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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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33 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Hope you're right, but I think 'see? this isn't so bad!' will be a big message being pushed by unionists etc.

Pretty sad that folk will celebrate as victory achieving something that can best be described as "not as good as what we had, but could have been worse".

That's really telling those eurocrats lads.

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32 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Hope you're right, but I think 'see? this isn't so bad!' will be a big message being pushed by unionists etc.

I agree. Most people won't experience the downside of leaving directly. Remainers have portrayed it as Armageddon so almost any conceivable outcome will be portrayed as not too bad. On the plus side, it would negate Unionist scaremongering a bit.

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8 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

I think there has been a lot of sympathy extended to shellfish boats to be fair.

Of course but if I've mentioned the comparison of Harrods profits and UK fishermen livelihoods and someone mentioned a select portion of figures (for reasons unknown to me) to make a point I'm going to want to see the full figures to see if the point still stands. 

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Just now, welshbairn said:

Much of it's owned by Dutch businessmen.


You had a precise figure when referencing Scottish numbers so provide the rest of the UK numbers too or admit you were using figures selectively to attack my point. 

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As ever the problem is finding a neutral viewpoint I'd suggest this might be one....


David Henig, head of the UK Trade Policy Project at the European Centre for International Political Economy, has published an article on the trade deal that is worth reading. For obvious reasons, it does not go into the detail of the agreement, but it provides a useful overview. Here’s an excerpt.

For the UK this looks like finally the end of five years of turbulent politics dominated by the EU relationship. Three consecutive autumns dominated by the question of deal or not. The question has for the time being been settled, with a preferential relationship greater than WTO but less than customs union or single market. There will be continuous negotiations on areas of detail in the future, but most will barely trouble the media or political worlds. Overall there will be some form of stability, even if uneasily in a UK split between those wanting closer and more distant EU relations, and with particular challenges in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

There will of course be major challenges in the future relationship. Ultimately the EU achieved their main goals from Brexit, and the UK arguably did not. The EU successfully avoided a border on the island of Ireland and protected the single market from significant cherry picking. The UK succeeded in the headline goal of leaving the EU, but failed as proponents had expected to retain the benefits of membership without incurring the costs, and more recently in overturning any of the withdrawal agreement as the staunch Brexiteers had hoped. The EU also looks stronger for demonstrating so far that leaving is not an easy option, while the UK’s ability to maintain trade relations while escaping ‘the Brussels Effect’ of following EU regulations is going to be tested, business for example will wish to reverse the decision to leave some European regulatory agencies.


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Guest Bob Mahelp


This is what it's all about. Claiming 'victory' by getting 43% of what the UK wanted and apparently the EU only get 17% of what they asked for. 

Johnson is going to come on TV later and claim that 'we won'. 

f**k off, you despicable ckunt. 


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56 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Pretty sad that folk will celebrate as victory achieving something that can best be described as "not as good as what we had, but could have been worse".

That's really telling those eurocrats lads.

Easy to do given the daily, head's gone screeching of the #fbpe lot on Twitter regarding the forthcoming armaggedon tbh.

They'll move on to gloating that the deal isn't as good as membership (duh!) whilst the Leavers celebrate not paying Brussels billions a year and something about fish. Best leave them all to it. 

Now for it to be passed in Parliament. I saw that swamp creature Francois made a reappearance in the press last week; anyone know why he might've awoken from his apparent slumber? 


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54 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Alright @welshbairn who am I giving cash to?

I did try to think of a charity that you would hate and I would like, but I gave up. This isn't strictly a charity but a worthy cause in my book, willing to change it if anyone objects. @NotThePars @ICTJohnboy .



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1 minute ago, John Lambies Doos said:

So the fishermen have been fucked
When will we hear from Ruthie

Its terribly difficult to have sympathy for* a collective who make the vast majority of their profits shipping to EU customers, who actively campaigned to isolate themselves from said customers. A business version of natural selection is taking place here, with these thick fucks and the farmers hopefully getting the shittiest part of the shitty end of the stick.


*of course, its a mental impossibility to have sympathy for a traditionally conservative group, so f**k them.

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Its terribly difficult to have sympathy for* a collective who make the vast majority of their profits shipping to EU customers, who actively campaigned to isolate themselves from said customers. A business version of natural selection is taking place here, with these thick fucks and the farmers hopefully getting the shittiest part of the shitty end of the stick.
*of course, its a mental impossibility to have sympathy for a traditionally conservative group, so f**k them.
Well said wee man[emoji106]
Happy Christmas m8
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