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On 16/09/2023 at 14:58, BTFD said:


Although I was meaning more that she understands shame well enough that she's not having a massive public tantrum over it, which she would normally do. If this had been any other Representative, she'd be constantly bringing it up.

It's impressive how many people are still shocked that the man who has financially stiffed everyone over decades - including his own lawyers - isn't willing to give them any money for representation over things they did to benefit him. Made even better when it's one of his own former lawyers, who he presumably hasn't paid for actual work that they did anyway.

Intriguing. I thought it was lawyers who stiffed their clients (and the taxpayer in the UK).  I presume the lawyers will always find some way to get paid.

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Trump’s own antipathy to masks, and its effect on willingness to mask up among his ardent supporters, was established early in the pandemic. Notably, Hutchinson describes a visit to a mask-making factory in Phoenix, Arizona, in May 2020, in the chaotic and frightening first months of the Covid onslaught.

Trump was widely criticised for not wearing a mask during the tour of the Honeywell facility, though workers did and a sign was visible that read: “Attention: Face Mask Required in this Area. Thank You!” In a coincidence widely if mordantly noted, Live and Let Die, Paul McCartney’s theme song to Roger Moore’s first appearance as James Bond, played as Trump toured the plant.

Trump told reporters he tried a mask but did not wear it after consulting the company chief executive. Hutchinson writes that in fact Trump “decided on a white mask”, then asked staffers what they thought.

“I slowly shook my head,” she writes. “The president pulled the mask off and asked why I thought he should not wear it.

“I pointed at the straps of the N95 I was holding. When he looked at the straps of his mask, he saw they were covered in bronzer.”

Trump’s reliance on heavy makeup is well documented.

“Why did no one else tell me that,” he snapped. “I’m not wearing this thing.”

“The press would criticise him for not wearing a mask,” Hutchinson writes, “not knowing that the depth of his vanity had caused him to reject masks – and then millions of his fans followed suit.”


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On 21/09/2023 at 12:33, welshbairn said:

Trump urging the GOP to close down the government to stop his prosecutions. A bit selfish, but it wouldn't work in Georgia and New York anyway.


Heard an amusing analysis of this particular statement about defunding the investigations. Since each of the Federal investigations are funded regardless of Government shutdown, nothing will stop them. They are on a permanent funding appropriation, and the other two are State level and also unimpacted. 

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All New York business licenses held by Trump and his companies have been revoked. The judge will appoint a receiver to supervise the dissolution of the entities, but surely the Treasonous Orange Fat F**ker has realigned stuff to protect against this. It is unclear if the entities could be reconstituted elsewhere, and the tax consequences of this dissolution could be “interesting”. This will be a business school case study for decades.

Edited by TxRover
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So, the following LLC’s have had their licenses cancelled in New York State, and are to be liquidated:

The Trump Organization LLC - Controls some 500 worldwide business entities, founded in 1927 by Donald Trump’s grandfather and now destroyed by Donald Trump.

DJT Holdings LLC - Management company for investments.

DJT Holdings Managing Member LLC - Pass-through company for DJT Holdings LLC, a tax dodge.

Trump Endeavor 12 LLC - Manages Trump National Doral Miami.

401 North Wabash Venture LLC - Don Junior’s construction and developing plaything.

Trump Old Post Office LLC - Manages Trump International Hotel Washington D.C., BLT Prime, The Spa by Ivanka Trump and Trump Gift Shop.

40 Wall Street LLC - Real estate control of said address/building.

Seven Springs LLC - 213 acres near Bedford, New York, owned by the Trump Organization and thus pobably subject to liquidation. Considered to be the family home by Donald Trump, was owned by the Organization to dodge property taxes.


I expect the appointment of a receiver to be delayed beyond the 10 days ordered, and Donald to start maneuvering to salvage things, but it’s doubtful this will be overturned. The Martin Act, which is what was relied upon to get this conviction, simply requires the numbers provided be false, and that was determined to be true in December of 2022.

Edit: Judge extends deadline for the two sides to propose a list of three possible receivers to 30 days and clarifies to Trump’s attorneys that he will address if the properties can continue under receivership or must be sold. Mar-a-Lago possibly listed in Trump Organization as a business owned property and not a personal property…which would mean it gets sold off.

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18 hours ago, TxRover said:

So, the following LLC’s have had their licenses cancelled in New York State, and are to be liquidated:

The Trump Organization LLC - Controls some 500 worldwide business entities, founded in 1927 by Donald Trump’s grandfather and now destroyed by Donald Trump.

DJT Holdings LLC - Management company for investments.

DJT Holdings Managing Member LLC - Pass-through company for DJT Holdings LLC, a tax dodge.

Trump Endeavor 12 LLC - Manages Trump National Doral Miami.

401 North Wabash Venture LLC - Don Junior’s construction and developing plaything.

Trump Old Post Office LLC - Manages Trump International Hotel Washington D.C., BLT Prime, The Spa by Ivanka Trump and Trump Gift Shop.

40 Wall Street LLC - Real estate control of said address/building.

Seven Springs LLC - 213 acres near Bedford, New York, owned by the Trump Organization and thus pobably subject to liquidation. Considered to be the family home by Donald Trump, was owned by the Organization to dodge property taxes.


I expect the appointment of a receiver to be delayed beyond the 10 days ordered, and Donald to start maneuvering to salvage things, but it’s doubtful this will be overturned. The Martin Act, which is what was relied upon to get this conviction, simply requires the numbers provided be false, and that was determined to be true in December of 2022.

Edit: Judge extends deadline for the two sides to propose a list of three possible receivers to 30 days and clarifies to Trump’s attorneys that he will address if the properties can continue under receivership or must be sold. Mar-a-Lago possibly listed in Trump Organization as a business owned property and not a personal property…which would mean it gets sold off.

Any Scottish golf courses due up for sale?

Saw on news he had falsified the value of the Menie one by overstating the number of houses he was allowed to build.

Edited by MEADOWXI
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Trump may have a point about the wind turbines and whales in that the surveys that take place prior to development and some of the installation methods may actually be indirectly killing them due to increases in underwater noise. That said I suspect he doesn't mean/know this and he does actually think they are swimming into the blades and are getting chopped up and for that he should be mocked.

His comment about "You wouldn't see it once a year" is absolute garbage. NOAA have recorded something like 200 plus Humpback whale deaths down the east coast of the USA in the last 7 years. ~40% had evidence of a vessel strike which appears to be the most common cause of death. After that it is the result of entanglement in fishing gear.

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