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The Official Former President Trump thread


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3 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

Going by the Twitter feed, they already are. The soft right are deserting Trumpers all over the place, as it were.

In theory they have Pence if Trump gets the heave ho. But Impeachment is not firing the president. That requires 2/3rds of the Senate to vote for removal.

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8 minutes ago, dorlomin said:

In theory they have Pence if Trump gets the heave ho. But Impeachment is not firing the president. That requires 2/3rds of the Senate to vote for removal.

It's indicative of how insane Trump's presidency has been that a nasty piece of vindictive trash like Pence seems like an eminently acceptable alternative at this point.

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The distractions will only work for so long.  Sooner or later Trump is going to have to address real policy issues like the replacement for the Affordable Care Act, tax reform and how he's going to pay for the wall.  There's also no indication to date as to how he's going to pay for increased military spending or for the huge infrastructure programmes that he promised during his campaign.

There's already huge disagreement amongst Republican politicians about the shape of the ACA replacement.  This one will get really messy.

No amount of smoke and mirrors, or early morning tweets, will be able to deflect from his administration's inability to deliver.


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James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence under Obama, has claimed there were no warrants on Trump. Clapper perjured himself in front of Congress, but was never charged and kept his job. FBI Director Comey is also reportedly pushing back on the idea.

Let's remind ourselves of the sourcing on the story.



The Guardian has learned that the FBI applied for a warrant from the foreign intelligence surveillance (Fisa) court over the summer in order to monitor four members of the Trump team suspected of irregular contacts with Russian officials. The Fisa court turned down the application asking FBI counter-intelligence investigators to narrow its focus. According to one report, the FBI was finally granted a warrant in October, but that has not been confirmed, and it is not clear whether any warrant led to a full investigation.

Democrat Sen. Chris Coons on March 3:


I think its important that the outcome of that counterintelligence investigation be fully shared with the intelligence committees both in the House and the Senate. There are transcripts that provide very helpful, very critical insight into whether or not Russian intelligence and senior Russian political leaders, including Vladimir Putin were cooperating, were colluding, with the Trump campaign at the highest levels to influence our election.

So if there were no wiretaps we either have mainstream media publications making up stories, or sources inside the government lying to the media. And we also have Democrat politicians lying about the existence of evidence.

It will be interesting to see what all comes of this. Either there's evidence that Trump did something illegal, there's evidence that people in the government engaged in shady activity towards spying on Trump, or that elements within the government and media have been making up stories about Trump.

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22 hours ago, Savage Henry said:


I think Lindsay Graham was speaking for a significant proportion of the Republican Party when he said he was "very worried" about Trump. This tax return thing might show a relationship with Russia when Trump said he had no relations . That said, it's quite clear that plenty of people have no problem with Trump lying.


1. Please show me a poll that shows less than 85% of Republicans supporting Trump.

2. Trump is what he is with the exaggerations. This is going to be whataboutary, as you people put it, but Obama told me that if I like my health insurance I could keep it and that increases in costs would be borne by people making over $250,000/yr. Well I'm two canceled policies in and pay hundreds of dollars more per month for the right for my insurance company to start paying my health care costs once I've accumulated $6,000 in costs in a year. And there's only one company to choose from now. You can look at how he ran opposing gay marriage, specifically citing his Christian faith. I don't personally care about that issue one way or the other, but lots of people do. He was lying. What I care about is Trump telling me the truth about his policies. He said he was going to ban Muslims, build a wall and deport illegal Hispanics, kill new trade deals and renegotiate NAFTA, pull back on spreading democracy overseas by force, replace Obamacare with a program that still gets everyone covered, etc. It seems to me that he's working towards all those promises. He hasn't lied to me.

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23 hours ago, MONKMAN said:

I'll ask directly. Deplorable - Why does a right wing, Chinese takeaway delivery drive from the US, spend so much of his life posting on a Scottish football message board?

When I'm sitting at home doing nothing I usually put some sort of game on tv and surf the web.

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52 minutes ago, Deplorable said:

James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence under Obama, has claimed there were no warrants on Trump. Clapper perjured himself in front of Congress, but was never charged and kept his job. FBI Director Comey is also reportedly pushing back on the idea.

Let's remind ourselves of the sourcing on the story.


Democrat Sen. Chris Coons on March 3:

So if there were no wiretaps we either have mainstream media publications making up stories, or sources inside the government lying to the media. And we also have Democrat politicians lying about the existence of evidence.

It will be interesting to see what all comes of this. Either there's evidence that Trump did something illegal, there's evidence that people in the government engaged in shady activity towards spying on Trump, or that elements within the government and media have been making up stories about Trump.

Can you show us where Obama tapped Trump's phones?

Because that's what he said.

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45 minutes ago, Deplorable said:

1. Please show me a poll that shows less than 85% of Republicans supporting Trump.

2. Trump is what he is with the exaggerations. This is going to be whataboutary, as you people put it, but Obama told me that if I like my health insurance I could keep it and that increases in costs would be borne by people making over $250,000/yr. Well I'm two canceled policies in and pay hundreds of dollars more per month for the right for my insurance company to start paying my health care costs once I've accumulated $6,000 in costs in a year. And there's only one company to choose from now. You can look at how he ran opposing gay marriage, specifically citing his Christian faith. I don't personally care about that issue one way or the other, but lots of people do. He was lying. What I care about is Trump telling me the truth about his policies. He said he was going to ban Muslims, build a wall and deport illegal Hispanics, kill new trade deals and renegotiate NAFTA, pull back on spreading democracy overseas by force, replace Obamacare with a program that still gets everyone covered, etc. It seems to me that he's working towards all those promises. He hasn't lied to me.

"Spreading democracy overseas".  The USA don't do that, it's just a nice slogan.

Edited by Shades75
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6 hours ago, Deplorable said:

1. Please show me a poll that shows less than 85% of Republicans supporting Trump.

2. Trump is what he is with the exaggerations. This is going to be whataboutary, as you people put it, but Obama told me that if I like my health insurance I could keep it and that increases in costs would be borne by people making over $250,000/yr. Well I'm two canceled policies in and pay hundreds of dollars more per month for the right for my insurance company to start paying my health care costs once I've accumulated $6,000 in costs in a year. And there's only one company to choose from now. You can look at how he ran opposing gay marriage, specifically citing his Christian faith. I don't personally care about that issue one way or the other, but lots of people do. He was lying. What I care about is Trump telling me the truth about his policies. He said he was going to ban Muslims, build a wall and deport illegal Hispanics, kill new trade deals and renegotiate NAFTA, pull back on spreading democracy overseas by force, replace Obamacare with a program that still gets everyone covered, etc. It seems to me that he's working towards all those promises. He hasn't lied to me.

The Republican Party.  The GOP.  Not the voters, who already are far too entrenched to admit their error.  A bit like you, I think.  1. As you know fine well, Republicans in both houses (along with cowardly Southern Democrats) hamstrung Obamacare.  If it was in its true guise, you wouldn't have to pay a penny for your health care.  I quite take your word for it that Obamacare is a mess.  That's not Obama's fault.   2. Trump promised to ban Muslims.  Now he says he isn't banning Muslims and never wanted to.  You might see through that, I might see through that. The courts certainly saw through that.  But what happens when he starts lying to you, directly?  In the end, white middle class football fans will get shafted by the corporate cabal that runs through his administrations.  And you know what, those earning way less than you, those even more entrenched in their support for Trump, are going to suffer even more somewhere on down the line.  At some point, you have the intelligence to put loyalty aside and come to the conclusion that Trump is not suitable (policies be damned) as a person to be President.

5 hours ago, Shades75 said:

Can you show us where Obama tapped Trump's phones?

Because that's what he said.

I have a feeling Trump doesn't Tweet.  I'm convinced that one was from Bannon, based on a Breitbart article (taken, bizarrely, from a Louise Mensch exclusive!) which never actually said Trump was the focus of the tapping.  Nobody, let alone President Obama, asked for a tap on Donald Trump.  

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1 hour ago, Randy Giles said:

People that quote Deplorable need killed.

Indeed. It's quite annoying when you've put the tedious waster on ignore. BTW did Banana get emptied? Not seen any of his attention-seeking drivel for weeks. 

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