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The Official Former President Trump thread


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19 hours ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

The difference is that you think the Russian security services are telling the truth


When did I say anyone was telling the truth? Actually what I said was that the CIA have made an accusation that the Russians have interfered and haven't produced any proof. And that I'm not gonna listen to the accusation until actual proof has been shown. 

Not too long ago buzz feed and CNN posted accusations that Trump was being blackmailed by Russia and that turned out to be a load of shit and they were slaughtered for it. 

The CIA have a track record of lying to suit thier agenda and until they can deliver proof to back up they claim ill not listen to them. 

Actually amazed I'm getting flak for thinking that comparing Trump's election to 9/11 or Pearl Harbor is ridiculous. It's sensationalist nonsense. 

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When did I say anyone was telling the truth?


The Russians say they didn't, you say the Russians didn't therefore you say the Russians are telling the truth and their American counterparts are lying.


I'm willing to countenance that possibly being the case but it seems wilfully stupid to simply declare it so.


The main thrust of the article was that Mitch McConnell and the likes are simply not even acknowledging the question.


There are two hypothesises here


In the first the FBI are telling the truth in which case comparisons with actual physical attacks on America are valid


In the second the Russian secret service are to be trusted on this one in which case comparisons with the Bowling green massacre, or the terrible events unfolding in Sweden, are more appropriate


You seem as eager to accept the second as Friedman is to accept the first. That should be the focus of your criticism if you're going to maintain any logical consistency


You should assert that the accusations are false rather than deny that they're serious


Hope this helps






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44 minutes ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

When did I say anyone was telling the truth? Actually what I said was that the CIA have made an accusation that the Russians have interfered and haven't produced any proof. And that I'm not gonna listen to the accusation until actual proof has been shown. 

Not too long ago buzz feed and CNN posted accusations that Trump was being blackmailed by Russia and that turned out to be a load of shit and they were slaughtered for it. 

The CIA have a track record of lying to suit thier agenda and until they can deliver proof to back up they claim ill not listen to them. 

Actually amazed I'm getting flak for thinking that comparing Trump's election to 9/11 or Pearl Harbor is ridiculous. It's sensationalist nonsense. 

The Russians arrested a couple of their people for leaking information right after the Buzzfeed thing, which suggests it wasn't all fiction. In the intelligence world it's very hard to give concrete evidence for anything without putting sources at risk, especially to the general public. The fact that all the agencies that have seen the evidence agree is pretty conclusive to me, usually they're like cats in a cold bath. 

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I have an image of Sean Spicer hearing the Sweden comment and bursting into tears at the thought of how he's going to get ripped to shreds on SNL after his 'explanation' of the comment that everyone knows is bullshit.

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It seems any anti-establishment movement is blamed on the thick and uneducated, be it Trump, Brexit or even Scottish independence, as I well know coming from a staunch No area. In each case it's a lazy argument.
I was working with a guy last week who was in the US last summer on a cruise to Alaska. He said of the many Americans he and his wife met and spoke to, including teachers, doctors, lawyers, retired police etc, 100% of them were supporting Trump over Clinton. And interestingly not one of them mentioned immigration as one of the main factors, with most saying his 'drain the swamp' anti-establishment stance was the clincher. I wonder how they feel about things so far?


Trump is as much establishment as Clinton is.

He was never going to drain the swamp.
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On 2/18/2017 at 03:56, Carl Cort's Hamstring said:

I love how Depolrable's links directly contradict his race-baiting posts.

No they don't. They pretty clearly show average differences in black and white behavior that lead to different wealth outcomes even if income is equalized. Just did a quick google search and threw the first couple links in. There's a million studies. It's not a controversial topic.

I'm not personally in favor of this policy, but one of the most fascinating integration projects was carried out by Oak Park, Illinois. They got ahead of the curve and decided to integrate their suburb before the federal government forced them. They embarked on a so-called "black a block" project. This involved tying all apartment properties together through various means in a public private partnership. They would rent based on race to make sure that no apartment became too black. They would even pay owners to keep apartments open until a renter of the proper race could be found. For sale signs were banned and direct marketing from realtors was banned to stop unscrupulous realtors from engaging in the block busting activities that became so normal in white areas near to black areas as segregation was ended. The city was successfully able to integrate without white flight, a massive crime increase, or a drop in property values. The areas all around this suburb became violent ghettos within a decade of segregation ending.


This is an example of what I am trying to demonstrate can happen if the government acknowledges real world problems regarding race and culture. This was a rich lefty city that wanted to integrate, but didn't behave like modern leftists who bury their head in the sand because their ideology requires them to ignore the real world.

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17 hours ago, Wee Willie said:

This is a very funny 2 & a bit minutes 


Yes, that word is number 2 on our national most offensive list. We try to save it for use on special occasions.


14 hours ago, mjw said:



He's even went to far for Fox news.
And it isnt one of the presenters Deplorable named as being off message.


Chris Wallace is straight news and asks hard questions of any political representative on his show.

You guys know that Fox News has a mix of different types of hosts, right? And you know that the Murdoch's are globalists, right?

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Republican hero turns out to be paedo shock.
Video surfaces of Milo Yiannopoulos defending pedophilia, ACU board reportedly not consulted on CPAC invite

banana was a huge fan. The worst part about this video is it's the first time he's sounded truly sincere in an opinion.
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His pish about the 'immigrants in Sweden' and how since 'they' had arrived the crime rates went up is deeply disturbing. The demonisation and racism shown towards a load of folk who are being grouped together simply because they choose to work and live somewhere other than where they were born is dreadful and sickening. The implications are hugely frightening.


Please someone execute this piece of shit Trump. I would celebrate wildly upon hearing of his death.

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