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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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23 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Read article 50 that I posted, it's not much longer than a text message.

Just reading the BBC website report and it says "Spain has said it will not agree to the Brexit deal unless changes are made to the wording over Gibraltar.


Bit confusing to say the least..

Edited by Colkitto
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1 minute ago, Colkitto said:

Just reading the BBC website reort and it says "Spain has said it will not agree to the Brexit deal unless changes are made to the wording over Gibraltar.

Bit confusing to say the least..

So they want a change of wording, but definition isn't important?

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2 minutes ago, Colkitto said:

Just reading the BBC website reort and it says "Spain has said it will not agree to the Brexit deal unless changes are made to the wording over Gibraltar.


Bit confusing to say the least..

Spain wants the final arrangement for Gibraltar to be settled between the UK and Spain, not the UK and the EU. They don't have a veto on the Withdrawal document though, as the Spanish Foreign Minister admitted a couple of days ago. 

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It will be interesting to see if the other EU countries want to force through the agreement on a qualified majority vote.  

Despite all the comments early on from the U.K. government about the internal EU divisions the EU27 have been pretty united up to now.  I think they would prefer to keep it that way.


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Gibraltar voted 98% I think for remaining in the EU. They'd love a deal where they can stay in the single market and part of the UK, even if rUK isn't. If the Spanish don't get too Nationalist about it all it should be easy to sort with a bit of wording change. The Spanish don't want their claim to sovereignty over Gibraltar to be written out of history by it's fate being settled in a new treaty between EU/UK.  We're not talking heads gone DUP here. 

Edited by welshbairn
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Gibraltar voted 98% I think for remaining in the EU. They'd love a deal where they can stay in the single market and part of the UK, even if rUK isn't. If the Spanish don't get too Nationalist about it all it should be easy to sort with a bit of wording change. The Spanish don't want their claim to sovereignty over Gibraltar to be written out of history by it's fate being settled in a new treaty between EU/UK.  We're not talking heads gone DUP here. 

If Gibraltarians end up paying tariffs on goods coming in from Spain it will be the first time many of them have paid taxes on anything
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12 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

The more I see of Corbyn the more I marvel at how such an uninspiring, vacillating, Pooterish individual came to be leader of The Labour Party.

If, and it's a huge if, he ever became PM it would be the most ill-fitting appointment since Franck Sauzee's car crash at Hibs.

He was against the Iraq War.
He is not very keen on Trident.
He likes the NHS
He cares about doctors, teachers and nurses.

Basically a platform of "I am in favour of good things and opposed to bad things."

A lot of people agreed with him and hence he became leader.

Plus he is a nice person!

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5 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

He was against the Iraq War.
He is not very keen on Trident.
He likes the NHS
He cares about doctors, teachers and nurses.

Basically a platform of "I am in favour of good things and opposed to bad things."

A lot of people agreed with him and hence he became leader.

Plus he is a nice person!

If it weren’t for that last line I could be leader of the Labour Party.


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2 hours ago, Fullerene said:

He was against the Iraq War.
He is not very keen on Trident.
He likes the NHS
He cares about doctors, teachers and nurses.

Basically a platform of "I am in favour of good things and opposed to bad things."

A lot of people agreed with him and hence he became leader.

Plus he is a nice person!

Also, he has a beard and many may confuse him for Santa.

He just needs to roll out the Kris Kringle/naughty list patter and he's guaranteed your vote.

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8 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

The only requirement of future Labour leaders will be a five syllable name which can be chanted to the tune of Seven Nation Army. And a Snapchat account, obvs.

They’re not getting Nicola Sturgeon!


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16 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

The only requirement of future Labour leaders will be a five syllable name which can be chanted to the tune of Seven Nation Army. And a Snapchat account, obvs.

I give you Kezia Dugdale

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2 minutes ago, Kyle said:

Ross Thomson already on twitter moaning about the future arrangements in respect of fishing. Looks like big Tessa is in for another rough few days.

If we've learned one thing from this debacle it is that she never needs to worry about what her Scottish MPs say given they're all fart and no follow through. 

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