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2 minutes ago, TxRover said:

Looks like Cannon played into Smith’s hands with her actions to delay the Florida trial, as they’re pushing hard to get the Washington D.C. trial underway first. More interestingly, the Georgia indictment could come as early as tonight…and his “encouraging” a witness not to testify could work to speed up the D.C. trial again.

GA indictment was published online earlier today and then hastily removed…possibly leaked on purpose, who knows, but it did get screencapped 


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It would be fun if when Trump turns up to plead not guilty the judge jails him for jury tampering.

ETA the pressure will be on for some of those charged to cooperate as there’s no federal pardons available for this.

Edited by Granny Danger
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29 minutes ago, saint dave said:

Guiliani getting prosecuted under the RICO statute is heavily ironic considering he was an early pioneer of using it to break up The Five Families in the mid eighties during his stint as a prosecutor in Manhattan. 

He's fallen a long way.


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Giuliani is despicable creature.  Only through watching the drama series ‘Painkiller’ did I realise he was responsible for the Sackler family not being held to account for their role in the opioid abuse scandal.

ETA I note that Mark Meadows is one of the co-accused.  There’s talk about him cooperating with Jack Smith in the DC case so I wonder what’s happening here.


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2 hours ago, saint dave said:

Guiliani getting prosecuted under the RICO statute is heavily ironic considering he was an early pioneer of using it to break up The Five Families in the mid eighties during his stint as a prosecutor in Manhattan. 

Yep, it was great watch on Netflix.  As New York Mayor he also introduced the policy of cleaning up the low-level crime as a a prologue to tackling the much more serious stuff.  Initially derided it was largely successful.

And then somewhere further down the line he was kidnapped by aliens who completely wiped his intellectual and moral databases.

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2 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Yep, it was great watch on Netflix.  As New York Mayor he also introduced the policy of cleaning up the low-level crime as a a prologue to tackling the much more serious stuff.  Initially derided it was largely successful.

And then somewhere further down the line he was kidnapped by aliens who completely wiped his intellectual and moral databases.

The Freakonomics guys did an analysis of the causes of the downturn in crime levels in NYC and concluded that Gulliani’s zero tolerance had little impact. The main causal factor (they found) was the liberalisation of abortion law in the 70s that reduced the numbers of unwanted, abandoned or neglected children who disproportionately go on to be adult criminals. 
I don’t know how robust the analysis is and how much they’re just trolling the Bible Belt, but I like it.

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10 minutes ago, coprolite said:

The Freakonomics guys did an analysis of the causes of the downturn in crime levels in NYC and concluded that Gulliani’s zero tolerance had little impact. The main causal factor (they found) was the liberalisation of abortion law in the 70s that reduced the numbers of unwanted, abandoned or neglected children who disproportionately go on to be adult criminals. 
I don’t know how robust the analysis is and how much they’re just trolling the Bible Belt, but I like it.

That timing would also fit with the argument that removing lead from petrol caused a reduction in crime rates.

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5 minutes ago, RiG said:

A truly horrible collection of creeps there. Noticed that Lindsay Graham isn't on the list. Did he turn on Trump to "cut a deal"?

Perhaps by that stage his tongue was so far up Trump’s arse that he was essentially part of Trump and there wouldn’t be legal grounds to charge him individually. 

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1 hour ago, carpetmonster said:

It certainly can be under GA law but the presiding judge gets the final call on it 



1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

Hearing that it probably will be, the default in Georgia is allowing the cameras in.

Good news for everyone who enjoys the banter then.

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