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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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7 minutes ago, Antiochas III said:

Who ignored the result?  

You have a very warped sense of democracy, where a vote on something means it can never be voted on ever again.  

think it was David Davies, one of the leading brexiteers who said " a democracy which can't change its mind is no democracy at all "

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2 hours ago, a1974h said:

Spoken like a deluded Nazi.

Scotland's  Voice was recognised when the majority voted to Remain part of the U.K.

And Then the UK voted to leave the Euro.

Do you not understand democracy?

and did you actually read your ballot paper ?

apologies to the pendantic  weirdo who doesn't like bad grammar 

Wait - didn't Nazis believe that one Germanic superstate should be created out of several existing nations, and didn't Hitler want his native country of Austria absorbed into the glorious German Reich? That doesn't sound much like Scottish nationalism, but it does sound very much like what you and your BritNat chums want to see for Scotland, absorbed part and parcel into a Brittanic superstate.

You had your chance to get a party elected in May that would not reopen the Independence question if the rest of the UK decided it wanted the state to pull out of the EU and Scotland decided it wanted the state to remain within the EU. You failed, and instead Scotland elected a parliament with a pro-Indy majority and a government which promised to reopen the question of Scotland being a normal country or a wee bit of one in exactly these circumstances. Do you not understand democracy, or do you just ignore it when it stops going your way?

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2 hours ago, a1974h said:

I respect democracy above all else and Scotland voted to remain part of the U.K. That's why I think it should remain part of the U.K. Despite voting for independence.

whats really bizarre is this  idea that Scotland voted to leave the UK. 

The UK voted to leave the EUrope. Scotland wasn't mentioned on the ballot paper.

If this disregard for democracy happened in China or Russia everybody would be up in arms.



Let's all have a vote but if we don't like the result we can just ignore it. 

Or we can just ignore what was written on the ballot paper.

bizarre really bizarre 



Like how you're ignoring May 2016's result because you lost?

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15 hours ago, a1974h said:

The SNP have lost my vote over this. 

I voted for SNP last time and for independence but I'm I'm incandescent with rage over sturgeon over this brexit issue.

scotland voted to remain part of the U.K. Then as part of the U.K. We voted to leave Europe. The ballot paper never mentioned Scotland once.

why won't she respect democracy?


So your idea of democracy is for Scotland tae be a bit player in the UK

9 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I wonder if the incredibly thick SNP voters who abstained or chose Brexit were enough to swing the vote.

I abstained - am I being wooshed?

Correct me if I'm wrong but was it no english voters who decided our fate?

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7 minutes ago, Wee Willie said:

So your idea of democracy is for Scotland tae be a bit player in the UK

I abstained - am I being wooshed?

Correct me if I'm wrong but was it no english voters who decided our fate?

The greater the difference between the English vote and the Scottish vote, the greater the momentum towards independence, whatever the result. Anyone whose main priority was independence from the UK who abstained or voted leave was an idiot.

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5 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

The greater the difference between the English vote and the Scottish vote, the greater the momentum towards independence, whatever the result. Anyone whose main priority was independence from the UK who abstained or voted leave was an idiot.

That's your opinion but it's certainly no mine.

My point is/was that no matter which way Scots voted it made no difference tae the result.

It was English voters who decided.

Ergo I abstained.



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Nicola Sturgeon is dealing with this situation in exactly the way she said she would when she was asking us to re-elect her.

To portray that as undemocratic is nonsense. She not only has a mandate to do what she's doing, she has a responsibility to do it.

For that matter it was no secret that a vote for Brexit was likely to create a serious constitutional crisis and post a risk to the existence of the union.

That's what the people of England voted for.

They can hardly complain if they get it.

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Nicola Sturgeon is dealing with this situation in exactly the way she said she would when she was asking us to re-elect her.

To portray that as undemocratic is nonsense. She not only has a mandate to do what she's doing, she has a responsibility to do it.

For that matter it was no secret that a vote for Brexit was likely to create a serious constitutional crisis and post a risk to the existence of the union.

That's what the people of England voted for.

They can hardly complain if they get it.

I'm not sure English voters really care
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15 hours ago, Poo said:

We didn't all have a vote though did we?

Because unlike the Scottish referendum where English residents living in Scotland were allowed a vote. EU residents living in the UK were NOT allowed a vote in the EU referendum.

Aye, democracy in action. Clown.

I think that was Cameron & Co's attempt at keeping their own LEAVER's on side after a remain vote, between that and making absolutely no plans for BREXIT just shows how arrogantly out of touch they were with the electorate.

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23 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

I think that was Cameron & Co's attempt at keeping their own LEAVER's on side after a remain vote, between that and making absolutely no plans for BREXIT just shows how arrogantly out of touch they were with the electorate.

Or his attempt at increasing the chances of their being a leave vote? Because he was a leaver the whole time.

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The greater the difference between the English vote and the Scottish vote, the greater the momentum towards independence, whatever the result. Anyone whose main priority was independence from the UK who abstained or voted leave was an idiot.

No, the idiots were those that used the EU referendum as a proxy for Scottish Independence.
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3 of the most prominent left wing figures of this country in the last quarter of a century.

Tony benn

John Pilger 

George Galloway 

all wanted to leave Europe. They all wanted to depart from the euro elite its neo-liberal capatiism. 

and to imply they are racist is farcical.  They have far more knowledge on the situation than anybody on here. 

So anbody who voted for brexit is a racist? Dear dear 

The nazis on here are against Brexit only because it suits there nationalist agenda. 


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