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7 hours ago, dirty dingus said:

For $77 you can buy a cloth on her website


That’s very misleading.  It’s actually free.



I’m assuming that it’s a tax scam and that “donations” are not subject to the same tax as ‘income from sales’.


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27 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

That’s very misleading.  It’s actually free.



I’m assuming that it’s a tax scam and that “donations” are not subject to the same tax as ‘income from sales’.


Yes, that's what I guessed. Do these cults/religious extremists/armageddon fundamentalists not also receive charity status?

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MAGA guys are all neckbeard weirdos but this is objectively funny as f**k:
The loud shouts of “USA! USA!” that greeted Trump when he first appeared on the stage of a university lecture hall to promote his book Triggered: How The Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us quickly morphed into even louder, openly hostile chants of “Q and A! Q and A!”

Just a very strange country.
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Never thought I'd say this, but to be fair to Trump this was the context.


Also here with us today is Lauren Mathews, the granddaughter of a Battle of the Bulge veteran who has since passed away. His name was Master Sergeant Roddie Edmonds. Like so many of our veterans, Roddie never talked about the war. Lauren never knew her grandfather’s story until she embarked upon a school project about 10 years ago.

Roddie was in the 422nd regiment, which was overwhelmed when the Nazis launched their surprise assault. He and his men fought for three treacherous days before being taken as prisoners of war.
After they arrived at a prison camp, the German commander sent an order over the loud speaker. The Jewish-American soldiers were all told to step out of line during the roll call the next day. Knowing the terrible fate that would come to his Jewish comrades, Roddie immediately said, “We’re not doing that.” He sent orders to have every American step out of line with their Jewish brothers-in-arms.

The next morning, 1,292 Americans stepped forward. The German commander stormed over to Roddie and said, “They cannot all be Jews.” Roddie stared right back; he said, “We are all Jews here.”

At that point, the German put a gun to Roddie’s head and demanded, “You will order the Jews to step forward immediately or I will shoot you right now through the head.” Roddie responded, “Major, you can shoot me, but you’ll have to kill us all.” That’s something. (Applause.) The German turned red, got very angry, but put down his gun, and walked away.

Master Sergeant Edmonds saved 200 Jewish-Americans — soldiers that day. So proud to be Jewish and so proud of our country. Lauren, thank you for being here today as we remember your grandfather’s unbelievable and exceptional valor. Lauren, please stand up. Thank you very much. (Applause.)


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I see Trump lied to Mueller about his Wikileaks hack connections, per his own man Rick Gates at Stone trial.  Colluded all day long.

Uh huh, and Mueller stated it in his report. There’s nothing new under the sun in Gates’ testimony.
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15 hours ago, Snifter Pee Rot said:

I see Trump lied to Mueller about his Wikileaks hack connections, per his own man Rick Gates at Stone trial.  Colluded all day long.

Stone is on trial because he lied about having links to Assange when he had none. 

Which is hilarious but also why the case isn't getting much coverage. 

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