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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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5 minutes ago, renton said:

On the one hand the SNP will have played an admirably straight bat in dealing with Brexit and would expect to surf some good will from the electorate for that. On the other hand you are going to have some pretty pissed off core vote down the line unless there is a road map set out for achieving Indyref 2. 

Of course, it could all come to nothing anyway.

The SNP want rUK to be as closely aligned to the EU as is possible as it greatly benefits a post independence Scotland. The question that a closer alignment for rUK  to the EU makes independence less likely is causing slight murmurs of discontent in some quarters.

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48 minutes ago, renton said:

...Then again, there is a decent chance May calls a GE to wreck any move towards CU 2.0.

Provides scope for things reaching the ultimate heights of absurdity of the opposition voting to keep the government in power in a confidence motion that the government are trying to lose.

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1 hour ago, John Lambies Doos said:
1 hour ago, Colkitto said:
Labour will also vote for Common Market 2.0.  Could be close or pass if enough Tories vote for it. Then May will ignore it if it does ….

Why would Labour MPs from leave constituencies vote for Freedom of Movement. People in their areas don't give a f**k about a CU they only care about the immigrants. No way will they back this. Failed spectacularly last week and will again

Labour could fully support Freedom of Movement as long as they hide these and hope everybody has forgotten.


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20 minutes ago, Donathan said:

One of the ERG MPs who backed the deal on Friday just raised a point of order saying he’s changed his mind and opposes it again

Several more to come according to Kate McCann (not that one). Dial moving back in the other direction again with Brexiteers and I'd imagine Labour will be less inclined to back the deal if they're in favour of one of the indicative vote ideas that gets a majority.

Seems that Friday was the optimal time for May and she still got absolutely scudded.

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1 minute ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

It's amazing the number of people who don't understand Freedom of Movement.

If Switzerland - not exactly noted for an enlightened immigration policy - can cope with FoM - then so can we.

It's been said many times before, however your average half wit in the street who's against "immigration" and "freedom of movement" first off doesn't understand it's a two way street and secondly they don't appear to mean the Europeans as the people they hate when immigration is mentioned.

Perhaps many of them don't even know where Europe actually is ??

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20 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

It's amazing the number of people who don't understand Freedom of Movement.

If Switzerland - not exactly noted for an enlightened immigration policy - can cope with FoM - then so can we.

And Belgium and Spain.. (Ignore this is written by Nick Clegg)



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13 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

It's been said many times before, however your average half wit in the street who's against "immigration" and "freedom of movement" first off doesn't understand it's a two way street and secondly they don't appear to mean the Europeans as the people they hate when immigration is mentioned.

Perhaps many of them don't even know where Europe actually is ??

To put it bluntly they mean anyone who is black, Asian or Muslim ie they are just fucking racists.

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25 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

It's amazing the number of people who don't understand Freedom of Movement.

If Switzerland - not exactly noted for an enlightened immigration policy - can cope with FoM - then so can we.

Or don't want to recognise freedom of movement.

Consider the right wing governments anti immigration policies of EU members Austria and Hungary where the latter have built massive fences patrolled by armed guards.

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1 minute ago, SandyCromarty said:

I could foresee massive applications for Scottish Border Guard jobs.

Much easier to do than the NI-RoI border thanks to the Solway, the Cheviots and the Tweed providing more of a natural frontier. You could probably get away with something like 8 road and 2 rail border crossing points without massively inconveniencing people.  Hopefully this soft Brexit plan passes so all the lunacy over hard borders balkanising a small set of islands that belong together can be forgotten about.

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5 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

To put it bluntly they mean anyone who is black, Asian or Muslim ie they are just fucking racists.

Yes, that was what I was insinuating. 

Beata is a 6ft white blonde bombshell from Riga who speaks perfect English, so she doesn't count as an "immigrant", it's more the type who own shops and drive Taxis etc that they appear to want rid and of course the others who "breed like rabbits" and "claim benefits".

Unfortunately for them (and us) it will be the Beata's & Justinas that are stopped from coming to live and work here and contributing to our Economy.

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3 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Yes, that was what I was insinuating. 

Beata is a 6ft white blonde bombshell from Riga who speaks perfect English, so she doesn't count as an "immigrant", it's more the type who own shops and drive Taxis etc that they appear to want rid and of course the others who "breed like rabbits" and "claim benefits".

Unfortunately for them (and us) it will be the Beata's & Justinas that are stopped from coming to live and work here and contributing to our Economy.

East European immigration has been a massive political issue in many regions. Your comments are clueless. 

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Again Norway/Common Market 2.0 looks like the only sensible way of leaving, still maintains a good relationship with the EU, enables the UK to trade with the other 27, and allows opt outs on various issues. Does of course require freedom of movement as said, and paying a contribution to the EU. It would definitely take Indy Ref 2 off the table though as it is the 'softest' of Brexits, and makes arguments for Independence much more difficult.

It was obviously soundly defeated last week, but with Lab and SNP backing could come close. If it ends up No to all again tonight, like last week...back to square one, and a GE on the cards as the only real possible next step now.

Edited by Jedi
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Don't think this takes Indy off the table as a free flowing border between an Indy Scotland and rUK helps the cause. If a Norway deal gets struck we just use all the shit we've been through the last 3 years as a mandate and use the next Scots/Westminster elections as the trigger for Independence. 

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