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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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3 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

I know I'm partisan but, May has had and is having a complete buggers muddle in the commons right now. Any question that isn't a fluffling from one of her own MPs and she mumbles and dribbles like a granny whose teeth fell out while giving a blow job.


Image result for theresa may laughing gif

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Agree with it or not, Scot Gov produced a heavy tome to back up its arguments and set out a plan for the future. Uk Gov are still rummaging about in the dark and jotting notes down on the back of fag packets.


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Good article.

The hypocrisy of calling the Scotref divisive.
Sheridan is completely correct that the EUref was only included in the Tory manifesto to try to quell internal arguments within the party & to try to cut a non-existent threat (UKIP) off at the pass.
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It's actually getting funny now.

It's the equivalent of a guy who's been caught baws-deep in his secretary trying to convince himself he's not going to get taken to the cleaners in the divorce settlement.

In the interim, he's been telling all and sundry that his soon to be ex was a fat cow that had it coming, all the while thinking she'll go easy on him in court, 'cos she secretly wants him back so much.

Post-divorce, he's also looking forward to reconnecting with all his old pals in bachelor heaven 2.0, but doesn't know they all moved on years ago and actually think he's a bit of a dick.

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36 minutes ago, kirkyblue2 said:

29th March folks.

Much as I don't want Brexit, we can't move in any direction until its formally anounced so I suppose from that point of view its good that we have a date for Art 50.

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