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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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2 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Is the rural working class voting Tory a uniquely Scottish thing or does it happen elsewhere?

I know from my own family's experience of growing up in rural Perthshire that there was a very much a forelock-tugging to the master mentality.


  Insofar as there is merely a local interconnection among these small-holding peasants, and the identity of their interests forms no community, no national bond, and no political organization among them, they do not constitute a class. They are therefore incapable of asserting their class interest in their own name, whether through a parliament or a convention. They cannot represent themselves, they must be represented. Their representative must at the same time appear as their master, as an authority over them, an unlimited governmental power which protects them from the other classes and sends them rain and sunshine from above. The political influence of the small-holding peasants, therefore, finds its final expression in the executive power which subordinates society to itself.

Marx on peasants.


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1 hour ago, coprolite said:

What do most MP's do?

your comment about the English shows you up as a xenophobe and does disservice to reasoned arguments for independence.

Calling a Scottish person an xenophobe against the English is like calling a black person a racist against white supremacists. Tommy Robinson would love you. (If you weren't Scottish) :lol:

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Just now, BawWatchin said:

Calling a Scottish person an xenophobe against the English is like calling a black person a racist against white supremacists. Tommy Robinson would love you. (If you weren't Scottish) :lol:

Robert the Bruce was born in Lochmaben, you fucking traitor.

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Is the rural working class voting Tory a uniquely Scottish thing or does it happen elsewhere?

I know from my own family's experience of growing up in rural Perthshire that there was a very much a forelock-tugging to the master mentality.
My constituency sits between York and Hull (both pretty Labour, Hull more so), and the Tory cùnt we have to put up with has a solid five figure majority thanks to the bumpkins hereabouts. Driffield and Pocklington are not exactly haunts of the rich and famous.
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51 minutes ago, BawWatchin said:

Calling a Scottish person an xenophobe against the English is like calling a black person a racist against white supremacists. Tommy Robinson would love you. (If you weren't Scottish) :lol:

No it's not. 

You are wrong, factually and morally.

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From listening to his interviews I gather David Mundell is only concerned with keeping the union together and to hell with the utter shit Scotland is being served with this deal.

What a tosser.

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From listening to his interviews I gather David Mundell is only concerned with keeping the union together and to hell with the utter shit Scotland is being served with this deal.

What a tosser.
DUP mentality there, perhaps he should join. Although as he's gay the bigots probably won't let him.

Anyway on to more pressing issues. Has he resigned yet?
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55 minutes ago, DAFC. said:

From listening to his interviews I gather David Mundell is only concerned with keeping the union together and to hell with the utter shit Scotland is being served with this deal.

What a tosser.

Looking at the proposed deal objectively it has more chance of alienating NI, leading to a United Ireland and thereby disintegrating the Union as we know it.

I am not saying that is a bad thing, but regardless of what he says Mundell is only interested in protecting his own turf not protecting the Union.


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Little shithawks like Fluffy need to be called out at every turn. When he says his number one priority is protecting the union, he means it is preventing Scotland gaining sovereignty. They are one and the same thing, as “the union” was and is about creating a single British state that dissolved Scottish and English statehood (whilst retaining all the powers and constitutional  and parliamentary privileges, precedents and customs of the latter). He and his ilk just think that “protecting the union” sounds better than “preventing Scottish independence”. Don’t let weasels like him control the narrative. He has admitted that he doesn’t give a f**k about Scotland beyond preventing its statehood. 

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21 minutes ago, Antlion said:

Little shithawks like Fluffy need to be called out at every turn. When he says his number one priority is protecting the union, he means it is preventing Scotland gaining sovereignty. They are one and the same thing, as “the union” was and is about creating a single British state that dissolved Scottish and English statehood (whilst retaining all the powers and constitutional  and parliamentary privileges, precedents and customs of the latter). He and his ilk just think that “protecting the union” sounds better than “preventing Scottish independence”. Don’t let weasels like him control the narrative. He has admitted that he doesn’t give a f**k about Scotland beyond preventing its statehood. 

Preserving the union = vested interests. Always has done and always will do. - to the detriment of the majority.

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43 minutes ago, DublinMagyar said:

But which majority?

The majority of the thickos who believe that one day they'll make it into the minority if they just try hard enough and trust in the system.

Only problem is, there isn't enough room in the minority for the majority.

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The Economists take on a No Deal  Brexit.
May supporters are using the “people just want us to get on with it” line in trying to gain support for her plan.  
It is a total dereliction of duty and any member of the public who does utter those words hasn’t thought through the consequences and doesn’t deserve the right to vote.

Didn’t realise until just the other day that you voted to leave Granny, no bother, that’s up to you, but you seem to be wallowing in the shitfest that has ensued? I just don’t get it. Is it a case of bringing the whole house of cards down to further independence? Serious question? If not, surely you’re not advocating that JC can (or really wants to) turn this around?
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