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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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If there is no free movement of people agreement in place, it'll be fucking hilarious to hear/see the rage of having to pay £20 for a visa to get into a EU nation ; or having to wait with the Yanks and non-Europeans at customs.

Mind when there were long queues at Brussells airport a while back and Schengen countries were given priority. The right-wing rags going wild ''THIS IS WHY WE ARE LEAVING'' ''BRITS WAITING FOUR HOURS''  :lol:

The worrying thing about this Brexit mess, is that seems at least 50% of Scots want to fucking down with the good ship Blighty. A government we haven't voted for ; a referendum we voted massively against ; but nah, we'll hang around like the servile wee dicks we are.


Can imagine the right wing yoons just not getting it. ie. Shouting at the Spanish immigration officials. ' we've been waiting for hours; how dare you.. don't you know we're British!'


Eh..... Si you fucking alien. :lol:

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All together now-
Rule Britania! Britannia rule the waves. Britons never, never, never shall be slaves.
A million and a half of these fuckers want to go back to pounds, shillings, and pence?

I'm not surprised to see euthanasia suspiciously absent from the list.
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3 hours ago, Antlion said:

And yet they’re not the nationalists, those who support Scotland being a sovereign state are. c***s. 

The brand of "nationalism" fuelling Brexit is the nationalism of xenophobic, supremist Little Englander types who are probably proud of everything the British Empire did. Their "nationalism" is rooted in a manipulated history. The desire for Scottish independence is based on building a better country in the future, and the fact that Scotland could and should govern itself and determine it's own future.

Supporting Scotland's independence is just sensible, not an exclusively "nationalist" idea. Why would anyone want their country to be dominated by another in an unequal and outdated union? Why would any Scottish person want Scotland to be eternally shackled to the rotten corpse of the British Empire?

IMO the only positive from the clusterfuck called Brexit is that it could potentially cause "sensible" No voters to change their minds and support independence.

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4 hours ago, Colkitto said:

It's gone beyond crazy now isn't it? 



Awkward. We don't have the skills capacity to do it, so we'd need to get some foreigners to do it for us. As long as they aren't brown I'm sure it will be fine. Europeans, fair enough. That's why we voted leave for after all. Apologies for the repeat post, but this video needs repeating.


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I don't think it'd work, a rejection of terms is not the same as an acceptance of membership, it simply means we don't like what we're being offered so we'll default to WTO. 
Any reneging on Brexit will require a referendum that specifically says we want to stay in, and probably further negotiation with the EU to halt article 50 (bye, bye rebate)

It’s a fair point, but a reduction of the £5b rebate per annum could be small change compared to what we may lose over the longer term and unfortunately perhaps the price we pay for the mess created at our own volition. It isn’t too late to assess and decide upon damage limitation.
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Everyone should be made to write down a list of the most important 100 things in their lives.

If the ‘British passport’ makes it on to that list they should lose their right to vote.

We owe this to future generations.


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4 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Everyone should be made to write down a list of the most important 100 things in their lives.

If the ‘British passport’ makes it on to that list they should lose their right to vote breathe.

We owe this to future generations.



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