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18 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Thankfully Corpus Christi in Texas, the first place to be hit by Hurricane Harvey, is over 80% white, so they should be looked after. Unlike New Orleans.

The town will be fine; it will resurrect itself.

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People in the line of hurricane Harvey are going to be relying on the news for the next few days.
The same news their president calls unamerican and enemies of the people.

If he tweets a single thing about Fake News over the next day or two, he's even dumber than I thought.
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3 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Thankfully Corpus Christi in Texas, the first place to be hit by Hurricane Harvey, is over 80% white, so they should be looked after. Unlike New Orleans.

If you looked this stat up yourself you misread. If you read it in some news source never trust that source again. I've been to this city. It's a Mexican city. Currently 62% Hispanic. 18% white. You always have to look past the white % to the non-Hispanic white %. 

A guy who looks like this and doesn't speak English is included in the first % you quoted.

Image result for Mexican Guy

Not that I have a problem with that, but I imagine it's not what you were envisioning. 

11 hours ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:


They didn't bring Facism to America but they did at least help keep America Neutral for the first few years of World War II until Germany declared war on them.

You are of course entitled to your opinion on whether there were "some very fine people on both sides" in that conflict

But I suspect we may have to agree to disagree on that


Uh, I'm sure there were individual good Germans in WWII. Certainly your average Germany soldier probably behaved better than your average Russian soldier.

If you're referring to Charlottesville, I though I was clear that I disagreed with Trump on the good people thing. I think everyone involved on both sides chose to march under flags of totalitarianism and with people they knew wanted violence. You are responsible for the people you associate with. 


Edited by TheProgressiveLiberal
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Reminder about the actual effect modern progressive leftism and multiculturalism on steroids has on blacks.


Part of this chart can probably be explained by the exodus of working class whites from California over the past 30 years, but certainly much of it has to do with increased low skilled immigration, environmental policy which pushed low skilled jobs away, and pro illegal immigrant government policies.

It's important to remember that the biggest gains blacks made relative to whites wasn't after the Civil Rights era. It was between when we shut down immigration from Europe and when we opened immigration up to the 3rd world. 

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12 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

Said Native Americans.

For the 16 people who liked this quote, the latest Hardcore History podcast about the Roman conquest of Gaul gave some statistics on this topic. Up to 98% of Native Americans who were in what is now the US would have died of disease at first contact with any group from outside the New World. Over 80% minimum. At the US founding there were around 600,000 Indians living in territory that now belongs to the US. The rest had died off from diseases over the past few hundred years.

It's such a yawn argument even if I accepted it's premise that Americans today don't have a right to our nation because we conquered it from another group, which is not a premise I accept. 

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A. This is what happens when you let immigrants in. This gathering was almost exclusively immigrants.
B. So we had a massive peaceful rally at the height of fascism where a bunch of Nazi Party members gave speeches, and we didn't fall to the Nazis? I wonder how that's possible since nobody showed up to beat them up in the streets? I thought masked thugs were the only things standing between our country and fascism. 

Except that there was violence and the Bund did fight protestors including the near murder of a Jewish protester.

That time though the President and prominent American politicians actually had the ability to condemn the Bund, what they said, did, and represented.
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I enjoy coming on to this thread for my daily reminder that absolutely everything even remotely bad in America and the world is entirely the fault of liberals / the left / Obama / Clinton*


*Delete as appropriate

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26 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:


Except that there was violence and the Bund did fight protestors including the near murder of a Jewish protester.

That time though the President and prominent American politicians actually had the ability to condemn the Bund, what they said, did, and represented.


Looks like you are correct. 

Good thing those protestors were there to keep the Nazis from taking over America.:)


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For the 16 people who liked this quote, the latest Hardcore History podcast about the Roman conquest of Gaul gave some statistics on this topic. Up to 98% of Native Americans who were in what is now the US would have died of disease at first contact with any group from outside the New World. Over 80% minimum. At the US founding there were around 600,000 Indians living in territory that now belongs to the US. The rest had died off from diseases over the past few hundred years.
It's such a yawn argument even if I accepted it's premise that Americans today don't have a right to our nation because we conquered it from another group, which is not a premise I accept. 

Jeezo you massively missed the point eh? No wonder it bores you.

It's not that you don't have 'the right' to the nation, it's that no-one does. 'Murica was not originally a 'white' place, and folk that are descended from immigrants should never forget that when denigrating contemporary immigrants.

And what is the relevance of the stats on disease? Do you think people are somehow 'picking' on those 'first settlers'?

The united states has a pretty ropey history when it comes to mistreating people who were not white. Liberals and progressives have made huge strides to right many of those wrongs but it takes a long time.

When the fucking president whips up the nutjobs it only goes to show how far you still have to go (just to catch up with Europe - and we had the original fucking nazis!).
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2 hours ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:

If you looked this stat up yourself you misread. If you read it in some news source never trust that source again. I've been to this city. It's a Mexican city. Currently 62% Hispanic. 18% white. You always have to look past the white % to the non-Hispanic white %. 

Apologies, I may have read the racial definition data wrongly, it gets complicated in America. But hopefully the Government will put a bit more effort into protecting them being as the black population is so low.


According to the 2010 Census, 80.9% of Corpus Christi's population was White; 4.3% was African American; 1.8% Asian; 0.1% Pacific Islander; 10.4% of some other race; and 2.5% of two or more races. About 62.23% of Corpus Christi's population was of Hispanic or Latino origin, of any race.[24]


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2 hours ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:

Reminder about the actual effect modern progressive leftism and multiculturalism on steroids has on blacks.


Part of this chart can probably be explained by the exodus of working class whites from California over the past 30 years, but certainly much of it has to do with increased low skilled immigration, environmental policy which pushed low skilled jobs away, and pro illegal immigrant government policies.

It's important to remember that the biggest gains blacks made relative to whites wasn't after the Civil Rights era. It was between when we shut down immigration from Europe and when we opened immigration up to the 3rd world. 

As usual you don't give any sources for your data. Automation has killed far more jobs and reduced wages in America than immigration and foreign trade has for all Americans. But for some reason all you care about is race. 

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Just so we're all aware, on a Friday evening while a more powerful hurricane than Katrina is currently hitting the US mainland, Donald has signed an executive order banning transgender people from the military and pardoned a sheriff who quite frankly has done too many things for me to snappily finish this statement with, so have a read yourself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Arpaio

Friendly reminder too that in the week someone who dodged the draft for Vietnam committed more troops to Afghanistan he's decided to limit the amount of people that can be in the military, just if you thought this cowardice was the work of some sort of enlightened strategic operator.

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Looks like you are correct. 
Good thing those protestors were there to keep the Nazis from taking over America.[emoji4]

You are correct. The sight of Nazis beating a Jewish man nearly to death inspired wide-spread condemnation from the political class and is widely considered to be the moment the Bund's popularity waned and they became insignificant and despised by the American public at large. It signalled the beginning of the end of their Nazi movement. And it happened because people protested and because you had a president who was actually worthy of the office.
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