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The Official Former President Trump thread


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Apparently Sessions is the next big target.

I would think Sessions would be much later on the list. Between Page and Snuffleupagus we know he's perjured himself in front of Congress three times so evidence even in the public domain is there, and he can wait. With him being recused, it's not in Mueller's interest to have him fired - Trump could then move Pruitt or DeVos into the AG chair and order them to fire Mueller. Although I'd imagine Mueller's clever enough that he'll have dead man's switches all over the shop so firing him won't make a heap of difference. This is like a Mafia investigation - go after the little guys and have them flip the highers up in the chain. The fact that Mike Flynn hasn't yet been indicted even tho there's enough in the public domain to make a slam dunk case for failing to register himself as a foreign agent (max sentence 5 years) makes me think he's singing like Susan Boyle in a dark room somewhere in DC.
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There was a re-run of the events leading up to Nixon being removed from the White House as a result of Watergate on Sky Arts last night. I think the process will prove to be similar here.  Nixon fired people who were building a case left, right and centre. Trump has already shown he is happy to follow a similar path. It's going to be an interesting study in years to come. 

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There was a re-run of the events leading up to Nixon being removed from the White House as a result of Watergate on Sky Arts last night. I think the process will prove to be similar here.  Nixon fired people who were building a case left, right and centre. Trump has already shown he is happy to follow a similar path. It's going to be an interesting study in years to come. 

If Mueller is fired, Trump’s a goner. There are so many parallels with Watergate, the major difference being the makeup of the Senate and Congress. Some moderate Republicans will have to step up to the plate, or the Dems will have to win the mid-terms.
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2 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

Absolutely staggering hypocrisy.  This seems untenable to me, but 30% of Americans think things are going swimmingly.  

Sorry Henry but on this occasion Trump is correct, it is a mental health issue.

The U.S. is full of fucking lunatics.


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Trump not quite managing two consecutive sentences of being civil and polite to his host in Japan.


"The Japanese people are thriving, your cities are vibrant, and you’ve built one of the world’s most powerful economies. I don’t know if it’s as good as ours. I think not, OK? And we’re going to try to keep it that way. But you’ll be second."


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Election for Virginia governor today. Two complete swamp creatures. The Republican is former RNC chairman Ed Gillespie. His political career up until this point was a kind of center right, pro immigration, pro big business, technocratic deal. Interestingly he's gone full Trump for the campaign. He's made opposition to illegal immigration the centerpiece to his campaign and has defended Confederate monuments. 

An outside group called the Latino Victory Fund created this ad which caused quite the controversy.

Interesting that a political group with a specific ethnic group in it's name and a slogan like "We are the future" is allowed to be part of respectable politics. 

Anyways, it's clear they have no real understanding of how things actually are. Only high schoolers and very young adults put giant Confederate flags on their trucks like that. Not middle aged dudes. I've seen a couple recently in my town. One had the US, Confederate, and Trump flags. Another had a West Virginia football and Confederate flag. Also, I think Virginia requires license plates on the front, so the Don't Tread on Me front plate makes no sense in that state. Of course Virginia actually has a special plate featuring that flag which you can put on your vehicle, and it seems like most Virginia trucks choose that plate. Interesting that this group would try and turn a flag officially endorsed by the state of Virginia into some sort of Nazi symbol.

Image result for virginia don't tread on me license plate

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5 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Correct. But the policies he focused on are not the issues he was traditionally associated with. They are Trumps. And in many cases he did a complete 180 degree turn, as with immigration. Like I said. He's a swamp creature.

Edited by TheProgressiveLiberal
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