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The Official Former President Trump thread


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I don't think Trump is remotely concerned about whether his executive orders will improve things or make them worse, his sole concern is getting an instant cheer from his fans. Bannon is the same except he's just about trolling the libtards, and he's writing the fucking things. 

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I don't think Trump is remotely concerned about whether his executive orders will improve things or make them worse, his sole concern is getting an instant cheer from his fans. Bannon is the same except he's just about trolling the libtards, and he's writing the fucking things. 

That's what you get with right wing populism - it's dangerous sabre-rattling with no thought to the consequences of their words.

Tarring all Muslims in this way is just going to drive moderate Muslims in to the hands of the extremists.

It is also making it more likely that an innocent Muslim is going to end up a victim of one of Trump's more red neck supporters.

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This one sneaked through under the radar. Trump has replaced the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Director of Intelligence on the National Security Council with, guess who, Steve Bannon.


Edited by welshbairn
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Allegedly, (you can't believe anything these days. Fake news folks, fake news) Trump has banned certain US institutions, such as the Department for Agriculture, the National Parks Service, the Environmental Protection Agency (and possibly others), from communicating directly with the general public. Y'know, using Twitter, for example...... To do so, constitutes an act of radical subversion. 

Sheer hypocrisy.


source The Observer, today.

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5 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

I genuinely thought Trump was just a massive self-publicist, who wanted to be President for his CV.

Apparently he is actually a loonball.

A bit like Adolf H in the 1930s there were people who assumed he didn't actually mean it and would be more moderate once he got into office. So far he has been keeping his campaign promises to the letter and the problem is that the executive power of the US presidency has been expanded considerably in recent decades, so the checks and balances are not as strong as they used to be.

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16 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Odds on Trump not completing his first term of office have dropped to 11/8.

Odds of being impeached in first 6 months are now at 6/1.

Evens he is impeached at any time during the first term.

Personally, I reckon there's little to no chance he'll see a term out. I'd be surprised if he's still in office at this point next year. 

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5 hours ago, mrcat1990 said:



This is my biggest concern with Trump. I was hoping he'd be a touch less into military intervention after his "Obama/Hilary created ISIS" comments. Further meddling about in the middle east is the last thing the west needs to be doing. Also would seem odd as supposedly ISIS are in a bit of a fractured state at present anyway.

I think he's always said he was going to work with local governments and allies to defeat ISIS. He said he's not going to participate in overthrowing governments in order to impose US values or democracy on places where it is not wanted. I'd say that this is a sound strategy. Certainly better than Obama's strategy of perpetual war of half measures in the region. And despite what Granny said below your post, Trump has a policy beyond just bombs. He wants to work with local governments, even if they aren't the most savory people, to defeat Islamic terrorism. This is a much different diplomatic strategy than Obama.

3 hours ago, sparky88 said:


These measures have nothing to do with stopping terrorism of course, but playing to people's fears about terrorism. Americas terrorism problems begin and end with the armed white trailer trash born and bred in the USA that periodically shoot blacks, gays or schoolchildren.

Either the most racist or most ignorant thing I've seen written on this message board. Amazing!

4 hours ago, Savage Henry said:


As it stands, dual nationals of the US and Iran are barred from going to their own country. It's shameful, and anyone who supports these moves it's utterly bereft of common decency.


I'm pretty sure it's duel nationals when the citizenship is two foreign countries, like the UK and Iran. US citizens are not affected of course. That would obviously be illegal.

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Just now, LongTimeLurker said:

Agree with where you are going with that in terms of there being an obvious double standard, but would question the numbers given what happened to US forces in places like Falluja and during the whole "Blackhawk down" incident in Mogadishu.


Oh yeah I just spotted it on twitter thought it was interesting. Needless to say Saudi's welcomed with open arms. I think the citizens means not troops

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2 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Agree with where you are going with that in terms of there being an obvious double standard, but would question the numbers given what happened to US forces in places like Falluja and during the whole "Blackhawk down" incident in Mogadishu.

List like these would also normally include the US itself.

Will not be sharing on Facebook.

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1 minute ago, Deplorable said:

I think he's always said he was going to work with local governments and allies to defeat ISIS. He said he's not going to participate in overthrowing governments in order to impose US values or democracy on places where it is not wanted. I'd say that this is a sound strategy. Certainly better than Obama's strategy of perpetual war of half measures in the region. And despite what Granny said below your post, Trump has a policy beyond just bombs. He wants to work with local governments, even if they aren't the most savory people, to defeat Islamic terrorism. This is a much different diplomatic strategy than Obama.

Either the most racist or most ignorant thing I've seen written on this message board. Amazing!

I'm pretty sure it's duel nationals when the citizenship is two foreign countries, like the UK and Iran. US citizens are not affected of course. That would obviously be illegal.

The sword is mightier than the pen.

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8 minutes ago, marty_j said:


Like banana said, he's pretty clearly going off a list of countries that was already put together for stronger scrutiny during the Obama years. Probably a conservative test run to see how things go. Also, he is going to see how allied countries like Saudi Arabia react. If they do a good job their citizens will be less likely to end up on a banned list. It's common courtesy to an "allied" government. The initial countries are all either failed states or sponsors of terror.

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Don't get me wrong, I favor a nearly complete and permanent immigration ban from all the countries listed by Trump on principle. That would put us in line with most of the world instead of our current Western policy that stands out as extremist and strange from a global perspective. I just don't think that's what Trump is doing right now.

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18 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

A bit like Adolf H in the 1930s there were people who assumed he didn't actually mean it and would be more moderate once he got into office. So far he has been keeping his campaign promises to the letter and the problem is that the executive power of the US presidency has been expanded considerably in recent decades, so the checks and balances are not as strong as they used to be.

Actually he's just following legal power that Presidents have had for decades. It was the 1950s when Congress passed a law allowing the President to ban any class of immigrants he desired. He's yet to make any great leaps with his executive power in the way Obama or Bush did. Obama ordered federal law enforcement to process people into the US who were not legally allowed to be in the United States. That's an amazing expansion of Presidential power. Trump is just following laws that Congress has already passed, and have been used by Presidents before.

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1 minute ago, Deplorable said:

Actually he's just following legal power that Presidents have had for decades. It was the 1950s when Congress passed a law allowing the President to ban any class of immigrants he desired. He's yet to make any great leaps with his executive power in the way Obama or Bush did. Obama ordered federal law enforcement to process people into the US who were not legally allowed to be in the United States. That's an amazing expansion of Presidential power. Trump is just following laws that Congress has already passed, and have been used by Presidents before.

He is only following Executive Orders?

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3 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

He is only following Executive Orders?

Executive Orders are just directives to executive branch employees. They can comply with duly passed laws or they can be orders to perform illegal actions. They aren't good or bad things on their own. It seems clear that the US President has the power to bar any class of people from entering the US based on a law passed by Congress in the 1950s. It's written very clearly, and Presidents before have used it to temporarily ban people from certain countries. It has never been tested in court, but it's written so clearly I can't imagine that even the slimiest judge would be able to overturn Trump's order. We will see. What Obama did was to order US law enforcement to specifically ignore laws passed by Congress, claiming proprietorial discretion.

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