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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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13 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Why can't we have one of those banana republic governments where you see people having square goes in parliament

Someone pick up that big mace and leather the c**t with it

Johnson, with the insulting, inflammatory behaviour, and  Geoffrey Cox etc... obviously trying to force a vote of no confidence.

Total political pondlifes.

Edited by beefybake
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54 minutes ago, hearthammer said:

If anyone in Scotland is swithering about whether or not we should remain subservient to this privileged cabal of hoorays and henrys, then watch a re-run of the Commons tonight.  Minds will be made up and/or changed rapidly.

How many folk watch the news, let alone watch it in detail?

Headlines and the first few paragraphs from the Mail or Sun is all that many of them need to reinforce their prejudices.

If there was a way to subliminally insert political discourse into I’m a celebrity, Big Brother, Masterchef, Strictly Come Dancing, Love Island, etc. then we might have a chance of a more informed electorate.

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I've been finding the last few weeks in UK (RIP) politics more amusing than anything else, and am wary of allowing myself to hope that anything positive could come out of it, while occasionally having moments when I did indeed hope. There was no danger of that tonight though, I watched those performing chimps for two and a quarter hours, and it's left me fucking angry. We already have class war - the people born millionaires are fighting to reverse every single incremental social change since the repeal of the Corn Laws, and they're winning.

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2 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

No he knew that fine

Correct.  He doesn’t fucking care.  A very large number on the Tory side don’t fucking care.  They see this as an opportunity to row back on the many advances that have been made in society.

It is no coincidence that this is happening at the same time as the most corrupt and populist US President is in power and that there is a rise in extreme right wing parties in Europe.


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54 minutes ago, hearthammer said:

If anyone in Scotland is swithering about whether or not we should remain subservient to this privileged cabal of hoorays and henrys, then watch a re-run of the Commons tonight.  Minds will be made up and/or changed rapidly.

You would hope so, but as the rhetoric cranks up then so does people's irrationality in the face of the evidence.  We have now entered into a tribal bare knuckle-fight and the  prospect of Brexit sliiping away is being played by Johnson in the manner of Trump - attack, attack and attack again and portray anyone trying to bar his progress  as an enemy of the people.  Rather than pause to consider the verdict of the Supreme Court, it is being trashed and to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if the likes of Johnson, Rees-Mogg, Patterson, IDS, Francois, Baker and Bone are tonight silently praying that things start to kick off in places like Hartlepool, Stoke and Sunderland, to name but three, as civil unrest is becoming their last gambit.

They ar utterly desperate in every sense of the word and the opposition must now keep their collective nerve and stand firm in the face of the media smear campaign which will surely follow.  Johnson, and Trump for that matter, now feel the waters lapping at their ankles and will respond in the only way they know, by lies, bluster, insinuation and aggression.  So be it, their eventual defenestration will be delicious.

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Last night was a genuine disgrace. I’ve no idea where this country is going, but it isn’t good.

There is absolutely no way the majority of Tory MPs are sitting there thinking this is right and proper. But they’re going to do absolutely nothing about it.

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Last night was a genuine disgrace. I’ve no idea where this country is going, but it isn’t good.

There is absolutely no way the majority of Tory MPs are sitting there thinking this is right and proper. But they’re going to do absolutely nothing about it.
What's more disturbing is the number of voters who think it's okay to do this.
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Shall we have a 2nd referendum?
"No - the people have spoken and that vote cannot be undone"

How about our 3rd general election in 4 years?
"Sounds great to me"
You couldn't agree on question at the moment for a 2nd referendum as the remoaner parliament is unable to agree on anything apart from begging the EU for an extension. This is why an election is preferable as it would hopefully create a parliament that has a majority to move forwards with a majority.
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Gotta love the term remoaner. It's a term thrown about by people who are too stupid to realise how much long term damage leaving the EU will cause us as a country. Usually preceded or followed by the phrase "why don't they just get on with it? Or "leave means leave" absolute fucking roasters

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What's more disturbing is the number of voters who think it's okay to do this.

‘Just trying to get things done’.

It’s alarming. There is a large, large chunk of people in this country who don’t care that their Prime Minister is illegally suspending parliament, refusing to comply with the Benn law and encouraging violence against opposition MPs.

People in Western politics, especially since social media, are far too quick to denounce someone they disagree with as a Nazi. But Johnson has well and truly lurched into fascism at this stage. With a majority parliament? Truly not worth thinking about.
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Gotta love the term remoaner. It's a term thrown about by people who are too stupid to realise how much long term damage leaving the EU will cause us as a country. Usually preceded or followed by the phrase "why don't they just get on with it? Or "leave means leave" absolute fucking roasters
Leaving the EU = Long term gain

Remainiacs always assume the worst, it's quite possible to better ourselves as well.
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