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The Official Former President Trump thread


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Despite warnings about the dangers, the Trump campaign held an rally in Phoenix, AZ yesterday. An excessive heat warning had already been issued through Friday before this rally started, with the first person collapsing about 1030, when the temperatures were around 37C. The rally started at 1400, and the heat peaked at 44C at 1500, with 11 supporters hospitalized after being taken by emergency services, who had equipped their vehicles with cooling bags for the event. Despite the rally being indoors, the outdoor lines were long, with supporters lining up early and heavy security delaying their entry to the church.

And why did this rally have to happen at 1400, resulting in supporters standing in near peak heat? Why, because the Donald had a mega-donor dinner in San Francisco to fly to that evening.

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Trump being allowed to do the mandatory interview with a probation officer pre-sentencing by Zoom.

It’s being claimed that doing it in person would be too disruptive for the probation service but the optics suggest once again he’s being treated in a way that no convicted felon would be treated.

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7 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Trump being allowed to do the mandatory interview with a probation officer pre-sentencing by Zoom.

It’s being claimed that doing it in person would be too disruptive for the probation service but the optics suggest once again he’s being treated in a way that no convicted felon would be treated.

With his lawyer present too…another deviation from the norm, nearly unprecedented.

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Seen at a recent Trump rally:

MTG admits to “worshiping” DJT…people have thoughts:

California Congressman notices it’s more than MTG saying it…


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Trump, as usual, has already described the trial as a witchhunt and has turned it to his and his supporters advantage, if he is jailed it wouldn't surprise if the gun toting rednecks storm the prison.

What should have been done is just to have ignored him after his term and given him little publicity, instead the liberal and democratic press and media have constantly run news against him which has only served to whip up the tobacco chewers into a frenzy.

It's too late now the damage has been done and against a nappy wearing dementia riddled Biden Trump will be the next President who will more than likely bomb Moscow.

So all you guys under thirty get ready for a mandatory military call up.

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22 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

Trump, as usual, has already described the trial as a witchhunt and has turned it to his and his supporters advantage, if he is jailed it wouldn't surprise if the gun toting rednecks storm the prison.

What should have been done is just to have ignored him after his term and given him little publicity, instead the liberal and democratic press and media have constantly run news against him which has only served to whip up the tobacco chewers into a frenzy.

It's too late now the damage has been done and against a nappy wearing dementia riddled Biden Trump will be the next President who will more than likely bomb Moscow.

So all you guys under thirty get ready for a mandatory military call up.

Trump is the one who wears nappies, not Biden.

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44 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Trump is the one who wears nappies, not Biden.

Not defending Trump at all but he doesn't fall down on airplane stairs and stages.

And how about Bidens lunatic son.

One is as bad as the other but Trump is where he is right now because the Biden administration and the east coast press went after him and all they have done is play into Trumps hands.

Truth is there's every likelihood that the mad Trump will get back into the White House because of all the whipped up adverse publicity against him, which by the way is mostly deserved.

Let sleeping dogs lie is the maxim and none of this would have happened.

Edited by SandyCromarty
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1 hour ago, SandyCromarty said:

Trump, as usual, has already described the trial as a witchhunt and has turned it to his and his supporters advantage, if he is jailed it wouldn't surprise if the gun toting rednecks storm the prison.

What should have been done is just to have ignored him after his term and given him little publicity, instead the liberal and democratic press and media have constantly run news against him which has only served to whip up the tobacco chewers into a frenzy.

It's too late now the damage has been done and against a nappy wearing dementia riddled Biden Trump will be the next President who will more than likely bomb Moscow.

So all you guys under thirty get ready for a mandatory military call up.

I actually think Trump is slightly less likely to have us all melted in a global war between superpowers. He'd prefer to be strutting around with his chest puffed out mingling with the likes of Putin and Xi than sitting at home flinging infantile threats and accusations at them.

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36 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

Not defending Trump at all but he doesn't fall down on airplane stairs and stages.

No, he uses Marines to hold himself up instead 


36 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

And how about Bidens lunatic son.

Yeah, Trump definitely wouldn't have a son with a drug problem, no sirree Bob

Donald Trump Jr. Urges Right-Wingers to ...

36 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

One is as bad as the other but Trump is where he is right now because the Biden administration and the east coast press went after him and all they have done is play into Trumps hands.

Truth is there's every likelihood that the mad Trump will get back into the White House because of all the whipped up adverse publicity against him, which by the way is mostly deserved.

Let sleeping dogs lie is the maxim and none of this would have happened.

Unfortunately when the media requires money via either physical copies sold or clicks, it'll tend to report on the biggest car crash in the country. It should be noted the BBC have no such issues yet have Farage on QT more often than Fiona Bruce (and that's before you take into account Fiona fucking Bruce)

If anything the press are too easy on Trump - here's the Washington Post describing a proposed Christian Nationalist chief of staff as 'muscular' rather than 'fascistic' or 'terrifying'. Hell, if he's talking about 'post-constitutionalist' just go the whole way and call it anti-American. 


Edited by carpetmonster
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32 minutes ago, Zetterlund said:

I actually think Trump is slightly less likely to have us all melted in a global war between superpowers. He'd prefer to be strutting around with his chest puffed out mingling with the likes of Putin and Xi than sitting at home flinging infantile threats and accusations at them.

Trump significantly ramped up tensions with China. He sent billions of military aid to Taiwan, far superseding anything in recent times. He sent F-16s to them, for example, which hadn't been done since the early 1990s. He also spoke directly with the Taiwanese president in 2016, which broke the "strategic ambiguity" protocol USA had followed since 1979. That was actually an example of the puffing his chest out thing you mention, but it had consequences that time. He also sent a contingent of military trainers to Taiwan, which was unprecedented.

Sanctions were the worst thing about Trump. An estimated 40 000 excess deaths in Venezuela were attributed to his sanctions. These are extremely poor societies and to completely cripple them economically can be as deadly as acts of direct warfare. Biden has also been bad with his use of sanctions but not to the extent of Trump.

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Yes the anti Trump hysteria is as active here as it is elsewhere.

He is an egoist and his cry of America first and withdrawing troops and funds overseas will I believe create a European war.

Best as I said earlier to let sleeping dogs lie.

Harry Truman got a train ticket home at the end of his term and he disappeared back to his pig farm.

The dummy George Bush hasn't been heard or seen since he went home.

Lyndon Johnson grew his hair long into a pony tail.

And Nixon quietly died.

I could go on.

Trump meanwhile struts centre stage, where did it all go wrong?

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19 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

Yes the anti Trump hysteria is as active here as it is elsewhere.

He is an egoist and his cry of America first and withdrawing troops and funds overseas will I believe create a European war.

Best as I said earlier to let sleeping dogs lie.

Harry Truman got a train ticket home at the end of his term and he disappeared back to his pig farm.

The dummy George Bush hasn't been heard or seen since he went home.

Lyndon Johnson grew his hair long into a pony tail.

And Nixon quietly died.

I could go on.

Trump meanwhile struts centre stage, where did it all go wrong?

If you think Trump is comparable to the other Presidents you’ve mentioned then you have not been paying attention.


In other news Hunter Biden will not give evidence in his own defence.  It would be great if they threw this useless c**t in jail.

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24 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

If you think Trump is comparable to the other Presidents you’ve mentioned then you have not been paying attention.

Wrong what I pointed out was that US Presidents retire quietly write a book and open their Presidential Library.

The only comparable President to Trump was the psycho Andrew Jackson.

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1 hour ago, Freedom Farter said:

Trump significantly ramped up tensions with China. He sent billions of military aid to Taiwan, far superseding anything in recent times. He sent F-16s to them, for example, which hadn't been done since the early 1990s. He also spoke directly with the Taiwanese president in 2016, which broke the "strategic ambiguity" protocol USA had followed since 1979. That was actually an example of the puffing his chest out thing you mention, but it had consequences that time. He also sent a contingent of military trainers to Taiwan, which was unprecedented.

Sanctions were the worst thing about Trump. An estimated 40 000 excess deaths in Venezuela were attributed to his sanctions. These are extremely poor societies and to completely cripple them economically can be as deadly as acts of direct warfare. Biden has also been bad with his use of sanctions but not to the extent of Trump.

He behaved similarly toward Russia/Ukraine too but was still constantly accused of being under Putin's thumb. He needs to act the tough guy while also stroking their egos (I'm sure despite all the Taiwan stuff he also proclaimed in true Trump style that US-China relations were the best they'd ever been). See also his meeting with 'Rocket Man' Kim.

I could be wrong of course as he's nothing if not unpredictable, but I don't see Trump getting to the lobbing nukes around stage as I do Biden & the Democrats. 

Edit to add this classic headline:


Edited by Zetterlund
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3 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

Yes the anti Trump hysteria is as active here as it is elsewhere.

He is an egoist and his cry of America first and withdrawing troops and funds overseas will I believe create a European war.

Best as I said earlier to let sleeping dogs lie.

Harry Truman got a train ticket home at the end of his term and he disappeared back to his pig farm.

The dummy George Bush hasn't been heard or seen since he went home.

Lyndon Johnson grew his hair long into a pony tail.

And Nixon quietly died.

I could go on.

Trump meanwhile struts centre stage, where did it all go wrong?

He was involved in multiple conspiracies to attempt to overturn the result of a presidential election. He raped a woman. Then repeatedly slandered her after a civil court found that he'd raped a woman. He used campaign funds illegally to cover up what a fucking loathsome human being he is.  He stole classified documents, presumably to sell them to the highest bidder. He's a career criminal generally and a traitor and rapist specifically, but water under the bridge, yeah?

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23 minutes ago, Alan Twelve said:

He was involved in multiple conspiracies to attempt to overturn the result of a presidential election. He raped a woman. Then repeatedly slandered her after a civil court found that he'd raped a woman. He used campaign funds illegally to cover up what a fucking loathsome human being he is.  He stole classified documents, presumably to sell them to the highest bidder. He's a career criminal generally and a traitor and rapist specifically, but water under the bridge, yeah?

Harry Truman nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing hundreds of thousands.

Nixon and Johnson killed hundreds of thousands in Vietnam and Cambodia, also used napalm to burn innocent civilians.

George Bush was the cause of hundreds of thousand, mostly innocent civilians, killed in Iraq  and Afghanistan, and we're still paying for that atrocities.

Biden is supporting Israel in their genocide.

Trump will be the next warmonger once he gets back in the Whitehouse, which he will.

Fact is that the USA has been involved in or caused major wars/conflicts since the end of WW11.

The USA knows that wars make them money.

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25 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

Harry Truman nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing hundreds of thousands.

Nixon and Johnson killed hundreds of thousands in Vietnam and Cambodia, also used napalm to burn innocent civilians.

George Bush was the cause of hundreds of thousand, mostly innocent civilians, killed in Iraq  and Afghanistan, and we're still paying for that atrocities.

Biden is supporting Israel in their genocide.

Trump will be the next warmonger once he gets back in the Whitehouse, which he will.

Fact is that the USA has been involved in or caused major wars/conflicts since the end of WW11.

The USA knows that wars make them money.

Ffs, I'm not trying to defend US foreign policy here, or claim that other presidents weren't scumbags, it's just that the idea that Trumps crimes - which were commited in the US and are violations of US laws - should just be ignored because otherwise he'll be in the news, is crazy. 

And he's brought all this shit on himself anyway. Had he not run for president he wouldn't have needed to buy off the women he'd been shagging outside of his marriage, and it's highly unlikely that the E Jean Carroll stuff would have come to light.

And trying to overthrow elections is sedition, stealing classified documents is treasonous. You honestly think that this shit should just be ignored?

Furthermore, he won't win in November. He's won nothing since the 2016 election (where he substantially lost the popular vote) - his handpicked candidates always lose, senate and house elections have been a disaster for the republicans, Biden fucking trounced him. The idea that being found guilty in an open court of multiple felonies is going to convince non-MAGA-cultists to vote for him is laughable.

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1 hour ago, SandyCromarty said:

Harry Truman nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing hundreds of thousands.

Nixon and Johnson killed hundreds of thousands in Vietnam and Cambodia, also used napalm to burn innocent civilians.

George Bush was the cause of hundreds of thousand, mostly innocent civilians, killed in Iraq  and Afghanistan, and we're still paying for that atrocities.

Biden is supporting Israel in their genocide.

Trump will be the next warmonger once he gets back in the Whitehouse, which he will.

Fact is that the USA has been involved in or caused major wars/conflicts since the end of WW11.

The USA knows that wars make them money.

This is all shit they'd say they did as part of their job as POTUS. No matter how much they might have ripped the heid aff fantasising about it, none of them would've been committing mass-murder on a grand scale if they hadn't. Seems to be something of a privilege for world leaders, unless you manage to piss everybody off like Saddam Hussein.

Don't get me wrong, I quite fancy sticking all of them in the jail, but Trumpy's been pursued for shit that wasn't part of his job, and was demonstrably illegal (and often hilariously stupid) under American law. He's also been taking the piss royally in New York for decades and has been overdue a reckoning there regardless of his involvement in politics. Allowing him immunity from all crime would just feed into his existing fantasy that he answers to nobody, and encourage him to get away with even more, because that's the person he is.

The problem isn't that he's been prosecuted, but that it didn't happen a lot sooner.

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The view that Trump should have been ignored and he'd have withered and disappeared is nuts. Trump himself drove the press with his endless "I won, they cheated" bullshit. Once his followers bought into that line, they were committed to the insane course they've been following. Trump is a circus ringmaster who has jumped onto the tiger's back...and now its ride it or get killed. His ego won't let him back down, I expect some really fun shite to come from the probation meeting today...but it'll all be from Team Trump for a while until the report is made public.

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3 minutes ago, TxRover said:

The view that Trump should have been ignored and he'd have withered and disappeared is nuts. Trump himself drove the press with his endless "I won, they cheated" bullshit. Once his followers bought into that line, they were committed to the insane course they've been following. Trump is a circus ringmaster who has jumped onto the tiger's back...and now its ride it or get killed. His ego won't let him back down, I expect some really fun shite to come from the probation meeting today...but it'll all be from Team Trump for a while until the report is made public.

He's spent his entire life being indulged and proven untouchable - he wouldn't know how to back down if his life depended on it.

He's going to die incredulous, screaming at the universe for not always giving him exactly what he demands, and attempting to destroy as much as possible because he didn't get it.

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