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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Barnier getting tough!


If the UK were to leave the EU without a deal, let me be very, very clear. We would not discuss anything with the UK until there is an agreement for Ireland and Northern Ireland, as well as for citizens’ rights and the financial settlement.

These are the three issues covered by the withdrawal agreement. So, in other words, Barnier is saying that even if the UK were to leave without signing the withdrawal agreement, it would have to do so in future if it ever wanted a trade deal with the EU.

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20 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Hopefully the EU will tell May to stick her short extension up her arse.

I would be happy if they used those exact words.



Can't see that happening, Granny...

They're not from Dundee.


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43 minutes ago, btb said:

Barnier getting tough!

These are the three issues covered by the withdrawal agreement. So, in other words, Barnier is saying that even if the UK were to leave without signing the withdrawal agreement, it would have to do so in future if it ever wanted a trade deal with the EU.

They've been saying this for a couple of years now. Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed.

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37 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

1922 Committee Executive have told May that a customs union is unacceptable as the UK won't be able to negotiate trade deals.


The delusion of these arseholes never ceases to amaze me.



Yeah but they are good elected British folk, not unelected European bureaucrats.

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3 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Hopefully the EU will tell May to stick her short extension up her arse.

I would be happy if they used those exact words.

Definitely not going to happen - but the translation into English would probably be pretty close.

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On 07/04/2019 at 11:40, oaksoft said:


I have no idea what terms the UK will be able to negotiate but it's better than being forced to accept someone else's terms. 

It's not 'someone else's '  terms. The UK is part of it so we have a say in these terms.  Unfortunately approx one third of MEPs are Kippers who just try to wreck the system and do f**k all to further the UK's position.

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Can we just not leave on friday?

We voted to leave.

Not leaving is letting all of us down, and that includes those who voted to remain.

On the 23 rd of June 2016 we were asked one question.

To leave or remain.

Is not complicated.

One question was asked, we got the answer.

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2 minutes ago, sureiknow said:

Can we just not leave on friday?

We voted to leave.

Not leaving is letting all of us down, and that includes those who voted to remain.

On the 23 rd of June 2016 we were asked one question.

To leave or remain.

Is not complicated.

One question was asked, we got the answer.

You're so 2016, that was in the olden days. It's the bright new world of 2019, everything's changed. You need to open your eyes or get left behind. 

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5 minutes ago, sureiknow said:

Can we just not leave on friday?

We voted to leave.

Not leaving is letting all of us down, and that includes those who voted to remain.

On the 23 rd of June 2016 we were asked one question.

To leave or remain.

Is not complicated.

One question was asked, we got the answer.

Aye but the losers want LEAVE to be as near to REMAIN as possible, all the ties and regs without a say.

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I question whether most people know that the EU has elections... and we actually get too take part. Can only be a good thing taking part and should hopefully give a gauge of public opinion which is for sure going in the direction of remain.

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5 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

Aye but the losers want LEAVE to be as near to REMAIN as possible, all the ties and regs without a say.

If we crash out our producers will still go by EU regs, they aren't going to rewrite them when the EU and other markets will insist that we keep to them, otherwise it's red tape madness and costs for all concerned. 

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19 minutes ago, sureiknow said:

Can we just not leave on friday?

We voted to leave.

Not leaving is letting all of us down, and that includes those who voted to remain.

On the 23 rd of June 2016 we were asked one question.

To leave or remain.

Is not complicated.

One question was asked, we got the answer.

It does not include me. The idea that we might remain is buoying me up.

We got a leave answer from 37% of the electorate. Which means 63% did not vote to leave.

It was not complicated because you didn't understand what was involved.  Did you?  All the stuff about medicines, nuclear material, astronomical cooperation, cross border police cooperation, driving licences, time we could spend in the EU, working in more than one country, getting those precious fish across the channel to market, losing export of lamb to the EU, etc, etc,etc,etc,etc....you considered all of that, did you? I doubt it.

It was like asking a 5 year old kid if he'd like just ice cream for every meal. He'd only give one answer but if it was granted, he'd eventually wish he'd given a different answer.

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3 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

It will be if we have a soft Brexit with a customs union. It'll be whatever deal the EU have with other countries both now and in the future if things change. We'll have no subsequent say.


I don't want ANY kind of brexit.

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14 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

If we crash out our producers will still go by EU regs, they aren't going to rewrite them when the EU and other markets will insist that we keep to them, otherwise it's red tape madness and costs for all concerned. 

It's not quite as simple as that. Any product that currently requires third party conformity assessment and had its original assessment carried out by a UK 'notified body' will have to have the product retested. Once that has been done (perhaps by seperate testing houses for the EU & UK markets?) it will have to be marked with the CE mark before it can be sold in the EU, and the new UKCA mark before it can be sold in the UK.

So, there's an immediate example of new red tape madness & costs for any manufacturer who sells in the UK & EU. Wonderful.



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2 minutes ago, lichtgilphead said:

It's not quite as simple as that. Any product that currently requires third party conformity assessment and had its original assessment carried out by a UK 'notified body' will have to have the product retested. Once that has been done (perhaps by seperate testing houses for the EU & UK markets?) it will have to be marked with the CE mark before it can be sold in the EU, and the new UKCA mark before it can be sold in the UK.

So, there's an immediate example of new red tape madness & costs for any manufacturer who sells in the UK & EU. Wonderful.



Remember when people like John Redwood used to complain about red tape and went on about the Tories being the Party of Business?

Forward to 2019.


"f**k business." Boris Johnson


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