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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Guest Bob Mahelp
7 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:
21 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:
'Ah, but thon Nicola Sturgeon though'....

Shurley "but thon wee nippy Krankie"?

Surely (from a purely Scottish point of view) one of the mostly profoundly depressing aspects of this whole clusterfuck is the unwillingness of a large amount of Scottish voters to contemplate independence.

The worst government in UK history, causing the biggest peacetime crisis. And yet many in Scotland would still rather be shackled to this sack of drowning rats rather than have an independent Scotland making our own path.

'Ah cannae stand thon Nicola Sturgeon'.

F*ck me.


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Looking at the votes it seems that the SNP abstained on not only Ken Clarke's Customs Union but also on Labour's alternative and on Common Market 2.0.

If the options do get narrowed down it will be interesting to see which way they jump.

I can understand why they didn't back Labour's pie-in-the-sky plan and Customs Union.

I could see them coming round to backing Common Market 2.0 as it retains SM membership.

Still wouldn't be enough to swing matters - this is going to come down to what Tory Remainers and Labour inbetweeners do.

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4 hours ago, Highland Capital said:

I see Ross Thomson voted for a No Deal Brexit. Aberdeen South voted 68% Remain. Surely he’ll be getting the chop if there’s a general election.

See the source image

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47 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Looking at the votes it seems that the SNP abstained on not only Ken Clarke's Customs Union but also on Labour's alternative and on Common Market 2.0.

If the options do get narrowed down it will be interesting to see which way they jump.

I can understand why they didn't back Labour's pie-in-the-sky plan and Customs Union.

I could see them coming round to backing Common Market 2.0 as it retains SM membership.

Still wouldn't be enough to swing matters - this is going to come down to what Tory Remainers and Labour inbetweeners do.

They're playing the long game here, I suspect.  My guess is they won't jump at all.  Like them or loathe them, the SNP are a very tightly run ship.  History was never a fairer judge than to Charlie Kennedy when he refused to back the Gulf intervention.  If Brexit happens - and particularly if it's a hardish Brexit,  the SNP will rightly claim the higher ground for being consistent as everyone else seems to be losing their minds.  That'll set them up nicely for a Holyrood victory and a second independence ballot in a few years.

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41 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I see Pete Wishart and Angus McNeil rebelled on the second referendum vote.


That will be well worth perusing.  On a very quick look, a lot of Tories voted against everything, which really helps nobody.  I guess they want the hardest possible Brexit.   A few Labourites voted for five of the eight, but I can't see any eejit who voted yes for all eight.

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2 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

That will be well worth perusing.  On a very quick look, a lot of Tories voted against everything, which really helps nobody.  I guess they want the hardest possible Brexit.   A few Labourites voted for five of the eight, but I can't see any eejit who voted yes for all eight.

It has to be remembered that the whole indicative vote process only happened because enough MPs voted for it.  That suggests to me that there is scope for consensus on one or other of the options.

I wonder if anyone was daft enough to vote for the process then vote against or abstain on all the options.


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Spoiler alert: If Scotland ever votes to become an independent country there will need to be all kinds of negotiations in the aftermath of the referendum on the best way to go about (a) the secession and (b) the future relationship between Scotland and whatever's left of the UK (Eng/Wal/NI or indeed just ENG/WAL)
During these negotiations and subsequent votes in the Scottish parliament, there will no doubt be some hardline SNP MSPs who wish to leave with no deal, some will support the deal that Sturgeon (or whoever is FM) has negotiated with Westminster, meanwhile the unionist MSPs will be calling for a people's vote in order confirm whether we want to bother with independence full stop.
People like Wishart are opposed to EUref2 because it will potentially validate the unionist MSPs asking for a confirmatory vote on a secession deal at some point after a future yes vote to Scottish independence.
The difference being the indy ref was a binding vote and literally had a book to vote on. We're in this situation with Brexit precisely because no one knew what the f**k we were voting on.
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