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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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James Cleverly getting telt by David Lammy today.

It’s pretty shocking the amount of high profile Tories who have no understanding of what the EU is or does but want out of it.
It doesn’t matter though. If you disagree with Brexit then you’re a traitor.

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On 08/08/2019 at 17:56, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

^^^ this.

Would love her to talk filth into my ear as we were doing it.

'I'm going to f**k you like Maggie fucked our working class communities Hendo'



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1 hour ago, trainspotter said:

Something for the Brexiteers to get all misty eyed about when they’re reminded of what things were like back in the 70s.



And of course they'll all claim they knew exactly what they were voting for.

Fucking morons

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and now confirmation that the UK only has 12 boats to patrol the waters (an area the size of 3x UK landmass) and protect our fishing rights once we take back control.
With the govt still confirming we’ll be ok. Luckily, our fishermen will believe anything the Tories tell them.
Operation Kingfisher also in place where the govt have identified numerous businesses who will be badly impacted by Brexit (construction and manufacturing mainly) and they’ve set aside more public money to compensate them.
When does the madness end and common sense kicks in?

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On 09/08/2019 at 18:43, Stinky Bone said:

Remainers aren't the traitors though, they never voted to make the uk poorer.  The brexiters are solely responsible for the mess of no deal and the position we are in, although it is not their fault they were fed bullshit. 

The working class brexiter wanted to "take back control" of borders and immigration.  They wanted powers returned to their land that they felt had been stolen from the EU. 

The upper/middle class wanted brexit for tax reasons to create a state where they can dictate how much tax they pay, if any at all.  

I'm still not convinced this is the case though. Out of the people who voted "leave", how many actually wanted or expected a "hard" / "no deal" type Brexit and how many could possibly have known that our Government, various Cabinets and Politicians generally, could have been so completely incompetent and inept ??

Personally I know of lots of people who voted leave simply because they were completely disillusioned and disenfranchised with ALL political parties and were basically using Brexit as a protest vote. They could NEVER be described as "Brexiteers" in the context which everyone now uses, however there's no doubt that these people and many like them would change their vote if given a second chance.

I've touched on this before, but when the likes of tossers such as Osborne, Cameron, Obama, Branson, Geldof, Rowling (to name but a few) were so vociferous about "remain" then it's really easy to comprehend why so many people did indeed do the opposite of what those people wanted.

We always hear about the odious characters who were behind "leave", however I think many of us have forgotten about the similarly odious characters who were pushing the "remain" agenda.

Ultimately, it's a class / wealth thing and the ordinary working class punter will lose irrespective, as is always the way..............

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12 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

I'm still not convinced this is the case though. Out of the people who voted "leave", how many actually wanted or expected a "hard" / "no deal" type Brexit and how many could possibly have known that our Government, various Cabinets and Politicians generally, could have been so completely incompetent and inept ??

Personally I know of lots of people who voted leave simply because they were completely disillusioned and disenfranchised with ALL political parties and were basically using Brexit as a protest vote. They could NEVER be described as "Brexiteers" in the context which everyone now uses, however there's no doubt that these people and many like them would change their vote if given a second chance.

I've touched on this before, but when the likes of tossers such as Osborne, Cameron, Obama, Branson, Geldof, Rowling (to name but a few) were so vociferous about "remain" then it's really easy to comprehend why so many people did indeed do the opposite of what those people wanted.

We always hear about the odious characters who were behind "leave", however I think many of us have forgotten about the similarly odious characters who were pushing the "remain" agenda.

Ultimately, it's a class / wealth thing and the ordinary working class punter will lose irrespective, as is always the way..............

You forgot to mention Tony Blair, Alistair Campbell and Peter Mandelson.

One of the reasons politicians are held in contempt is because they avoid the answer they are being asked and answering their own question instead.
Sounds reasonable enough.

However, it is undermined when people do the same thing at a referendum.
"Do you think Scotland should be independent, Ireland should be reunified, the UK should remain in the EU?"

"Never mind that.  I am angry with the council for not emptying my wheelie bin last week!"

To anyone so inclined, forget about any stupid protest vote.  You are being one question.  Just answer it.

Edited by Fullerene
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Have a mate that voted for Scotland to leave the UK because he says "we should run our own country"

He voted for the UK to leave the EU because he says "we should run our own country"

"We don't have to phone the EU up to put our bins out..."

Folk just vote for their favourite catchphrase. 

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1 hour ago, Fullerene said:

You forgot to mention Tony Blair, Alistair Campbell and Peter Mandelson.

One of the reasons politicians are held in contempt is because they avoid the answer they are being asked and answering their own question instead.
Sounds reasonable enough.

However, it is undermined when people do the same thing at a referendum.
"Do you think Scotland should be independent, Ireland should be reunified, the UK should remain in the EU?"

"Never mind that.  I am angry with the council for not emptying my wheelie bin last week!"

To anyone so inclined, forget about any stupid protest vote.  You are being one question.  Just answer it.

But that IS the point.

If your NOT being asked the questions that you want answered then you have no option but to use a particular question that you are asked to register your protest.

In fairness it's probably the only time that maggie in the chip shop and Rab the factory worker have actually felt empowered and if the powers that be didn't like their answer then perhaps they should have been investigating the core reasons why people would vote to be "worse off" as it were.

Maybe when you've got nothing in the first place and not much of an outlook, then you feel that you've got bugger all to lose.

I'm not saying that it's right but is merely part of the reality behind the Brexit result, whether right or wrong...................

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7 hours ago, WATTOO said:

how many could possibly have known that our Government, various Cabinets and Politicians generally, could have been so completely incompetent and inept ??

Anyone who has been sentient in the last 15 years could have had a stab at that tbf

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33 minutes ago, JamieThomas said:

Anyone who has been sentient in the last 15 years could have had a stab at that tbf

TBH I think what is happening now is on a totally different level to what has happened in the last 15 years and beyond.  In the same way that Trump’s presidency cannot be compared to what has gone before.

We have a Tory PM who is openly willing to impose a decision that will have an horrendous, long-term impact on the UK for populist reasons.  In the knowledge of a likely election he is making spending promises that a Labour leader would be getting heavily scrutinised for.

Regardless of what side of the debate you’re on I don’t think comparisons with the recent past have much relevance.

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6 minutes ago, Blue-Toon said:


He certainly has support for that in certain Tory/Brexit loving parts of England.

I'd like to think that this "alleged" public support will not stretch across all England, and  very little of Scotland. 

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10 hours ago, ICTJohnboy said:


He certainly has support for that in certain Tory/Brexit loving parts of England.

I'd like to think that this "alleged" public support will not stretch across all England, and  very little of Scotland. 

It's a leading question, and they've excluded respondents picking "don't know".

Still, 44% of respondents agreed with the proposition that "Boris needs to deliver Brexit by any means, including suspending parliament if necessary, in order to prevent MPs from stopping it". I think a number of them might fall into the 'get it over with and move on' camp, not realising that this is going to drag on for years if not decades whatever happens (barring maybe the unlikely event of revoking Article 50).

As usual, the younger and better educated you are, the more likely you are to oppose the proposition.


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6 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

The level of stupidity knows no bounds.  

However the idea that a No Deal Brexit on 31 October will be the end of the issue will be hard to top in the stupidity stakes.



Are you now accepting a No deal Brexit is more than a distinct possibility?

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