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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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aye sure son. you go on believing that. why would a seriously rich country need 'capital contributions' from a country with smaller growth than its own. your no even a tool. fool

Check the stats, do your research. Idiot. Heh Luxembourg is a tiny country but much much richer by capita than UK.
Oh. And Ireland is richer
Doff capping idiot
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Pretty fair summary of today's speech in The FT:

  • UK will come out of the single market and customs union and has an “open mind” on what future customs deal would look like
  • Government wants a “phased process of implementation”, but not “unlimited transitional status”.
  • Promises to put final deal to vote in both Houses of Parliament
  • UK will leave EU without an exit deal, if no good deal on offer.
  • May warns other EU member states that any attempt at a “punitive deal” for Britain would be “calamitous” for the rest of Europe.
  • Post-Brexit, the UK will reintroduce immigration controls on EU citizens; no unilateral guarantee to EU nationals resident in the UK
  • Common travel area between UK and Ireland will remain.
  • Promises to continue to cooperate with EU on defence and use UK’s “unique intelligence capabilities” in fight against terrorism
  • She says the vote to leave was not aimed at damaging the EU

Most of this is old news.  The only real worry is "No unilateral guarantee to EU nationals resident in the UK".  This strikes me as utterly tragic and petty and is grist to White Van Man's mill.

The other tragedy from today is Tim Farron declaiming those who voted for EU exit didn't want to leave the single market and we need another referendum.  Sorry, Tim, but if those who voted 'leave' didn't realise they were leaving the single market then it shows just how rubbish such plebiscites are and to give them a second bite at the cherry would achieve nothing.

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30 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:

During the last referendum Ireland was cited as desolate. Thousands starving on streets... a basket case!
Much better economy per capita than UK. Seriously rich country

Seems so. The Legatum Prosperity Index IIRC put Ireland above the UK from a range of indicators of prosperity from GDP to general happiness. Ireland doesn't have our oil reserves either or as much whisky as we have! Ireland does have a global 'brand' reputation which we also have except we don't have the chance to put it to our advantage w/o the benefits flowing south.

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3 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Pretty fair summary of today's speech in The FT:

  • UK will come out of the single market and customs union and has an “open mind” on what future customs deal would look like
  • Government wants a “phased process of implementation”, but not “unlimited transitional status”.
  • Promises to put final deal to vote in both Houses of Parliament
  • UK will leave EU without an exit deal, if no good deal on offer.
  • May warns other EU member states that any attempt at a “punitive deal” for Britain would be “calamitous” for the rest of Europe.
  • Post-Brexit, the UK will reintroduce immigration controls on EU citizens; no unilateral guarantee to EU nationals resident in the UK
  • Common travel area between UK and Ireland will remain.
  • Promises to continue to cooperate with EU on defence and use UK’s “unique intelligence capabilities” in fight against terrorism
  • She says the vote to leave was not aimed at damaging the EU

Most of this is old news.  The only real worry is "No unilateral guarantee to EU nationals resident in the UK".  This strikes me as utterly tragic and petty and is grist to White Van Man's mill.

The other tragedy from today is Tim Farron declaiming those who voted for EU exit didn't want to leave the single market and we need another referendum.  Sorry, Tim, but if those who voted 'leave' didn't realise they were leaving the single market then it shows just how rubbish such plebiscites are and to give them a second bite at the cherry would achieve nothing.

Goody, almost every EU national living in Scotland will now be a yes voter :thumsup2

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3 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:


Credit rating agencies... all about borrowing money which the UK is very good at!! Borrowing


why didn't the Irish get the dosh from countries other than the UK.

btw why have you not explained what this means.  Remember the billions of blackhole that Scotland would have if independent. 

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3 minutes ago, AyrExile said:

Unemployment levels

That's about the only one, want me to list all the things they're better at ? As for unemployment, maybe their approach wasn't to create millions of low paid, zero hour jobs. Maybe that's why they don't have austerity anymore ?

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5 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

The other tragedy from today is Tim Farron declaiming those who voted for EU exit didn't want to leave the single market and we need another referendum.  Sorry, Tim, but if those who voted 'leave' didn't realise they were leaving the single market then it shows just how rubbish such plebiscites are and to give them a second bite at the cherry would achieve nothing.

Farron did point out the other white elephant in the room,uk nationals living in the eu though ;)

However Willine Rennie voted against staying in the single market today at Holyrood

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6 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:


Check the stats, do your research. Idiot. Heh Luxembourg is a tiny country but much much richer by capita than UK.
Oh. And Ireland is richer
Doff capping idiot


Two tax creative nations. Did the chancellor not indicate the Uk could go down this route if forced? 

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2 minutes ago, hehawhehaw said:

why didn't the Irish get the dosh from countries other than the UK.

btw why have you not explained what this means.  Remember the billions of blackhole that Scotland would have if independent. 

Because the health of the Irish economy has an impact on the health of the UK economy. You don't know very much do you ?

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Britons are saying they want to move to Scotland after Theresa May laid out her 12 principles for Brexit.

The Prime Minister said Britain will pull out of the European single market when it leaves the European Union.



Shame we're still part of Britain. For now.

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