called consensus.  It's called being a team player.

I think some Leave voters are looking forward to the hardship, bulldog spirit and all that.

I predict "Because you f***ing voted for it" will become a common expression after Brexit.

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I wonder if the Nissan bosses paid attention to the Brexit vote in Sunderland.
"We were creating employment in their area but to them we are just bloody foreigners."

If a Nissan executive from Japan moved to Sunderland, their children would probably be bullied at school and told to go home.
Hardly the welcoming environment that anyone would want.

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