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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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62% identify as Scottish only, 18% as Scottish and British.   Oooft sore one for the britnats.   And that's after 300 years of union, sometimes I am proud to be Scottish,  this is one of those times.   We fuckin rock and will make our country a brilliant wee country when we get control of it.

Old but this is the impression I get in real life too, I hardly know anyone Scottish that would class themselves as British. Which makes the referendum even harder to take knowing that a lot of these people voted no regardless, not enough confidence in their own so called country...

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Yeah utter shitebagery,  but tbf a majority of Scottish people did  vote yes, it was people from elsewhere in the UK,  Scottish bigots and old people that won it for no.  I think the next ones a skoosh and think the snp know that,  dont believe the polls they, like everything else, are, probably part of the ongoing campaign of propaganda.   The snp are acting very assured and confident,  i think their own polling is returning very positive results. 

Edited by Peppino Impastato
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No. It was shitebaggery that won it. Understandable shitebaggery IMO but still shitebaggery nonetheless. I know a few folk that voted no who openly admitted to buying into bullshit and they've said they won't do it again.

I know the types you mention are pretty common but they're not the only reason No won.

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6 hours ago, Peppino Impastato said:




62% identify as Scottish only, 18% as Scottish and British.   Oooft sore one for the britnats.   And that's after 300 years of union, sometimes I am proud to be Scottish,  this is one of those times.   We fuckin rock and will make our country a brilliant wee country when we get control of it.

That's old data and proof that feeling Scottish is no' the same as wanting Independence.

The more rUK that move here ( 45,000 every year) and other immigrants will dilute the passion for Independence further as they aren't moving here to isolate themselves from rUK.

I would argue that the 'British' identity for Scots is a guilty secret that won't necessarily show up in polls but will in indy referendums......sorry to burst yer bubble Pepp.

Yes we are a brilliant wee country and all the better for being in the Union!!!

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6 hours ago, Peppino Impastato said:

Yeah utter shitebagery,  but tbf a majority of Scottish people did  vote yes, it was people from elsewhere in the UK,  Scottish bigots and old people that won it for no.  I think the next ones a skoosh and think the snp know that,  dont believe the polls they, like everything else, are, probably part of the ongoing campaign of propaganda.   The snp are acting very assured and confident,  i think their own polling is returning very positive results. 

The snp should concentrate on sorting out education in Scotland. They keep taking their eye off the ball with this indy obsession that most Scots dinnae want.

Btw the only bigot I can see n this forum is you with your anti-English, anti protestant bile.

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6 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:


Old but this is the impression I get in real life too, I hardly know anyone Scottish that would class themselves as British. Which makes the referendum even harder to take knowing that a lot of these people voted no regardless, not enough confidence in their own so called country...


Ah, but surely Scotland has only ever been able to produce inventors, thinkers, and natural resources by being a region of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, governed from London.

It makes you wonder how much better the UK would be if it was incorporated into a bigger nation state instead of clinging to that ridiculous independence and sovereignty.

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13 hours ago, DI Bruce Robertson said:

Bishop, I'm from a family that has owned fishing boats and operated trawlers from Lossiemouth and other ports ( Peterhead as an example) for over 150 years, my evidence is purely anecdotal but I'm pretty sure can be backed up by facts.
I've got 2 uncles still involved in fishing, one operates a small,one man operation, a lobster boat from Lossiemouth, the other is a crew member on a trawler from Peterhead.
They both curse their grandfather, and great grandfather for overfishing, especially after the advent of drag trawling which decimated the sea-bed and threw away most of the fish caught ( as they weren't desirable to the British palette at the time), some of the most expensive fish nowadays, monkfish as an example, were thrown overboard in favour of cod & haddock.
Both my uncles voted remain, as they both know, without the CFP they would be jobless, and that without the European market they now trade with, tariff free, they would not be able to sell their products at a fair price. The people I know from that area, who voted leave, are clinging onto a distant 1970s hatred of Spanish & Portuguese boats.


I get that . Its like Scots clinging on to the anti-Tory hatred as a hang over from the Thatcher years when in fact Scots are very small c conservative by nature.


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7 hours ago, Peppino Impastato said:

Yeah utter shitebagery,  but tbf a majority of Scottish people did  vote yes, it was people from elsewhere in the UK,  Scottish bigots and old people that won it for no.  I think the next ones a skoosh and think the snp know that,  dont believe the polls they, like everything else, are, probably part of the ongoing campaign of propaganda.   The snp are acting very assured and confident,  i think their own polling is returning very positive results. 

So how did the EU citizens from other Member States vote and in what numbers? They had a vote the Indy referendum but are missing from your simplistic analysis.

Edited by Bishop Briggs
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1 hour ago, McSpreader said:

The snp should concentrate on sorting out education in Scotland. They keep taking their eye off the ball with this indy obsession that most Scots dinnae want.

Btw the only bigot I can see n this forum is you with your anti-English, anti protestant bile.

Come now Mc. Surely you can see that being anti-English, anti-protestant etc is de-rigueur for the likes of my fav pizza topping and his sympathisers. 

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27 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:

So how did the EU citizens from other Member States vote and in what numbers? They had a vote the Indy referendum but are missing from your simplistic analysis.

I think I saw a report that said EU citizens voted about 65 to 35 for NO. Mainly due to the threat that Scotland would be kicked out of the EU. I would expect the 65 to 35 to be at least reversed now 

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8 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:


Old but this is the impression I get in real life too, I hardly know anyone Scottish that would class themselves as British. Which makes the referendum even harder to take knowing that a lot of these people voted no regardless, not enough confidence in their own so called country...


You shouldn't confuse a basic question of national identity with politics.

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23 minutes ago, Wee Willie said:

No true.

I took the decision tae abstain because Scottish votes mean eff-all in UK terms.

It was English voters who made the decision on Brexit.

It meant a lot in Scottish terms though, the bigger the majority for remain in Scotland the stronger the case for independence. 

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Btw,  there is now a Catholic majority in northern Ireland among people aged 39 and under.  The union is genuinely in its death throes,  fuckin fantastic eh. What a time to be alive. 

What makes you think that the majority of people who identify themselves as 'of the Catholic faith' in NI, align themselves with the Republic?
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