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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Whatever the fate of Theresa's dodgy deal, holding a 2nd referendum would be despicable and a clear abdication of duty by our useless MPs.

If members are eager to get a feel for the public's mood then it's achievable through a General Election. 

With a high probability of returning a Labour Government. The Tories are in a complete mess, but could anyone believe that handing over the explosive Brexit problem to Corbyn, McDonnell, Abbot, Gardiner, Starmer, Burgon & Raynor etc.. would be the best way forward as an alternative for the U.K. as a whole.

Jeezus, it’s a f*ckin terrifying thought!

If the Tories get another term with a Pro Brexit leader such as JRM or Johnson at the helm, are we just diving headlong into the abyss without any deal whatsoever?

Another GE is not what we need right now even it’s sole purpose is to halt Brexit. Let’s go with what May is proposing and test the EU response.

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JRM makes some undeniable points about May breaking her public red lines with this deal.
He's a conplete twat but at least he is a consistent one.

Most complex political negotiations will have to break the Red Lines at some point. The early ‘give always’ only tease out where the real pressure points are.
If everything was set in stone, a successful agreement ( for both sides) would be impossible.
May knows she has no other choice than to compromise. JRM isn’t offering a credible alternative other than no deal is better than a bad deal. You’re right though, he is consistent.
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42 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Actually, I forgot about OPTION 3, which is a REAL shocker.

Antonio Blair makes his long awaited comeback with his new centre party flanked by our old friends Peter Mandelson and Ed Miliband, SOS goes out to all his "New Labour" worshippers, defections aplenty both from Labour and disillusioned centre right careerist Tories (and probably Gove if you offer him a decent gig) and bob's yer uncle, the new Blair led Centre party rescues British Politics from the abyss.

Hopefully, I've just got a vivid imagination as this nightmare scenario would just be too much to take..................


The Lovefilm founder tried to test the waters for this as far as I can remember and found that there was no public appetite for it. A load of the Labour centrists are unaware that politics has moved on and people want change of some sort.

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

Beginning to think there is no chance of a Parliamentary majority on any way forward, and a General Election is inevitable.

You're probably right, but the problem there is that a General Election won't actually achieve or resolve anything.

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25 minutes ago, Detournement said:

JRM makes some undeniable points about May breaking her public red lines with this deal.

He's a conplete twat but at least he is a consistent one.

^^^ this.

I can't stand JRM but he's a principled man. Whether those principles are abhorrent is another matter all together, but he would likely steer the Tory ship in a general direction. Theresa May will just sink it.

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1 minute ago, WATTOO said:

You're probably right, but the problem there is that a General Election won't actually achieve or resolve anything.

Depends on the manifestos regarding the EU. Maybe candidates should have to clearly state their own positions. The ballot could say Joe Bloggs/Labour/Remain.

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2 minutes ago, Kyle said:

^^^ this.

I can't stand JRM but he's a principled man. Whether those principles are abhorrent is another matter all together, but he would likely steer the Tory ship in a general direction. Theresa May will just sink it.

Did he not promise us that No to Indy was the only way to stay in the EU?

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5 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Depends on the manifestos regarding the EU. Maybe candidates should have to clearly state their own positions. The ballot could say Joe Bloggs/Labour/Remain.

Or potentially two questions on the ballot - one for your MP, the other for leave/remain.

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Just now, DigOutYourSoul said:

The gathering for JRMs speech this afternoon doesn't look like that of a leadership bid... He say's he's not going for it, he's 100% going for it. 

And if he does finally go for it, he will say he only meant that he wasn't going for it at that specific time, but circumstances changed etc etc etc.

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