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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Despite the talk of indicative votes taking place, with the April 12th date is there now a chance that next to nothing will happen until that week in which she drags her deal back then for a 3rd a final shot shouting again about it being this deal, no deal, or no Brexit?

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Despite the talk of indicative votes taking place, with the April 12th date is there now a chance that next to nothing will happen until that week in which she drags her deal back then for a 3rd a final shot shouting again about it being this deal, no deal, or no Brexit?

Yes, that’s a possibility, or even worse there’s a chance she loses the third meaningful vote this week and kicks the can down the road until the week of April 12th and comes back with a fourth meaningful vote.

Having said that May is openly talking about a longer extension and holding EU elections now which is something she said as recently as Wednesday she is not prepared to do as PM. This either means she’s had an embarrassing climb down and changed her mind following the reaction to her speech, or she’s planning to resign assuming MV3 fails next week.

The word on the street is MV3 is unlikely to happen next week, it’s not immediately clear whether that means that May is giving up on her deal altogether and ready to start discussing alternatives, or MV3 is simply delayed like MV1 and MV2 were previously.

My suspicion is that MV3 itself will be pulled but they’ll go ahead with the indicative free votes with May’s deal being one of the seven options. That will give May a feel for how her vote ranks against the other possibilities and it may come out to be the “least worst” option out of an AV vote, at which point she would probably have the right to have one last go at it and if it fails again then it’s no deal. If that scenario arose I’d expect Labour and even the SNP to back it. Having said that, it won’t happen, because the indicative free votes will actually show May that her deal is utterly shite and is actually the worst of both worlds.
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This all sounds terrific. Minimum 3 months uncertainty over food, medicine. My stockpile needs to grow.
I note the references to 'England & Wales' - presumably the rest of us can GTF.
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3 hours ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:

Aye, this could be done with a long enough name on a few gmail accounts easily.

Ignore what the 'cyber security' says as this is really nothing to do with that. It's just a script to fill in a webpage and some api calls to gmail. A piece of piss tbh.


Yes, let's ignore the opinion of experts in cyber security, and instead take the word of a thick as f**k Cowdenbeath fan and H_B's 3rd alias.

Christ in a fucking canoe. 

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4 minutes ago, jupe1407 said:


Yes, let's ignore the opinion of experts in cyber security, and instead take the word of a thick as f**k Cowdenbeath fan and H_B's 3rd alias.

Christ in a fucking canoe. 

Combine the email address and answering it, with names, postcodes and ip addresses. It's probably possible one by one but why would you bother when there's obviously going to be millions of genuine people clicking on it anyway? Heading for 4 million. :thumsup2

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3 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Best unofficial quote about May's 90 minute grilling by EU leaders.

One EU official "90 minutes of nothing".

Macron allegedly said he thought she had a 10% chance of getting her deal through - then he heard her and revised it to 5%.

Then someone else, Tusk? said Macron was being overly optimistic, the 27 are running scared.

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41 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:
47 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:
This all sounds terrific. Minimum 3 months uncertainty over food, medicine. My stockpile needs to grow.

I note the references to 'England & Wales' - presumably the rest of us can GTF.


Nothing new in that of course.

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Schadenfreude: the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another. 

e.g. the reaction of us Brits when our American friends elected Trump.

Hubristic / Karmic Schadenfreude: the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another, blissfully unaware that the other will soon have the opportunity to experience even greater pleasure from the troubles, failures and well-deserved humiliation of the smug, hubristic idiots that thought they were way too clever to do anything quite that stupid. 

e.g. the reaction of us Brits when our American friends elected Trump, blissfully unaware that those same American friends would soon be able sit back and watch this Brexit Omnigeddon.

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7 minutes ago, Frankie S said:

Schadenfreude: the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another. 

e.g. the reaction of us Brits when our American friends elected Trump.

Hubristic / Karmic Schadenfreude: the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another, blissfully unaware that the other will soon have the opportunity to experience even greater pleasure from the troubles, failures and well-deserved humiliation of the smug, hubristic idiots that thought they were way too clever to do anything quite that stupid. 

e.g. the reaction of us Brits when our American friends elected Trump, blissfully unaware that those same American friends would soon be able sit back and watch this Brexit Omnigeddon.

Sadness and disbelief shirley.

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Is there any evidence EFTA would accept the UK as a member? Would the Brexiters accept freedom of movement?

Who knows if they’ll accept but it would quite a big signing for them so they might go for it. In terms of Parliament, I believe all the MPs who voted for Mays first deal would probably vote for it, along with labour, SNP and the other parties as it keeps us in the single market and customs union and minimises the impact. EFTA is only free movement of workers not citizens... although is that not the same thing...
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Not too well up on this but could we not just stay in the EEA and form our own wee bespoke version on EFTA? Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein don't sound to keen on having the constant whine of moaning Brits honing in on their patch. Our reputation for silky diplomatic skills has taken a bit of a battering, and they're getting on quite fine on their own, and keeping a cordial and friendly relationship with the EU. Which we'd more than likely f**k up overnight, bit like the Crusaders arriving at Byzantium. 

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