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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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3 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:


Not that I've read recently and believed.

There are plenty in the Express and Telegraph. Generally as believable as the doom in the Independent and to a lesser extent the Guardian.

Newspapers report the news and offer opinions.  Putting the opinions to one side, has the Express or Telegraph reported on studies that show we won’t be worse off under Brexit?

If they have maybe you could post them as I have certainly not seen any.

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20 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Newspapers report the news and offer opinions.  Putting the opinions to one side, has the Express or Telegraph reported on studies that show we won’t be worse off under Brexit?

If they have maybe you could post them as I have certainly not seen any.


I'm quite sure you will find any amount of articles in the Telegraph from Bojo explaining how much better off the UK will be outside the EU once the right kind of deal can be negotiated.

Not that I've sought out any such articles, and nor do I intend to.

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Just now, ICTJohnboy said:


I'm quite sure you will find any amount of articles in the Telegraph from Bojo explaining how much better off the UK will be outside the EU once the right kind of deal can be negotiated.

Not that I've sought out any such articles, and nor do I intend to.

I was specifically talking about studies not articles on opinions.


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45 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Newspapers report the news and offer opinions.  Putting the opinions to one side, has the Express or Telegraph reported on studies that show we won’t be worse off under Brexit?

If they have maybe you could post them as I have certainly not seen any.


There have been some and I'm sure the predictions will be equally right. 

Economic predictions will simply reflect the optimistic or pessimistic assumptions made. It's not a science where you can sometimes find definitive answers. 

We will only find out who is correct come next year. Maybe

My prediction is that we will not leave the EU. Possibly through a 2nd referendum since we have been deluged with pro-remain project fear propaganda since the vote. If only they had been so forthcoming with the facts prior to the vote they might have convinced the electorate.

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4 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:


There have been some and I'm sure the predictions will be equally right. 

Economic predictions will simply reflect the optimistic or pessimistic assumptions made. It's not a science where you can sometimes find definitive answers. 

We will only find out who is correct come next year. Maybe

My prediction is that we will not leave the EU. Possibly through a 2nd referendum since we have been deluged with pro-remain project fear propaganda since the vote. If only they had been so forthcoming with the facts prior to the vote they might have convinced the electorate.


They did their best, but found it hard to compete with the £350Million for the NHS and the promise of taking control of our fishing waters.

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21 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:


There have been some and I'm sure the predictions will be equally right. 

Economic predictions will simply reflect the optimistic or pessimistic assumptions made. It's not a science where you can sometimes find definitive answers. 

We will only find out who is correct come next year. Maybe

My prediction is that we will not leave the EU. Possibly through a 2nd referendum since we have been deluged with pro-remain project fear propaganda since the vote. If only they had been so forthcoming with the facts prior to the vote they might have convinced the electorate.

They were. People said it was project fear. Now reality is beginning to bite.

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17 minutes ago, jupe1407 said:

Folk who say "I've had enough of experts" are usually the first to bitch and whine about not being sufficiently warned that the bad thing the experts were warning them about was, erm, bad.

The problem is that the "experts" all have their own agenda. You can have two of these "experts" arguing exact opposite outcomes, so either one of them isn't really an expert or they're spouting their rhetoric because they're being paid to do so.

Can people really be blamed for taking anything they say with a pinch of salt ??

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The problem is that the "experts" all have their own agenda. You can have two of these "experts" arguing exact opposite outcomes, so either one of them isn't really an expert or they're spouting their rhetoric because they're being paid to do so.
Can people really be blamed for taking anything they say with a pinch of salt ??
I've genuinely not seen an "expert" argue a remotely compelling case for Brexit. The remain side can already point to economic damage, job losses, EU workers leaving in droves and companies fucking off abroad for starters.
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3 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

Words must be coming from on high.Bertie and his cronies at the Sff are telling everybody this is a great deal for fisherman :lol:

Anyone in the SFF telling their members that this is a good deal, let alone a great deal, is simply lying to them.  

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Tbf it’s not wrong to be naturally sceptical towards experts since they will usually have some sort of agenda and in lots of fields can be resistant to any sort of innovation. That said, when pretty much EVERY expert is saying something is going to be bad then maybe it’s worth taking notice.

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5 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Tbf it’s not wrong to be naturally sceptical towards experts since they will usually have some sort of agenda and in lots of fields can be resistant to any sort of innovation. That said, when pretty much EVERY expert is saying something is going to be bad then maybe it’s worth taking notice.

What makes someone an expert?

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Guest Bob Mahelp
29 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Anyone in the SFF telling their members that this is a good deal, let alone a great deal, is simply lying to them.  

One of the more enlightening aspects of this whole fuckwittery has been the fact that a few of the 'oh we're so hard done by and it's all the EU's fault' whines of Scottish fishermen have been exposed as lies.



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