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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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What perplexes me is the amount of MPs saying this will be a catastrophe but go ahead and vote for it. I get the bit about the majority vote being to leave, but we pay these guys to make the best decisions on our behalf. It strikes me as self serving (and saving my seat) then go against their instinct. Yeah- obviously they are there to represent the people and their wishes- but best decisions on our behalf?. Funnily enough the vote to deny Trump a state visit is now higher than the margin to leave the EU, but the PM will castigate that and not state she will cancel the visit as it's 'the will of the people'. What is up here is the Conservative party shitting bricks in case they lose votes to UKIP. Labour? Fecking useless and have made themselves completely Irrelevant. We have no useful opposition.

Anyhow, sounds like the crash in 2008 will be a walk in the park compared to what is ahead. Here's hoping I am wrong.


Edited by Theo Snelders
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1 hour ago, Bishop Briggs said:

Yes. A friend of mine, as Aussie journalist, wrote it! :thumsup2


And this one too.




:unsure: Hmmm, wasn't that story & the other one actually bought off the World Weekly News along with much else of their "news" content from it & other such providers (eg. National Inquirer)?

The original story was inspired by the Wellington Bomber found in Loch Ness incident back in the mid 80s which gave the red tops something during the silly season.

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6 minutes ago, Theo Snelders said:

What perplexes me is the amount of MPs saying this will be a catastrophe but go ahead and vote for it. I get the bit about the majority vote being to leave, but we pay these guys to make the best decisions on our behalf. It strikes me as self serving (and saving my seat) then go against their instinct. Yeah- obviously they are there to represent the people and their wishes- but best decisions on our behalf?. Funnily enough the vote to deny Trump a state visit is now higher than the margin to leave the EU, but the PM will castigate that and not state she will cancel the visit as it's 'the will of the people'. What is up here is the Conservative party shitting bricks in case they lose votes to UKIP. Labour? Fecking useless and have made themselves completely Irrelevant. We have no useful opposition.

Anyhow, sounds like the crash in 2008 will be a walk in the park compared to what is ahead. Here's hoping I am wrong.


'What perplexes me is the amount of MPs saying this will be a catastrophe but go ahead and vote for it.'

A very, very good point Theo. They'll vote for it because it won't be a catastrophe. Just that it will not be to their liking, and make their own places on the benches harder to keep, until they can adjust their views to coincide with their electorate. A bit like being a delegate for a time until they can absorb the electorate opinion and advance their own left wing views again, which thanks to Trump will take maybe, hopefully 40 years. Should see many of us out. Crashes come and go ffs. They are like the poor, they will always be with us as Jesus said to Judas

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9 hours ago, Theo Snelders said:

What perplexes me is the amount of MPs saying this will be a catastrophe but go ahead and vote for it. I get the bit about the majority vote being to leave, but we pay these guys to make the best decisions on our behalf. It strikes me as self serving (and saving my seat) then go against their instinct. Yeah- obviously they are there to represent the people and their wishes- but best decisions on our behalf?. Funnily enough the vote to deny Trump a state visit is now higher than the margin to leave the EU, but the PM will castigate that and not state she will cancel the visit as it's 'the will of the people'. What is up here is the Conservative party shitting bricks in case they lose votes to UKIP. Labour? Fecking useless and have made themselves completely Irrelevant. We have no useful opposition.

Anyhow, sounds like the crash in 2008 will be a walk in the park compared to what is ahead. Here's hoping I am wrong.


Good post! What has happened is an abdication of parliamentary democracy.

As for what lies ahead? A return to the sick man of Europe status that the UK was before it begged, and was eventually allowed into the single market.

As for previous No voters being called flip floppers, what tosh! I voted No in 2014 but am now Yes.

It's what intelligent people do, constantly reassess choices in light of changing environments , circumstances etc.

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Saw a quote from George Osborne the other day and found myself agreeing with it; it made me a bit sad.

To paraphrase, Theresa May has put immigration ahead of economic stability and prosperity.

 As did millions of Leave voters of course.

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1 hour ago, Baxter Parp said:


More Anti-Semitic Hate Incidents Were Reported In 2016 Than In Any Year Since Records Began

Not related to xenophobic Brexiteers, I'm sure.

How many Jewish migrants from EU Member States have been affected? 

These crimes are not related to the anti-Semitism of Muslim extremists, I'm sure. 

There can't be any anti-Semitism or racism in Labour because Ms Chakrabarti said so in her report - shortly before accepting a Peerage and being appointed Shadow Attorney General. 

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Only one Tory MP, Ken Clarke of course, voted against the Brexit Bill. The Government would have won the vote comfortably, with the support of the DUP and Labour Brexiteers, even if Corbyn had not imposed a three-line Whip.

I wonder how Gina Miller is feeling this morning? Not so smug and arrogant I hope. Her hubris is nauseating.

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47 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Saw a quote from George Osborne the other day and found myself agreeing with it; it made me a bit sad.

To paraphrase, Theresa May has put immigration ahead of economic stability and prosperity.

 As did millions of Leave voters of course.

It depresses me too. I was listening to Danny Boyle talking about Edinburgh the other day and how he felt it was so much more vibrant these days thanks to all the foreign students, workers, businesses etc. It seems so alien and utter madness for us to be voluntarily taking ourselves back to the dark ages. 

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5 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Of course Gina Miller should be ashamed for ensuring the government doesn't ride roughshod over this country's parliamentary democracy.

I only commented on her smugness and arrogance.

The Government was elected on a manifesto commitment to hold the referendum and respect the result. Parliament should not ride roughshod over the will of the people.

Imagine the uproar if the UK Parliament had voted to ignore a Yes vote in 2014! Yet the SNP voted to ignore the EU referendum result last night.

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