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The Official Former President Trump thread


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Are the Democratic party setting themselves up for another humiliating loss in 2020 with the same old racebaiters and denial merchants in positions of power? Tucker Carlson hits it out of the park again.

Tucker Carlson lol.

Jon Stewart handing him his jotters is one of my favourite youtube clips of all time.
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So now one of the women who he said lied about assault claims is suing him for defamation. Just another day.

You can sue someone who claims you defamed them... for defamation?

Sounds lucrative.
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Tucker Carlson lol.

Jon Stewart handing him his jotters is one of my favourite youtube clips of all time.

Completely outmaneuvered by Stewart, crackin clip for understanding a particular debate 'winning' strategy and watching the slowly unraveling opponent.

What's your thoughts on the interview I posted?

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Completely outmaneuvered by Stewart, crackin clip for understanding a particular debate 'winning' strategy and watching the slowly unraveling opponent.
What's your thoughts on the interview I posted?

I watched the first few minutes but I don't have more time just now.

It seemed quite typical for fox. Carlson has an angle which he keeps coming back to - but he wasn't quite as irritating as I expected. Dnc didn't appear to be the brightest, but up to the point I watched very little caught my attention. I'll try to watch the rest later.
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13 hours ago, FlyerTon said:

This appeared in the 'Sunday Herald' TV section at the weekend.






President Trump: The Inauguration
4pm, BBC One/ STV
"After a long absence, The Twilight Zone returns with one of the most ambitious, expensive and controversial productions in broadcast history. Sci-fi writers have dabbled often with alternative history stories - among the most common is the "What If The Nazis Had Won The Second World War" setting - but this huge interactive virtual reality project, which will unfold on TV, in the press, and on Twitter over the next four years, sets out to build an ongoing alternative present.
The story begins in a nightmarish version of 2017 in which huge sections of the US electorate have somehow been duped into voting to make Donald Trump president. It sounds far-fetched, and it is, but as it goes on it becomes more and more chillingly plausible. Today's feature-length opener concentrates on the gaudy inauguration of President Trump, and the stirrings of protest and despair surrounding the ceremony, while pundits speculate gravely on what lies ahead. It's a flawed piece, but a disturbing glimpse of the horrors we could stumble into, if we're not careful."



I'd give the person that wrote that an Oscar.  And a kidney if he/she ever needed one.

6 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Chelsea Manning's sentence commuted by Obama. It will be interesting to see the Trumpets reaction to this now that Julian Assange is their new hero.

Slight tangent time, but Presidential pardons are one of the biggest abuses in so called democracies.  Not just in the U.S. either.

As an aside, Trump will start his Presidency with the lowest approval ratings amongst the electorate in recorded history.  Buy shares in Sunkist folks.

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6 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Chelsea Manning's sentence commuted by Obama. It will be interesting to see the Trumpets reaction to this now that Julian Assange is their new hero.

Obama was President when Manning got 35 years. He could have been commuted the sentence before now. 

So why did Obama wait? To help Clinton's campaign?

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2 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:

Obama was President when Manning got 35 years. He could have been commuted the sentence before now. 

So why did Obama wait? To help Clinton's campaign?

Perhaps he thought he'd done enough time? I don't see how it would have helped Clinton either way.

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Just now, welshbairn said:

Perhaps he thought he'd done enough time? I don't see how it would have helped Clinton either way.

The Republicans would have said that the Democrats were soft on espionage crime. 

The Wikileaks Twitter account said that Assange would give himself up to the US authorities if Manning was granted clemency.

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3 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:

The Wikileaks Twitter account said that Assange would give himself up to the US authorities if Manning was granted clemency.

Do you have a link for that? I'll donate £100 to the charity of your choice if Assange voluntarily hands himself over to the US authorities, who incidentally haven't charged him with anything. He's currently hiding from Swedish rape charges where extradition to the US is more difficult than from the UK.

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3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Do you have a link for that? I'll donate £100 to the charity of your choice if Assange voluntarily hands himself over to the US authorities, who incidentally haven't charged him with anything. He's currently hiding from Swedish rape charges where extradition to the US is more difficult than from the UK.

Give any donation to a cancer charity or hospice.

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5 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:

Give any donation to a cancer charity or hospice.

That tweet links to this document where I can see no offer of handing himself over, and little concern for the fate of Chelsea Manning.


I'll happily donate £100 to Highland Hospice if Assange voluntarily agrees to prison in the US. It's only right for you to make a token commitment of say £10 if he doesn't within, say, 6 months?

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8 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

That tweet links to this document where I can see no offer of handing himself over, and little concern for the fate of Chelsea Manning.


I'll happily donate £100 to Highland Hospice if Assange voluntarily agrees to prison in the US. It's only right for you to make a token commitment of say £10 if he doesn't within, say, 6 months?

Okay and I also doubt that Assange will agree to it. I'll give my money to the local hospice which cared for my neighbour last summer. Ironically, her Mum died of a similar illness, at the same age in that hospice. In fact, I'll give the money anyway. It's only a tenner.

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8 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Obama's trolling in the past month has been top notch. This might actually wind up more clowns than Israel. Delicious.

He must have his staffers working double time to find out what he can get away with. Shame he didn't do more of it in the last 8 years. Closing Guantanamo and moving the remaining uncharged prisoners to a luxury rehabilitation camp in Hawaii would be a nice goodbye.

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24 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Obama's trolling in the past month has been top notch. This might actually wind up more clowns than Israel. Delicious.

Top notch trolling eh?  Not much of a legacy for a two term President.

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51 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Top notch trolling eh?  Not much of a legacy for a two term President.


Racial tension and division has increased under Obama, a shameful legacy for America's first black President.

The Democrats will try to deflect the blame onto Trump.

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Chelsea Manning's sentence commuted by Obama. It will be interesting to see the Trumpets reaction to this now that Julian Assange is their new hero.

More interesting to see how the Trump haters react, given the current line about The Russians! hacking, etc.

Manning should never have been locked up imo, so am happy he has been released. I do wonder about Obama's motivation for releasing him at this late date, he's having quite the 'mare in recent weeks.

Granny on the ball for once re: the bizarre power given to outgoing presidents.
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1 hour ago, banana said:

More interesting to see how the Trump haters react, given the current line about The Russians! hacking, etc.

Manning should never have been locked up imo, so am happy he has been released. I do wonder about Obama's motivation for releasing him at this late date, he's having quite the 'mare in recent weeks.

Granny on the ball for once re: the bizarre power given to outgoing presidents.

Does this no also happen with the royals or am I wrong?

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